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Swipeable (touch devices only)

This project is showcasing how to apply an event factory to a Svelte-component in order to control swipe events and event forwarding better.


Here is a screenshot of a live demo on Netlify

Screenshot from Swipeable Mobile app

How it works

The swipeable event factory is found in the file events.ts.

Apply to Svelte component

To apply the swipeable events swipeStart, swipeEnd, swipeLeft, swipeRight, swipeUp, and swipeDown to a Svelte component, one must first import it inside the script tags, define options, and declare handler callbacks:

<script lang="ts">
    import { swipeable } from "./events";

    const swipeOptions = {
        minSwipe: 15,
        target: {
            up: 80,
            down: 80,
            left: 80,
            right: 80,
        ratio: 3,
    function handleSwipeStart(event) {
        // add your own code

and then apply to a JSX element using the use keyword from Svelte like so:

<SomeComponent use:swipeable={swipeOptions} on:swipeStart={handleSwipeStart}>

Swipe options

Here is an overview of the options one can set via the object swipeOptions:

** Description
minSwipe The minimum distance in pixels before one of the four directional swipeevents swipeX for X=Up,Down,Left,Right is potentially activated. Note that ratio also plays a role in activation
target Sets how many pixels in each of the four directions up,down,left,right is the target distance to fully activate the swipe in the given direction
ratio This sets the ratio between swiping vertically and swiping horizontally needed to activate one of the four swipe directions. If for instance ratio=3, this means that one must swipe 3 times as many pixels sideways as up-down to active a left or a right swipe. Note that minSwipe also plays a role in activation

Event details

For the four directional events, swipeUp, swipeDown, swipeLeft, and swipeRight, the following details are provided under event.detail:

** Description
start The position of the initial touch
direction 'up', 'down', 'left' or 'right'
distance How far the touch has traveled in a straight line from start position to current position in pixels
target The target in pixels for the given direction
dx The horizontal distance in pixels
dy The vertical distance in pixels (upside down)
drag How far the touch has swiped in the given direction in pixels
progress A ratio representing how far the drag has come towards reaching the target. 1 represents 100% meaning the target has been reached
clampedDrag The drag limited to the interval [0, target]
clampedProgress The progress limited to the interval [0, 1]


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