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igotthingstodo is a fast 🔥 and sleek 😎 todo list ✅

Tech used

This is my first project using any of the tech below ⬇️

Frontend - Sveltekit. Sveltekit renders blazingly fast 🏎️ thanks to its server side rendering and no 👏 virtual 👏 dom 👏.

Backend - Firebase. Firebase handles our...

  • user authentication - set up with google & apple signin
  • cloud functions - when a user signs up, we also add them to our DB
  • database - add todo items as documents under the userid/todos
  • security rules - only the correct user can read their todo items
  • emulating - in development, run local emulators for all used services so i can test changes before pushign

We also take an aggressive lazy loading stance and don't load any firebase code in the initial load.

This helps keep our lighthouse scores up ⭐⭐⭐


Dev environment - Docker. We are using docker just for the dev environment in this project. It fixes the "won't run on my machine" problem. One command docker-compose up --build will download npm packages, install firebase CLI, start the dev server, start firebase emulators, and more.

CI/CD - Github actions. Automatically deploy to firebase on every push.

Hosting - Vercel. This was the easiest hosting I've ever set up - 3 clicks! And it auto-detects new changes in the repo to redeploy 🤯

Styling- Tailwind. It was a 1 day learning curve but now I can't go back to regular CSS 😍


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
