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executable file
80 lines (62 loc) · 3.61 KB

AT Binary Lists


.. toctree::
  :maxdepth: 1

  :esp32: ESP32 AT binaries <ESP32_AT_binaries>
  :esp32c3: ESP32-C3 AT binaries <ESP32-C3_AT_binaries>

Each of the linked above ESP-AT firmware contains several binaries dedicated to some specific functions, and the factory/factory_xxx.bin is the combination of all binaries. So you can either download the factory/factory_xxx.bin to address 0, or several binaries to different addresses according to download.config. Please refer to :ref:`Download AT Firmware <download-at-firmware>` for how to download.

  • at_customize.bin provides a user partition table, which lists the starting address and partition size for the ble_data.bin, SSL certificates, MQTT certificates, factory_param_XXX.bin, and so on. You can read and write contents of the partition listed in this file with the command :ref:`AT+FS <cmd-FS>` and :ref:`AT+SYSFLASH <cmd-SYSFLASH>`.

  • factory_param_XXX.bin indicates the hardware configurations for different {IDF_TARGET_NAME} modules (see the table below). Please make sure the correct bin is used for your specific module.


    If you design your own module, please configure and compile with reference to :doc:`../Compile_and_Develop/How_to_create_factory_parameter_bin`, and the binaries will be automatically generated after compilation. Or you can select firmware with similar configuration according to the configuration of UART pins,PSRAM,Flash (The premise is to ensure that the hardware meets the requirements. Please refer to :doc:`../Compile_and_Develop/esp-at_firmware_differences` for the firmware applicable to your module).

    When you flash the firmware into module according to the download.config, the customized_partitions/factory_param.bin should be replaced with the actual module-specific customized_partitions/factory_param_XXX.bin. UART CTS and RTS pins are optional.

.. only:: esp32

    - **ESP32 Series**

    .. list-table::
       :header-rows: 1

       * - Modules
         - UART Pins (TX, RX, CTS, RTS)
         - Factory Parameter Bin
       * - ESP32-WROOM-32 Series (ESP32 Default Module)
         - - GPIO17
           - GPIO16
           - GPIO15
           - GPIO14
         - ``factory_param_WROOM-32.bin``
       * - ESP32-WROVER Series (Supports Classic Bluetooth)
         - - GPIO22
           - GPIO19
           - GPIO15
           - GPIO14
         - ``factory_param_WROVER-32.bin``
       * - ESP32-PICO Series
         - - GPIO22
           - GPIO19
           - GPIO15
           - GPIO14
         - ``factory_param_PICO-D4.bin``
       * - ESP32-SOLO Series
         - - GPIO17
           - GPIO16
           - GPIO15
           - GPIO14
         - ``factory_param_SOLO-1.bin``

.. only:: esp32c3

    - **ESP32-C3 Series**

    .. list-table::
       :header-rows: 1

       * - Modules
         - UART Pins (TX, RX, CTS, RTS)
         - Factory Parameter Bin
       * - ESP32-C3-MINI Series
         - - GPIO7
           - GPIO6
           - GPIO5
           - GPIO4
         - ``factory_param_MINI-1.bin``

  • ble_data.bin provides Bluetooth LE services when the {IDF_TARGET_NAME} works as a Bluetooth LE server;
  • server_cert.bin, server_key.bin and server_ca.bin are examples of SSL server's certificate;
  • client_cert.bin, client_key.bin and client_ca.bin are examples of SSL client's certificate;
  • mqtt_cert.bin, mqtt_key.bin and mqtt_ca.bin are examples of MQTT SSL client's certificate;

If some of the functions are not used, then the corresponding binaries need not to be downloaded into flash.