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ESP32 ROM console

When an ESP32 is unable to boot from flash ROM (and the fuse disabling it hasn't been blown), it boots into a rom console. The console is based on TinyBasic, and statements entered should be in the form of BASIC statements. As is common in the BASIC language, without a preceeding line number, commands entered are executed immediately; lines with a prefixed line number are stored as part of a program.

Full list of supported statements and functions


  • BYE - exits Basic, reboots ESP32, retries booting from flash
  • END - stops execution from the program, also "STOP"
  • MEM - displays memory usage statistics
  • NEW - clears the current program
  • RUN - executes the current program

IO, Documentation

  • PEEK( address ) - get a 32-bit value from a memory address
  • POKE - write a 32-bit value to memory
  • USR(addr, arg1, ..) - Execute a machine language function
  • PRINT expression - print out the expression, also "?"
  • PHEX expression - print expression as a hex number
  • REM stuff - remark/comment, also "'"

Expressions, Math

  • A=V, LET A=V - assign value to a variable
  • +, -, *, / - Math
  • <,<=,=,<>,!=,>=,> - Comparisons
  • ABS( expression ) - returns the absolute value of the expression
  • RSEED( v ) - sets the random seed to v
  • RND( m ) - returns a random number from 0 to m
  • A=1234 - * Assign a decimal value*
  • A=&h1A2 - * Assign a hex value*
  • A=&b1001 - Assign a binary value


  • IF expression statement - perform statement if expression is true
  • FOR variable = start TO end - start for block
  • FOR variable = start TO end STEP value - start for block with step
  • NEXT - end of for block
  • GOTO linenumber - continue execution at this line number
  • GOSUB linenumber - call a subroutine at this line number
  • RETURN - return from a subroutine
  • DELAY - Delay a given number of milliseconds

Pin IO

  • IODIR - Set a GPIO-pin as an output (1) or input (0)
  • IOSET - Set a GPIO-pin, configured as output, to high (1) or low (0)
  • IOGET - Get the value of a GPIO-pin

Example programs

Here are a few example commands and programs to get you started...

Read UART_DATE register of uart0

> PHEX PEEK(&h3FF40078)

Set GPIO2 using memory writes to GPIO_OUT_REG

Note: you can do this easier with the IOSET command

> POKE &h3FF44004,PEEK(&h3FF44004) OR &b100

Get value of GPIO0

> IODIR 0,0

Blink LED

Hook up an LED between GPIO2 and ground. When running the program, the LED should blink 10 times.

10 IODIR 2,1
20 FOR A=1 TO 10
30 IOSET 2,1
40 DELAY 250
50 IOSET 2,0
60 DELAY 250


The ROM console is based on "TinyBasicPlus" by Mike Field and Scott Lawrence, which is based on "68000 TinyBasic" by Gordon Brandly