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Poruka - Networked finance for social alliance.

EthBerlin Hackathon 2022

Employee data

Project Description

Poruka is a credit coordination layer that enables users to set their own interest terms, and reshapes interest into a positive-sum mechanism for community savings. Poruka fetches your real-life address book to connect you with people you would want to open a lending relationship with. Lenders decide if they will charge interest to the borrower, and if so, half the interest goes to the lender, and half to a community savings account.

How it works

  1. Sign in with your wallet: If previously connected with IDriss, people you are already connected with will appear on a list. Select the people you want to add as a contact. Otherwise, you can add contacts by inputting their wallet addresses.

Lender: 2. Select people: Select the people you want to extend a line of credit to, input the amount you are providing, and if desired, choose what interest rate you would like to lend at.

Borrower: 2. Select offers: Select which credit lines you would like to withdraw from and input the amount you want to withdraw.

  1. Reimburse your line: If expected, pay back your provider by inputting the amount field.

Tech we used

  • React frontend
  • Flask backend
  • Figma for mockups
  • IDriss ts-library as a mapping of Twitter names and wallet addresses
  • Twitter API for user authentication and to fetch followers
  • IDriss Send to send credit line vouchers (NFTs) to Twitter accounts that do not have a wallet yet
  • Integration into IDriss browser extension to reach Poruka from Twitter
  • Smart Contracts deployed on Goerli

Team members :

Lennard @levertz_

Lauren @hexxy0x

Andrew @ndreij

Yanis @yanis_mezn

Brage @2xic_

Contact Information :


Twitter: @GiveWithPoruka

Video Link :

Demo Video Presentation Figma Prototype