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Using Kubernetes for Oauth2_proxy

In this tutorial we are going to set up a Kubernetes minion server that combines a basic guestbook app with oauth2_proxy.


Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration and management system.

Let's get started.

This tutorial assumes you have a functioning Kubernetes cluster. I did this in AWS.



This tutorial is based on the Kubernetes guestbook example. I have added a few adjustments to this in a git repository, but for most of it, you can follow along with their documentation.

1. Set up Redis Deployment and Service

  • Set Up Redis Master Deployment .yaml file
  • Set Up Redis Master Service .yaml file
  • Create Redis Master Service, the Redis Master Deployment.

2. Check Services, Deployments, and Pods

  • Using kubectl, check your services, pods, and deployments. You can also check the logs of a single pod. The instructions on how to do this are in Kubernetes guestbook readme.

3. Repeat Steps 1 & 2 for Redis Slave Service and Deployment, as well as the Front end Service and Deployment.

4. Create an additional External Elastic Load Balancer in AWS (or somewhere else).

  • This allows external traffic into our minion.
  • I'll let you figure this one out.
  • There is an appendix in the guestbook docs on this.

5. Set up Oauth2_proxy Service

  • I assume you know something about oauth2_proxy. If not, read the documentation.
  • The .yaml files for oauth2_proxy can be found in my git repository
  • Set up an oauth2proxy_service.yaml file as follows:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: oauth2-proxy
    app: oauth2-proxy
    tier: backend
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 4180
    app: oauth2-proxy
    tier: backend   

6. Create the Oauth2_proxy Service

7. Set up Oauth2_proxy Deployment

  • I assume you know something about oauth2_proxy. If not, read the documentation.
  • Set up an oauth2proxy_deployment.yaml file as follows:
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
  name: oauth2-proxy
  replicas: 1
        app: oauth2-proxy
        tier: backend
      - name: oauth2-proxy
        # This sets the port at 4180
        image: estelora/oauth2_proxy
        - mountPath: /etc/nginx/conf.d
          name: nginx-volume
        - containerPort: 4180
        # Please set these variables for your project.
        - oauth2_proxy
        # Here is an example of service discovery.
        - --upstream=http://frontend
        - --client-secret="google-client-secret"
        - --redirect-url=
        - --cookie-secret="secret-chocolate-chip-cookie"
        # This variable stays the same - this is an internal IP
        - --http-address=
  • The port is set to 4180 in the container, service, and deployment.
  • The command: sets up oauth2_proxy command line arguments.
  • The upstream shows Kubernetes' service discovery - the internal address is http://frontend.

8. Create the Oauth2_proxy Service

9. Debug Network Issues as necessary!

  • You can adjust your network with .yaml on the Kubernetes side.
  • You can use kubectl logs and ssh into a docker container itself.
  • Adjust firewalls for both your services and external load balancers.
Kuberenetes Glossary
  • Deployment: a set of parameters for the desired state of pods.
  • Minion: a server that performs work, configures networking for containers, and runs tasks assigned to containers.
  • Service: an internal load balancer.
  • Node: provisioned hardware (in this case, a VM in the cloud).
  • Pod: container or group of containers that support each other to run tasks.
  • Service Discovery: allows you to hard-code host names within your Kubernetes minion into your code.
  • Containers: a Docker container or google container.