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Reformat ActionScript 3 class files to JavaScript.

Forked from 06_jw as2js by Ethan Kennerly.


  • Manually conform ActionScript to JavaScript by each item in not supported.

  • Reformat:

    python [ ...]

  • Manually conform JavaScript requires and libraries.


  • Static functions.

  • Windows or Unix line endings.

  • Print text.

  • Declared, undefined variable.

  • Either order of declaring static.

  • Declare member variables.

  • Extend class idiom.

  • Methods in extend idiom.

  • Static methods.

  • Specify multiple files.

  • Configuration class to extend.

  • Remove data type from each local variable.

  • Nested brackets.

  • Dedent methods.

  • Default arguments.

  • Constants.

  • Constructor member variable reassignment.

  • Reformat import statement as node.js require.

  • Auto prefix member access with this.

  • Auto prefix static access with class name.

  • Reformat AS3 to untyped, explicit scope to test.

  • Trace statement to a log message.

  • Reformat super to


  • Preserve class comment.

  • Preserve variable comment.

  • Configure substitute require paths.

  • Override default configurations.

  • Remove data type from Try/catch.

  • Simple type casting with "as" operator.

  • Simple pattern of "is" into "instanceof".

  • Typecasting with int(float) syntax using Math.floor.

  • Strip wildcard data type


  • Vector to Array.

    :args .as :argdo %s/Vector.<[^>]>/Array/gIce | update

  • Vector literal to Array literal.

    :args .as :argdo %s/new <[^>]>//gIce | update

  • Nested Vector to Array.

    :lvimgrep /Vector./ *.as

Not supported

Vim commands are listed for some of these manual translations.

  • Ignore variables that are commented out by a line comment.

  • Block comment in a function.

  • Variable assignment to a commented line followed by another line with value. Example:

    var a = // 1; 2;

  • Block comment on a single line.

  • Logical-assignments such as: a ||= b. Instead does support

    a = a || b

  • Set undefined static property to undefined.

  • Static-only class needs no extend, so "extend" part could be replaced with an empty object {}.

  • Integer constants like:


  • Scoping is unaware of quoted string context.

  • Multiple variables assigned with a comma.

    :lvimgrep / var [^;], [^;]:[A-Za-z*]/ *.as

  • Extending a base class other than the configuration baseClass.

    :lvimgrep / extends / *.as

  • Reformat super call to another function to


    :lvimgrep /<super>/ *.as

  • Typecasting with MyType(variable) syntax. Replace with "instanceof".

    :lvimgrep / uint(/ *.as

  • Preserve line comment before a member variable or function.

    :lvimgrep /^ // / *.as

  • Integer constants, such as


    :lvimgrep /<int./ *.as

  • Auto prefix private variables with underscore.

    :args *.as :argdo %s/private var /private var _/gIce

  • Apply Math.floor to float converted to an int or uint. Such as during random index.

    :args *.as :argdo %s/(:int = )([^;]random[^;];)/\1Math.floor(\2)/gIce | update

  • Comments or parentheses in function arguments or variable definitions.

  • Vim in-place: Read text from standard input and return text for use in vim

    :%!python -m as2js/

  • Variable or method with undeclared namespace.

    :lvimgrep /^ var / *.as :lvimgrep /^ function / *.as

  • Translate for each. Example: "for each(a in b){...}" into "for (var i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { var a = b[i]; ...}

    :lvimgrep /<for each>/ *.as

  • Include comment on return type and parameter type.

    :lvimgrep / function/ *.as

  • ActionScript 'get' and 'set' functions.

    :lvimgrep / function [gs]et / *.as

  • Require classes in same folder as this class. Can explicitly include import.

    :lvimgrep /MyClass/ *.as

  • Does not tolerate missing semicolon after a variable definition.

    :lvimgrep / var .*[^;]$/ *.as

  • Multiple classes per file.

  • Nonalphanumeric variable and function characters like '$'.

    :lvimgrep /$/ *.js

  • Static is defined first in ActionScript but last in this idiom of JavaScript. So default assignments won't be found.

  • Globals.

  • References to classes created by Flash Professional.
    ActionScript compiler needs the literal class to avoid pruning.
    Strings are more portable than classes. These class references could be quoted, for example:


  • Preprocessor directives such as "include".

    :argdo /#include

  • Flash utilities like Dictionary, getTimer, setTimeout, and others.

  • Anything else not mentioned in features above.

Not supported Flash: to Cocos2D v2

  • .parent: getParent() or setParent()

    :args *.js :argdo %s/.parent>/.getParent()/gIce | update

  • .visible: isVisible() or setVisible()

    :args *.js :%s/.visible = /.setVisible(/gIce | update :%s/.visible>/.isVisible(/gIce | update

  • .mouseEnabled: isEnabled(), setEnabled()

  • .numChildren: getChildCount() or getChildren()

  • .addChildAt(child, z): addChild(child, z)

  • Custom function on parent: parent.removeAllChildren()

  • addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK: Control button callback.

Not supported Flash: to SpriteBuilder-Reader-js


  • .name: getName() or setName() (v3)

  • .gotoAndPlay: animationManager.runAnimations


  • .currentLabel: .animationManager.getRunningSequenceName()

    :args *.js :argdo %s/.currentLabel/.animationManager.getRunningSequenceName()/gIce | update


converts as3 2 js







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  • ActionScript 40.2%
  • JavaScript 21.5%
  • Vim Script 20.2%
  • Python 18.1%