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Alsages (v1.13.13)

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@fjl fjl released this 21 Feb 14:49
· 21 commits to release/1.13 since this release

This is a minor release with fixes for several issues related to the upcoming Cancun mainnet fork. As such, it is recommended for all mainnet users.

Changes in this release:

  • Block-building performance with blob transactions has been improved a lot. (#29026, #29008, #29005)
  • A corner case in the EVM related to out-of-order fork scheduling has been fixed. (#29023)
  • eth_fillTransaction has seen some bug fixes related to blob transactions as well. (#28929, #29037)
  • A rare panic in the ethstats client related to chain reorgs is resolved. (#29020)
  • The blobpool database will now recover from disk corruption faults instead of crashing geth on startup. (#29001)
  • Geth now implements getClientVersionV1 on the Engine API endpoint. (#28915, #28994)

Go API changes:

  • ethereum.CallMsg now contains EIP-4844 related fields (#28989)
  • core.GenesisAlloc is now available from package core/types. We hope this change will reduce external dependencies on package core. (#29003)

For a full rundown of the changes please consult the Geth 1.13.13 release milestone.

As with all our previous releases, you can find the: