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Additional Icon Fonts

The successor module to font. Now with 400% more fonts!


This module provides several FontAwesome-like icon fonts for use with FoundryVTT.

Homepage/list of icons
Prefix: ginf-
Usage: icon class only:

<i class="ginf-abstract-001"></i>

No extra classes required or provided.

Material Design icons by Pictogrammers

List of icons
Prefix: mdi-
Usage: domain class + icon class + optional modifiers:

// basic
<i class="mdi mdi-cable-data"></i>
// flipped
<i class="mdi mdi-cable-data mdi-flip-h"></i>

Further Documentation, including flip, rotate, and spin options.

Jam Icons

Homepage/list of icons
Prefix: jam-
Usage: icon class only

// basic
<i class="jam-"></i>


Homepage/list of icons
Prefixes: bx- (regular), bxs- (solid), bxl- (light)
Useage: domain class + icon class + optional modifiers:

// basic, solid
<i class="bx bxs-like"></i>
// flipped, large, spinning
<i class="bx bx-flip-horizontal bx-like bx-lg"></i>

Further Documentation including flip, rotate, fixed-with, size, and animation options.


I have chosen not to ship with the raw SVG files for any of these icon sets, they are all freely available for download from links found in this readme if you need them.

Known Issues

Right now the module is an almost 30mb download, and a large part of that is potentially redundant font files. Unfortunately I'm relying on the output of the svgtofont NPM package, and don't have enough real-world CSS knowledge to know what I can safely remove. If anyone would like to educate me on the subject, I would welcome that, else it'll be a research topic for when I have some free time eventually.


The module code that generates the fonts for game-icons and jam and organizes things is by me, released under the MIT License, found in the code as LICENSE

The licenses provided with each icon set can be found in the licences/ folder with only the file names altered.