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The Language Model Transport Protocol

The Language Model Transport Protocol (LMTP) is a lightweight transport-agnostic protocol for streaming language model output between peers, processes, backends and frontend applications.

It relies on the idea of separating model loading and inference into a separate process (long-lived), which is then communicated with via a simple protocol. This allows for the model to be loaded once and then used by multiple clients, which each can be short-lived, startup and shutdown quickly, and be written in any language. For example, in the context of LMQL, LMTP's architecture looks as follows:


Read more about using LMTP in LMQL, in the LMQL documentation.

Communication Channels

LMTP relies on two asynchronous communication channels:

  • Inference Process -> Client This channel is used to send (multiple streams) of currently generated tokens to the client. Tokens from different streams are interleaved, but the order of tokens within a stream is preserved.

  • Client -> Inference Process This channel is used to send new generation requests to the inference process. New generation requests can be sent at any time, and the inference process will respond with a stream of tokens as soon as it schedules the request.


LMTP is based on a simple message-based two-way protocol. Each message is a single line of text of the following format:


The following MESSAGE_TYPE values are supported:

  • TOKEN This message type is used by the inference process to send token data to the client. The JSON data is of the following format:

    TOKEN [
            'token': 1256, 
            'stream_id': 1, 
            'logprob': -99.37353515625, 
            'finish_reason': None, 
            'top_logprobs': {
                '1256': -99.37353515625

    JSON is formatted for readability, but is sent as a single line of text.

    The TOKEN message contains a list of tokens (for message efficiency) with fields as shown above. Each sent token is associated with a stream_id as previously set by a client's GENERATE or SCORE request.

  • GENERATE This message is used to begin a new generation stream of tokens.

        "temperature": 1.2, 
        "max_tokens": 64, 
        "logit_bias": {"1": 100}, 
        "model": "gpt2-medium", 
        "prompt": [15496, 220], 
        "stream_id": 1

    As JSON data, a client provides decoder arguments such as temperature and max_tokens, but also logit masks and the prompt (of tokenized input IDs). Most importantly, each GENERATE request has a (session) unique stream ID that allows to distinguish between different streams of tokens, once they are received.

  • SCORE This message can be used to obtain scores (log probabilities) for a sequence of tokens. It behaves just like GENERATE, but in addition to the prompt field, it also accepts a scored field of additional tokens that will be scored, appending them to prompt.

    The resulting token stream looks just like a generation stream, however, without the top_logprobs attribute.

  • MODEL_INFO This message can be sent by a client to request metadata about the hosted model from the inference process. The response is a MSG message with the same stream_id and a model_info attribute.

        "stream_id": 1,
        "model": "gpt2-medium@,
        "data": {...}
  • MSG This message is used for server-to-client communication, when a request does not require a streamed response but a single message. For example, the MODEL_INFO request is answered with a MSG message:

    MSG {
        "stream_id": 1, 
        "model_info": {
            "model": "gpt2-medium", 
            "constructor": "AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained('gpt2-medium')",

Testing this Implementation

To test this implementation, first install the main branch of lmql and then run the following commands:

Start the inference process:

lmql serve-model gpt2-medium --cuda

Note: If you specify no model or set it to auto, models will be loaded on-demand depending on the requested model name.

Start the interactive client:

python src/lmql/models/lmtp/  gpt2-medium

In the interactive client, you can now enter a prompt and see the generated tokens as they are received from the inference process. To specify custom parameters just add them to the end of the prompt, e.g.:

>>>> Hello there temperature=1.2

Example Trace


> lmql serve-model --cuda gpt2-medium
[Loading gpt2-medium with AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(gpt2-medium, 'device_map': 'auto')]
======== Running on http://localhost:8080 ========
(Press CTRL+C to quit)
[gpt2-medium ready on device cuda:0]
GENERATE {"model": "gpt2-medium", "prompt": [15496, 612, 220], "stream_id": 1}


>>>> Hello there max_tokens=5
>>>> {'token': 10185, 'stream_id': 2, 'logprob': -42.2973747253418, 'finish_reason': None, 'top_logprobs': {'10185': -42.2973747253418}}
>>>> {'token': 198, 'stream_id': 2, 'logprob': -49.23591613769531, 'finish_reason': None, 'top_logprobs': {'198': -49.23591613769531}}
>>>> {'token': 198, 'stream_id': 2, 'logprob': 21.557533264160156, 'finish_reason': None, 'top_logprobs': {'198': 21.557533264160156}}
>>>> {'token': 40, 'stream_id': 2, 'logprob': -91.37769317626953, 'finish_reason': None, 'top_logprobs': {'40': -91.37769317626953}}
>>>> {'token': 1101, 'stream_id': 2, 'logprob': -131.75880432128906, 'finish_reason': 'length', 'top_logprobs': {'1101': -131.75880432128906}}
Hello there !!!


Future Work

  • Text Mode: Currently LMTP assumes that client's send and receive tokens as token IDs. This makes sense in the setting of LMQL and allows token-wise streaming, even in the presence of multibyte characters. However, for simplified use, a text mode would be useful, where the server already sends detokenized text to the client.

  • Buffers: With multi-part prompts, instead of sending the same prompt with each request, token buffers could allow stateful re-use of data already send with previous requests, and/or generated by the resulting token streams.

  • System Messages: Allow the server to send system messages to inform the client about possible delays (e.g. when a model is still loading)

  • Error Handling/Retry Streams: More streamlined error handling (currently errors are TOKEN messages with error attribute only). Ideally, clients should be allowed to timeout when waiting on token streams and retry them to avoid lagging requests.