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Django with Mongo local setup


A Django project template for Mongo Engine. Following is the setup instruction for local setup.

NOTE: Though Mongo is the primary datastore, the project still uses SQL for some features: Session Management, Celery, etc. However, these can be completely overridden.

Version 0.1

Tech Stack

Following is the tech stack being used for main project:

  • [Django 1.8] - The core Web Framework
  • [Django Rest Framework 3.3.3] - For creating REST APIs
  • [Any SQL Database] - As datastore
  • [MongoDB 3.0] - As datastore
  • [MongoEngine 0.10] - To let Django talk to MongoDB
  • [Celery 3.1.23] - A task queue used for async processes and task scheduling
  • [Redis 2.8.4] - As message broker, a result backend for Celery and for caching
  • [Elastic Search] with [Haystack] for indexing data

Project Setup

  • Update ubuntu
sudo apt-get update
  • Install python-pip
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev git
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev
  • Install virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper:
sudo pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
sudo pip install --upgrade pip
  • Create a backup of the .bashrc file
cp ~/.bashrc ~/.bashrc-org
  • Create a directory to store all the virtual environments
mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
  • Set WORKON_HOME to virtual environments directory
export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
  • Open bashrc file
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
  • Add the following line at the end of bashrc file:
. /usr/local/bin/
  • Re-source terminal using the following command
source ~/.bashrc
  • Create new virtual environment
mkvirtualenv project_mongo
  • Activate the virtual environment
workon project_mongo
Fetching and Prepping the Project
  • Create a parent folder called sites
mkdir sites && cd sites
  • Clone the project
git clone
  • Rename project directory for consistency and cd
mv django_project_template_mongo/ project_mongo && cd project_mongo

NOTE: Install the following dependencies before installing Pillow:

sudo apt-get install libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev zlib1g-dev
  • Create a virtual env
mkvirtualenv project_mongo
  • Point the local settings file in the virtualenv postactivate hook
sudo nano ~/.virtualenvs/project_mongo/bin/postactivate
  • Add the following line
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=main.settings.local
  • Remove the pointer once the env is deactivated
sudo nano ~/.virtualenvs/project_mongo/bin/postdeactivate
  • Add the following line
  • Reactivate the virtual env
deactivate project_mongo
workon project_mongo
  • Install all the requirements
pip install -r requirements/local.txt
  • Run migrations
python migrate
  • Test by running
python runserver

Setting up Haystack and Elastic Search

Not required for now. Check _docs in case needed.

Setting up Celery

Not required for now. Check _docs in case needed.

Setting up Gunicorn

Not required for now. Check _docs in case needed.

Setting up Nginx

Not required for now. Check _docs in case needed.

Setup Supervisord

Not required for now. Check _docs in case needed.

Project Configuration

Project Settings
  • All the common settings live in main/settings/
  • Environment specific settings live in main/settings folder. For e.g., for dev env, we have Each setting file has a corresponding wsgi file in main/wsgis folder. The wsgi file points to the corresponding settings file.
Static Files

Static files are configured to live in site_static/


There are two requirement files: For local, install from requirements/local.txt. For any other hosted environment, install from requirements/server.txt


The project uses Sphinx for documentation. It can automatically create documentation from Doc Strings.

The project also uses Django Rest Swagger for API documentation. It picks up documentation from Doc Strings as well.

  • Add doc string in files
  • Document your APIs by adding doc strings in API classes
  • Add help_text in models. This will be automatically picked up by Sphinx and will be documented.

Unit Tests

The project uses Mongomock and for mongo related unit tests and Django Rest Framework for API unit tests.

Recommended tips

Sublime Text Editor

Use Sublime 3 for writing Python/Django code.


Install it from:


Follow this tutorial to configure Sublime for Python and Django:


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