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Design and UX in web3
Introduction to UX design and research in web3 space and Ethereum

Are you new to designing with Ethereum? This is the right place for you. The Ethereum community has written resources to introduce you to web3 design and research basics. You'll learn about core concepts that may differ from other app designs you're familiar with.

Need a more basic understanding of web3 first? Check out Learn hub.

Start with user research {#start-with-user-research}

Effective design goes beyond creating visually appealing user interfaces. It involves gaining a deep understanding of the user's needs, objectives, and driving factors. Therefore, we highly recommend that all designers adopt a design process, such as the double diamond process, to ensure that their work is deliberate and intentional.

Research studies in web3 {#research-in-web3}

This is a curated list of user research done in web3 that may help with design and product decisions or work as an inspiration to conduct own study.

Area of focus Name
Crypto onboarding CRADL: Crypto Research and Design Lab
Crypto onboarding CRADL: UX in Cryptocurrency
Crypto onboarding CRADL: Onboarding to Cryptocurrency
Crypto onboarding Bitcoin UX report
Crypto onboarding ConSensys: The State of Web3 perception around the world 2023
Crypto onboarding NEAR: Accelerating the journey towards adoption
Staking Staking: Key trends, takeaways, and predictions - Eth Staker
Staking Multi App Staking
DAO 2022 DAO Research Update: What do DAO Builders Need?
DeFi The state of Defi 2023
DeFi Coverage pools
DeFi ConSensys: DeFi User Research Report 2022
Metaverse Metaverse: User Research Report
Metaverse Going on Safari: Researching Users in the Metaverse (video, 27 min) UX stats Usability and user satisfaction survey dashboard -

Design for web3 {#design-for-web3}

Web3 Design Case Studies {#design-case-studies}

Design Bounties {#bounties}

Design DAOs and communities {#design-daos-and-communities}

Get involved in professional community-driven organizations or join design groups to discuss design and research related topics and trends with other members.

Design Systems {#design-systems}

Articles and projects listed on this page are not official endorsements, and are provided for informational purposes only. We add links to this page based on criteria in our listing policy. If you'd like us to add a project/article, edit this page on GitHub.