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Recherche ESG-DSL

Domain Specific Language for ESGs


Recherche Domain Specific Language(DSL) developed for Event Sequence Graph(ESG) drawing with a json file. To do so, DSL converts domain specific models into json.


Tech Stack

  • Java
  • Xtext



  1. Clone Project from Github Repository.
  2. If any error occurs on the modules ui, ui.tests, tests and ide then follow the road map given below:
  • For Windows => Window -> Preferences
  • For Mac => Click Eclipse -> Preferences
  • Java -> Expand Java's props -> Compiler -> Expand Build Path Problems -> Change Incomplete Build Path from Error to Warning!
  1. Then you should run the Eclipse Xtext Workflow. To do so:
  • Open com.mert.recherche, src/com.mertrecherche/MkDsl.xtext file
  • On this file right click and select Run As -> Generate Xtext Artifacts.
  • Wait until "Done." output on the console.
  1. Run Recherche DSL project as Eclipse Application.
  • On the parent folder(com.mert.recherche) right click and select Run As -> Run as Eclipse Application.


On the root of project you can find following samples.

  • For Simple ESG: simple_esg.mkdsl --> Output: simple_esg.json
  • For Refined ESG: refined_esg.mkdsl --> Output: refined_esg.json
  • For Simple ESG: decision_table.mkdsl --> Output: decision_table.json


Mert Kalecik


Associate Professor Dr. Tuğkan Tuğlular

Version History

  • 0.1
    • Initial Release