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Release 4.4.0

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@naramski naramski released this 25 Jun 06:32
· 5642 commits to master since this release


[DSS-619] - XADES SignedProperties Reference
[DSS-621] - Extending previous -LTA PDF enter infinite loop.
[DSS-628] - Inclusive canonicalization
[DSS-639] - Method getRevocationReason doesn't work
[DSS-659] - ASiC: Do not compress mimetype file when creating extended document.
[DSS-660] - Use public key instead of certificate to verify CAdES signature integrity
[DSS-661] - CAdES signature with expired certificate returns invalid signature
[DSS-677] - NPE while extending ASiC signature in the applet
[DSS-678] - XML external entity vulnerability
[DSS-681] - Vulnerabilities in dependencies
[DSS-682] - WebApp doesn't use CommonDataLoader to contact TSP
[DSS-712] - Webapp : force encoding


[DSS-622] - Replace X509Certificat with CertificateToken
[DSS-624] - CertificateIdentifier contains static methods
[DSS-625] - uses internal proprietary API
[DSS-632] - Create new module for JAXB TSL model
[DSS-633] - Import cookbook example in source code
[DSS-634] - Reorganise Maven Module
[DSS-635] - Start Applet with JNLP
[DSS-636] - Don't rely on Maven code generation for diagnostic data model
[DSS-637] - Incorporate JRE and Tomcat as Maven Dependencies
[DSS-652] - CAdES : TimeStampType not supported : CONTENT_TIMESTAMP
[DSS-654] - Demo application should have DEBUG log level as a default.

New Feature

[DSS-647] - PAdES Add visible signature


[DSS-640] - Add unit test and integration test on signature mechanism
[DSS-651] - Validate PlugTest signatures