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breaking out our value and address types into their own headers
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eteran committed Aug 23, 2018
1 parent 0117758 commit 06f65f4
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Showing 4 changed files with 359 additions and 327 deletions.
31 changes: 31 additions & 0 deletions include/Address.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@

#ifndef ADDRESS_H_
#define ADDRESS_H_

#include "Value.h"

namespace edb {

class EDB_EXPORT address_t : public value64 {
QString toPointerString(bool createdFromNativePointer = true) const;
QString toHexString() const;

template <class SmallData>
static address_t fromZeroExtended(const SmallData& data) {
return value64::fromZeroExtended(data);

template<class T>
address_t(const T& val) : value64(val) {

address_t() = default;
void normalize();

using reg_t = address_t;


333 changes: 6 additions & 327 deletions include/Types.h
Expand Up @@ -20,24 +20,12 @@ along with this program. If not, see <>.
#define TYPES_20071127_H_

#include "API.h"
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <array>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
#include <limits>
#include "Value.h"
#include "Address.h"

#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <vector>

class Register;

#ifdef _MSC_VER
extern "C" EDB_EXPORT void __fastcall long_double_to_double(const void* src, double* dest);
#include <QString>

namespace edb {

Expand All @@ -50,313 +38,6 @@ enum EVENT_STATUS {

namespace detail {

template <int N>
struct sized_uint {};

template <> struct sized_uint<8> { using type = uint8_t; };
template <> struct sized_uint<16> { using type = uint16_t; };
template <> struct sized_uint<32> { using type = uint32_t; };
template <> struct sized_uint<64> { using type = uint64_t; };

template <int ElementWidth, int ElementCount>
class ValueBase {
static_assert(ElementCount > 0, "ValueBase::value_ must be non-empty");

using ValueType = std::array<typename sized_uint<ElementWidth>::type, ElementCount>;
ValueType value_;

explicit ValueBase(const std::vector<std::uint8_t>& data,std::size_t offset = 0) {
assert(data.size() - offset >= sizeof(ValueType)); // check bounds, this can't be done at compile time

auto dataStart = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&data);
std::memcpy(&value_, dataStart + offset, sizeof(value_));

template <class Data>
explicit ValueBase(const Data& data, std::size_t offset = 0) {
static_assert(sizeof(Data) >= sizeof(ValueType), "ValueBase can only be constructed from large enough variable");
#if defined __GNUG__ && __GNUC__ >= 5 || !defined __GNUG__ || defined __clang__ && __clang_major__*100+__clang_minor__>=306
static_assert(std::is_trivially_copyable<Data>::value, "ValueBase can only be constructed from trivially copiable data");

assert(sizeof(Data) - offset >= sizeof(ValueType)); // check bounds, this can't be done at compile time

auto dataStart = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&data);
std::memcpy(&value_, dataStart + offset, sizeof(value_));

template <class SmallData>
void copyZeroExtended(const SmallData& data) {
static_assert(sizeof(SmallData) <= sizeof(ValueType), "It doesn't make sense to expand a larger type into a smaller type");

auto dataStart = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&data);
auto target = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&value_);

std::memcpy(target, dataStart, sizeof(data));
std::memset(target + sizeof(data), 0, sizeof(value_) - sizeof(data));

ValueBase() = default;

QString toHexString() const {
std::ostringstream ss;

for(auto it = value_.rbegin(); it != value_.rend(); ++it) {
ss << std::setw(sizeof(*it) * 2) << std::setfill('0') << std::hex << +*it; // + to prevent printing uint8_t as a character

return QString::fromStdString(ss.str());

ValueType& value() { return value_; }
const ValueType& value() const { return value_; }
bool operator==(const ValueBase& other) const { return value_ == other.value_; }
bool operator!=(const ValueBase& other) const { return !(*this == other); }

template <int N>
class SizedValue : public ValueBase<N,1> {
static_assert((N % 8) == 0, "SizedValue must have multiple of 8 bits in size");

using InnerValueType = typename sized_uint<N>::type;

SizedValue() = default;

template <class Data, typename = typename std::enable_if<!std::is_floating_point<Data>::value && !std::is_integral<Data>::value>::type>
explicit SizedValue (const Data& data, std::size_t offset = 0) : ValueBase<N,1>(data,offset) {
static_assert(sizeof(SizedValue) * 8 == N, "Size is broken!");

template <class Float, typename dummy = void, typename check = typename std::enable_if<std::is_floating_point<Float>::value>::type>
explicit SizedValue(Float floatVal) {
this->value_[0] = floatVal;

template <class Integer, typename = typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<Integer>::value>::type>
SizedValue(Integer integer) {
this->value_[0] = integer;

SizedValue(const Register&) = delete;

template <class SmallData>
static SizedValue fromZeroExtended(const SmallData& data) {
SizedValue created;
return created;

static SizedValue fromString(const QString& str, bool* ok = nullptr, int base = 10, bool Signed = false) {

const qulonglong v = Signed ? str.toLongLong(ok, base) : str.toULongLong(ok, base);

if(ok && !*ok) {
return SizedValue(0);

// Check that the result fits into InnerValueType
SizedValue result(v);
if(result == v) {
return result;

if(ok) {
*ok = false;

return SizedValue(0);

static SizedValue fromHexString(const QString& str, bool* ok = nullptr) { return fromString(str, ok, 16); }
static SizedValue fromSignedString(const QString& str, bool* ok = nullptr) { return fromString(str, ok, 10, true); }
static SizedValue fromCString(const QString& str, bool* ok = nullptr) { return fromString(str, ok, 0); }

operator InnerValueType() const { return this->value_[0]; }

QVariant toQVariant() const { return QVariant::fromValue(this->value_[0]); }

SizedValue signExtended(std::size_t valueLength) const {

SizedValue result(*this);

if(valueLength == sizeof(*this)) {
return result;

if(this->value_[0] & (1ull << (valueLength * 8 - 1))) {
result = -1ll;
std::memcpy(&result, this, valueLength);

return result;

QString toString() const { return QString("%1").arg(this->value_[0]); }
QString unsignedToString() const { return toString(); }
QString signedToString() const { return QString("%1").arg(typename std::make_signed<InnerValueType>::type(this->value_[0])); }

using ValueBase<N,1>::operator==;
using ValueBase<N,1>::operator!=;

template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, bool>::type operator == (RHS rhs) const { return this->value_[0] == static_cast<InnerValueType>(rhs); }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, bool>::type operator != (RHS rhs) const { return this->value_[0] != static_cast<InnerValueType>(rhs); }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, bool>::type operator > (RHS rhs) const { return this->value_[0] > rhs; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, bool>::type operator < (RHS rhs) const { return this->value_[0] < rhs; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, bool>::type operator >= (RHS rhs) const { return this->value_[0] >= rhs; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, bool>::type operator <= (RHS rhs) const { return this->value_[0] <= rhs; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator + (RHS rhs) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] + rhs); }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator - (RHS rhs) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] - rhs); }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator & (RHS rhs) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] & rhs); }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator % (RHS rhs) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] % rhs); }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator += (RHS rhs) { this->value_[0] += rhs; return *this; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator -= (RHS rhs) { this->value_[0] -= rhs; return *this; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator ^= (RHS rhs) { this->value_[0] ^= rhs; return *this; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator &= (RHS rhs) { this->value_[0] &= rhs; return *this; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator |= (RHS rhs) { this->value_[0] |= rhs; return *this; }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator >> (RHS rhs) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] >> rhs); }
template<class RHS> typename std::enable_if<std::is_integral<RHS>::value, SizedValue>::type operator << (RHS rhs) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] << rhs); }

bool operator > (SizedValue other) const { return this->value_[0] > other.value_[0]; }
bool operator < (SizedValue other) const { return this->value_[0] < other.value_[0]; }
bool operator >= (SizedValue other) const { return this->value_[0] >= other.value_[0]; }
bool operator <= (SizedValue other) const { return this->value_[0] <= other.value_[0]; }
SizedValue operator + (const SizedValue& other) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] + other.value_[0]); }
SizedValue operator - (const SizedValue& other) const { return SizedValue(this->value_[0] - other.value_[0]); }
SizedValue operator += (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] += other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator -= (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] -= other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator ^= (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] ^= other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator &= (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] &= other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator |= (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] |= other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator <<=(SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] <<=other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator >>=(SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] >>=other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator *= (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] *= other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator /= (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] /= other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator %= (SizedValue other) { this->value_[0] %= other.value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator ++ (int) { SizedValue copy(*this); ++this->value_[0]; return copy; }
SizedValue operator ++ () { ++this->value_[0]; return *this; }
SizedValue operator + () const { return *this; }
InnerValueType toUint() const { return this->value_[0]; }
InnerValueType& asUint() { return this->value_[0]; }
bool negative() const { return this->value_.back()>>(std::numeric_limits<InnerValueType>::digits-1); }

// Not using long double because for e.g. x86_64 it has 128 bits.
struct EDB_EXPORT Value80 : public ValueBase<16,5> {
Value80() = default;

template <class Data>
explicit Value80 (const Data& data, std::size_t offset=0) : ValueBase<16,5>(data,offset) {
static_assert(sizeof(Value80) * 8 == 80, "Size is broken!");

template <class SmallData>
static Value80 fromZeroExtended(const SmallData& data) {
Value80 created;
return created;

long double toFloatValue() const {
#ifdef _MSC_VER
double d;
long_double_to_double(&value_, &d);
return d;
long double float80val;
std::memcpy(&float80val, &value_, sizeof(value_));
return float80val;

QString toString() const {
std::ostringstream ss;
ss << std::showpos << std::setprecision(20) << toFloatValue();
return QString::fromStdString(ss.str());

bool negative() const { return value_[4] & 0x8000; }
SizedValue<16> exponent() const { return value_[4] & 0x7fff; }
SizedValue<64> mantissa() const { return SizedValue<64>(value_); }

static constexpr int LargeSizedValueElementWidth = 64;

template <int N>
struct LargeSizedValue : public ValueBase<LargeSizedValueElementWidth, N / LargeSizedValueElementWidth> {
using BaseClass = ValueBase<LargeSizedValueElementWidth, N / LargeSizedValueElementWidth>;

static_assert(N % LargeSizedValueElementWidth == 0, "LargeSizedValue must have multiple of 64 bits in size");

LargeSizedValue() = default;

template <class Data>
explicit LargeSizedValue (const Data& data, std::size_t offset = 0) : BaseClass(data,offset) {
static_assert(sizeof(LargeSizedValue) * 8 == N, "Size is broken!");

template <class SmallData>
static LargeSizedValue fromZeroExtended(const SmallData& data) {
LargeSizedValue created;
return created;

// GPR on x86
using value8 = detail::SizedValue<8>;
using value16 = detail::SizedValue<16>;
using value32 = detail::SizedValue<32>;

// MMX/GPR(x86_64)
using value64 = detail::SizedValue<64>;

// FPU
using value80 = detail::Value80;

// SSE
using value128 = detail::LargeSizedValue<128>;

// AVX
using value256 = detail::LargeSizedValue<256>;

// AVX512
using value512 = detail::LargeSizedValue<512>;

static_assert(std::is_standard_layout<value8>::value &&
std::is_standard_layout<value16>::value &&
std::is_standard_layout<value32>::value &&
std::is_standard_layout<value64>::value &&
std::is_standard_layout<value80>::value &&
std::is_standard_layout<value128>::value &&
std::is_standard_layout<value256>::value &&
std::is_standard_layout<value512>::value, "Fixed-sized values are intended to have standard layout");

class EDB_EXPORT address_t : public value64 {
QString toPointerString(bool createdFromNativePointer = true) const;
QString toHexString() const;

template <class SmallData>
static address_t fromZeroExtended(const SmallData& data) {
return value64::fromZeroExtended(data);

template<class T>
address_t(const T& val) : value64(val) {

address_t() = default;
void normalize();

using reg_t = address_t;


template<class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,edb::value8 >::value ||
Expand All @@ -365,8 +46,7 @@ template<class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,edb::value8 >::value ||
std::is_same<T,edb::value64>::value ||
std::is_same<T,edb::reg_t>::value ||
std::istream&>::type operator>>(std::istream& os, T& val)
std::istream&>::type operator>>(std::istream& os, T& val) {
os >> val.asUint();
return os;
Expand All @@ -377,8 +57,7 @@ template<class T> typename std::enable_if<std::is_same<T,edb::value8 >::value ||
std::is_same<T,edb::value64>::value ||
std::is_same<T,edb::reg_t>::value ||
std::ostream&>::type operator<<(std::ostream& os, T val)
std::ostream&>::type operator<<(std::ostream& os, T val) {
os << val.toUint();
return os;
Expand Down

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