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Mendz edited this page Jan 19, 2020 · 18 revisions

Welcome to the Mendz.Library wiki!

Mendz.Library provides helper and utility classes, types and extensions. The Mendz.Library namespace organizes general purpose classes, types and extensions that can be used in various projects.


Date Description
1/18/2020 Released v1.3.1.1.
12/28/2019 Released v1.3.1.
11/25/2019 Released v1.3.0.1.
11/24/2019 Released v1.3.0.
11/7/2017 Released v1.2.1.
11/4/2017 Released v1.2.0.
10/23/2017 Released v1.1.1.
10/22/2017 Released v1.1.0.
10/7/2017 Added a unit test project.
10/6/2017 Released v1.0.0.




Name Description
CommandProcess Provides methods to start a command process (usually, a window-less process).
ShellProcess Provides methods to start a shell process (usually, a windowed process).
IDGenerator Represents an ID generator.
SingletonBase A base class to define a singleton.
IGenericMapper Defines a mapper.
IStreamingMapper Defines a streaming mapper.
MapperExtensions IGenericMapper and IStreamingMapper extensions.
StreamingGenericMapperBase The base class of a streaming mapper that also implements its generic mapper.
GenericStreamingMapper Represents a streaming mapper with generic mapper dependency injection.
IAsyncGenericMapper Defines an asynchronous mapper.
IAsyncStreamingMapper Defines an asynchronous streaming mapper.
AsyncMapperExtensions IGenericMapper and IStreamingMapper extensions.
AsyncStreamingGenericMapperBase The base class of an asynchronous streaming mapper that also implements its asynchronous generic mapper.
AsyncGenericStreamingMapper Represents an asynchronous streaming mapper that uses a provided asynchronous generic mapper.



Name Description
StampedFileNameBase The base class for stamped filenames.
StampedFileName Defines a stamped filename.
DateStampedFileName Defines a date stamped filename.
DateTimeStampedFileName Defines a date/time stamped filename.
FileOrganizerMode Enumerates the file organizer modes.
FileOrganizer Provides methods to organize files in folders by date, year/month and year.
StreamingPropertyMapper A convention-based mapper that uses System.Reflection to map matching properties in the input type to the output type.
StreamingKeyValueMapper A convention-based mapper that maps the indexed input key values to the indexed output key values.
StreamingFromKeyValueMapper A convention-based mapper that uses System.Reflection to map indexed input key values to the output's properties.
StreamingToKeyValueMapper A convention-based mapper that uses System.Reflection to map the input's properties to the indexed output key values.



Name Description
StringExtensions String class extensions.



Name Description
TextReaderExtensions TextReader class extensions.
TextWriterExtensions TextWriter class extensions.


NuGet package