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Updated README API documentation according to PR #47 (Geth compatibil…
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holgerd77 committed May 17, 2018
1 parent 78e23e8 commit cafa973
Showing 1 changed file with 93 additions and 47 deletions.
140 changes: 93 additions & 47 deletions
Expand Up @@ -9,84 +9,130 @@ A module to store and interact with blocks.
`npm install ethereumjs-blockchain`


The following is an example to iterate through an existing Geth DB (needs ``leveldown`` to be
installed separately):

const levelup = require('levelup')
const leveldown = require('leveldown')
const Blockchain = require('./index.js')
const utils = require('ethereumjs-util')

# ethereumjs-blockchain
A module to store and interact with blocks
const gethDbPath = './chaindata' // Add your own path here
const db = levelup(gethDbPath, { db: leveldown })

new Blockchain({db: db}).iterator('i', (block, reorg, cb) => {
const blockNumber = utils.bufferToInt(block.header.number)
const blockHash = block.hash().toString('hex')
console.log(`BLOCK ${blockNumber}: ${blockHash}`)
}, (err) => console.log(err || 'Done.'))


- [`Blockchain`](#blockchain)
- [`new Blockchain(opts)`](#new-blockchainblockdb-detailsdb)
- [`BlockChain` Properties](#blockchain-properties)
- [`BlockChain` methods](#blockchain-methods)
- [`blockchain.putBlock(block, [callback])`](#blockchainputblockblock-callback)
- [`blockchain.getBlock(hash, [callback])`](#blockchaingetblockhash-callback)
- [`blockchain.getBlockInfo(hash, cb)`](#blockchaingetblockinfohash-cb)
- [`blockchain.getBlockHashes(parentHash, count, cb)`](#blockchaingetblockhashesparenthash-count-cb)
- [`blockchain.getBlockChain(startingHashes, count, cb)`](#blockchaingetblockhashesparenthash-count-cb)
- [`blockchain.selectNeededHashes(hashes, cb)`](#blockchainselectneededhasheshashes-cb)
- [`blockchain.putGenesis(genesis, [cb])`](#blockchainputgenesisgenesis-cb)
- [`blockchain.getHead(name, [cb])`](#blockchaingetheadname-cb)
- [`blockchain.putBlocks(blocks, [cb])`](#blockchainputblocksblocks-cb)
- [`blockchain.putBlock(block, [cb])`](#blockchainputblockblock-cb)
- [`blockchain.getBlock(hash, [cb])`](#blockchaingetblockhash-cb)
- [`blockchain.getBlocks(blockId, maxBlocks, skip, reverse, [cb])`](#blockchaingetblocksblockid-maxblocks-skip-reverse-cb)
- [`blockchain.selectNeededHashes(hashes, [cb])`](#blockchainselectneededhasheshashes-cb)
- [`blockchain.delBlock(blockHash, [cb])`](#blockchaindelblockblockhash-cb)
- [`blockchain.iterator(name, onBlock, [cb])`](#blockchainiteratorname-onblock-cb)

## `Blockchain`
Implements functions for retrieving, manipulating and storing Ethereum's blockchain

### `new Blockchain(opts)`
Creates new Blockchain object
- `opts.blockDB` - the database where Blocks are stored and retreived by hash. Should be a [levelup]( instance.
- `opts.detailsDB` - the database where Block number resolutions and other metadata is stored. Should be a [levelup]( instance.
- `opts.db` - Database to store blocks and metadata. Should be a [levelup]( instance.
- `opts.validate` - this the flag to validate blocks (e.g. Proof-of-Work).

### `BlockChain` Properties
- `head` - The Head, the block that has the most weight
- `parentHead`- The parent of the head block
- `genesisHash` - The hash of the genesis block
- `height` - The height of the blockchain
- `totallDifficulty` - The totall difficulty which is the some of a the difficulty of all the prevous blocks
The old separated DB constructor parameters `opts.blockDB` and `opts.detailsDB` from before the Geth DB-compatible ``v3.0.0`` release are deprecated and continued usage is discouraged. When provided `opts.blockDB` will be used
as `opts.db` and `opts.detailsDB` is ignored. On the storage level the DB formats are not compatible and it is not
possible to load an old-format DB state into a post-``v3.0.0`` ``Blockchain`` object.

### `BlockChain` methods

#### `blockchain.putBlock(block, callback)`
#### `blockchain.putGenesis(genesis, cb)`
Puts the genesis block in the database.
- `genesis` - the genesis block to be added
- `cb` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the saved `block`


#### `blockchain.getHead(name, cb)`
Returns that head block.
- `name` - Optional name of the state root head (default: 'vm')
- `cb` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the returned `block`


#### `blockchain.putBlocks(blocks, cb)`
Adds many blocks to the blockchain.
- `blocks` - the blocks to be added to the blockchain
- `cb` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the last of the saved `blocks`

#### `blockchain.putBlock(block, cb)`
Adds a block to the blockchain.
- `block` - the block to be added to the blockchain
- `callback` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the saved `block`
- `cb` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the saved `block`


#### `blockchain.getBlock(blockTag, callback)`
#### `blockchain.getBlock(blockTag, cb)`
Gets a block by its blockTag.
- `blockTag` - the block's hash or number
- `callback` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the found `block` (an instance of if any.
- `cb` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the found `block` (an instance of if any.


#### `blockchain.getDetails(hash, callback)`
Retrieves meta infromation about the block and passed it to the `callback`
- `hash` - the hash of the block as a `Buffer` or a hex `String`
- `callback` - the callback which is passed an `Object` containing the following properties:
- * `parent` - the hash of the parent block
- * `td` - the total difficulty of the block
- * `number` - the block number
- * `child` - the block's children
- * `genesis` - boolean (true if genesis block, false if not)
- * `inChain` - TODO
- * `staleChildren` - TODO
#### `blockchain.getBlocks(blockId, maxBlocks, skip, reverse, cb)`
Looks up many blocks relative to blockId.
- `blockId` - the block's hash or number
- `maxBlocks` - max number of blocks to return
- `skip` - number of blocks to skip
- `reverse` - fetch blocks in reverse
- `cb` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and the found `blocks` if any.


#### `blockchain.getBlockHashes(parentHash, count, callback)`
Gets a segment of the blockchain starting at the parent hash and contuning for `count ` blocks returning an array of block hashes orders from oldest to youngest.
- `parentHash` - the block to start from. Given as a `Buffer` or a hex `String`
- `count` - a `Number` specifing how many block hashes to return
- `callback` - the callback which is give an array of block hashes
#### `blockchain.getDetails(hash, cb)`
[DEPRECATED] Returns an empty object


#### `blockchain.selectNeededHashes(hashes, cb)`
Given an ordered array, returns to the callback an array of hashes that are not in the blockchain yet.
- `hashes` - Ordered array of hashes
- `cb` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and hashes found.


#### `blockchain.getBlockChain(startingHashes, count, callback)`
gets a section of the blockchain in a form of an array starting at the parent hash, up `count` blocks
- `startingHashes` - an array of hashes or a single hash to start returning the chain from. The first hash in the array that is found in the blockchain will be used.
- `count` - the max number of blocks to return
- `callback` - the callback. It is given two parameters `err` and `blockchain`. `err` is any errors. If none of the starting hashes were found `err` will be `notFound`. `blockchain` is an array of blocks.
#### `blockchain.delBlock(blockHash, cb)`
Deletes a block from the blockchain. All child blocks in the chain are deleted and any encountered heads are set to the parent block
- `blockHash` - the hash of the block to be deleted
- `cb` - A callback.


#### `blockchain.iterator(name, onBlock, cb)`
Iterates through blocks starting at the specified verified state root head and calls the onBlock function on each block
- `name` - name of the state root head
- `onBlock` - function called on each block with params (block, reorg, cb)
- `cb` - A callback function


Tests can be found in the ``test`` directory and run with ``npm run test``.

These can also be valuable as examples/inspiration on how to run the library and invoke different parts of the API.

#### `blockchain.selectNeededHashes(hashes, callback)`
Given an ordered array, returns to the callback an array of hashes that are not in the blockchain yet.
- `hashes` - an `Array` hashes
- `callback` - the callback

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