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Welcome to the documentation of VECROsim (a Versatile Metric-oriented Microservice Fault Simulation System). VECROsim supports flexible microservice topology and scenario-rich fault injection and comes with built-in performance metrics collection capability. Here you will find how to use VECROsim to design and deploy a microservice system, inject faults and collect metrics.

To cite this work:

  title={VECROsim: A Versatile Metric-oriented Microservice Fault Simulation System (Tools and Artifact Track)},
  author={Bi, Tingzhu and Pan, Yicheng and Jiang, Xinrui and Ma, Meng and Wang, Ping},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE 33rd International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering (ISSRE)},

Quick Start Guide


One PC with Kubernetes properly installed and configured.

Linux/Mac operating systems are supported.

Active Internet connection (possibly need for pulling images).

Install Monitoring Infrastructure

Currently VECROsim does not support automatically install the kube-prometheus monitoring infrastructure. Execute the following command to setup the monitoring infrastructure.


Build VECROsim Container Images

Build and upload vecro-base and vecro-mongodb:

cd ./vecro-base
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o vecro-base .
docker build -t vecro-base:v1 # Use proper docker enviroment to build and upload the image
cd ./vecro-mongodb
GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o vecro-mongodb .
docker build -t vecro-mongodb:v1 # Use proper docker enviroment to build and upload the image

Deploy Microservice System

Create a Kubernetes namespace and deploy the Social microservice system onto it:

cd ./VECROSim/deploy
kubectl create namespace social # Create the k8s namespace for Social to deploy on
go run . -deffile base/social.yaml # Deploy Social system in the cluster

Create the service monitor for social namespace to enable metrics collecting:

kubectl apply -f base/social-monitor.yaml # Install Prometheus monitor for Social system

Apply User-side Load

Expose the text front-end service and apply a 2-hour load to the service.

kubectl port-forward -n social svc/social-text 8080:80 > /dev/null & # Make 'text' service accessible at http://localhost:8080
cd ./VECROSim/load
go run . -delay 100ms -duration 2h -users 5 -url "http://localhost:8080

Inject Faults

Inject the a network delay fault (3 minutes 500ms network delay to service posts-storage) to the system.

kubectl apply -f ./VECROSim/inject/social-delay.yaml # Inject network delay fault to the deployed system

Generate Datasets

Now you could generate CSV file datasets.

python ./VECROSim/metrics/ # Use python script to communicate with Prometheus to download and generate dataset

You may need configure the timestamps of collection range in the script first, please refer to Command Manual for details

Source Code Structure


  • deploy: the service deployer module.
  • inject: the fault injector module. 2 example fault configuration are also included.
  • load: the user-side load generator module.
  • metrics: the metrics infrastructure setup and collector scripts.


Command Manual


deploy command deploys a microservice system definition(see Configuration Reference) in deffile. Use kubeconfig argument to specify config file for kubectl manually.

All arguments of deploy:

-deffile string
    	path to system definition file
-kubeconfig string
    	(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "~/.kube/config")

This command is built in Go, and to run it you could either run go build to first build the executable binary or go run to directly build and run the command.


./deploy -deffile your-system.yaml


inject command inject a fault defined in fault definition(see Configuration Reference) in deffile. duration sets how long should the fault injection controller run for. Use kubeconfig argument to specify config file for kubectl manually.

All arguments of inject:

-deffile string
    	path to fault definition file
-duration duration
    	Duration of this round of fault simulation
-kubeconfig string
    	(optional) absolute path to the kubeconfig file (default "~/.kube/config")

This command is built in Go, and to run it you could either run go build to first build the executable binary or go run to directly build and run the command.


./inject -deffile social-delay.yaml -duration 30m


load command apply a simulated load that repeats request on one or more urls, every time a delay has elapsed, for a total duration. users sets number of concurrent goroutine to simulate multiple users at one time. body sets a static text request body for every request to be sent.

-body string
    	Request body
-delay duration
    	Delay between calls per user (ms) (default 1s)
-duration duration
    	Duration of this load simulation
-url string
    	URLs to perform requests on.
    	Separate each URLs by a whitespace if there're multiple URLs to request on.
    	 (default "")
-users int
    	Number of concurrent users (default 1)

This command is built in Go, and to run it you could either run go build to first build the executable binary or go run to directly build and run the command.


./load -delay 100ms -duration 2h -users 5 -url "http://localhost:8080 http://localhost:8081 http://localhost:8082"

Apply a load that simulate 5 users repeated request concurrently on http://localhost:8080, http://localhost:8081, http://localhost:8082 every 100ms for 2h.


Metrics Infrastructure Setup

Currently VECROsim does not support automatically install the kube-prometheus monitoring infrastructure. metrics folder contains necessary monitoring infrastructure config files and one-key setup/remove shell scripts.

To install kube-prometheus monitoring infrastructure to current Kubernetes cluster:


Typical installation would take 3 to 10 minutesfor images to be pulled down.

To remove kube-prometheus monitoring infrastructure to current Kubernetes cluster:


Export Metrics to Dataset Files

We provide a sample metrics collection script for the Social system. To configure the timestamps of collection range, the URL of Prometheus API, etc., modify these lines in the script:

prometheus_host_url = "" # The URL of Prometheus API

start_time = parse_datetime("2022-05-22 00:00:00") # The start time of collection
end_time = parse_datetime("2022-05-22 01:00:00") # The end time of collection

step = "1s" # Sample resolution
filepath = "social-delay/jitter_high" # Path to save CSV files

To run the script:


Configuration Reference

System Definition

A microservice system definition is a YAML file that define configuration of every service and calling topology of the system.

Take first 20 lines of the Social microservice system as an example:

name: social # System name identifier
replicas: 1 # Replica count for every service
namespace: social # Kubernetes namespace this system should be deployed in
services: # Contains a list of services
  - name: follow-user
    type: base # Service image type
    workload: # Define service workload (Optional)
      cpu: 1
      net: 256
    calls: # Contains a list of
           # down-stream services (Optional)
      - user-info
  - name: recommender
    type: base
      cpu: 1
      memory: 16
      net: 512
      - user-info
      - posts-storage

Every service entry you define under services will be deployed to the Kubernetes cluster.

type of a service sets its the service docker image. Available: base, mongodb, mysql, redis. The following are details of each type of service type:

type Description Supported workload
base Generic image of logic service cpu, io, net, mem
mongodb Concrete service MongoDB read, write
mysql Concrete service MySQL read, write
redis Concrete service Redis read, write

workload of a service sets its the workload definition. Different service type support different workload types. Please refer to above table for valid workload types.

calls of a service sets its down-stream service list to call when itself get request docker image. Each entry in call list should be a valid name defined in the services list.

Fault Definition

A microservice fault definition is a YAML file that define configuration of expected faults to be injected into the microservice system.

Take first 20 lines of the base/simple.yaml fault definition as an example:

name: example # Fault definition name identifier
namespace: example # Kubernetes namespace the system is deployed in
faults: # Contains a list of faults
  - name: frontend-downgrade # Fault name
    target: frontend # Fault injection target
    start: 30s # Fault start time
    duration: 45s # Fault duration
    behaviors: # Contains a list of fault behaviors
      net-delay: # Fault behavior and its detailed parameters
        time: 300ms
        jitter: 50ms
  - name: auth-downgrade
    target: auth
    start: 2min
    duration: 45s
        load: 100

behaviors are a list of fault behavior. The following are details of each type of fault behaviors:

type Description Supported parameters
net-delay Network ingress delay time, jitter
net-loss Network loss Percent
net-rate Network rate limit Rate
io-stress Disk workload I/O stressing Method
cpu-stress CPU workload stressing Load, Method