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New class for ellipsoid overlap
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kofke committed May 17, 2024
1 parent e496dc5 commit dfde04e
Showing 1 changed file with 324 additions and 0 deletions.
324 changes: 324 additions & 0 deletions etomica-core/src/main/java/etomica/potential/
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@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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package etomica.potential;

import etomica.atom.AtomOriented;
import etomica.atom.AtomOrientedQuaternion;
import etomica.atom.AtomTypeSpheroPolyhedron;
import etomica.atom.IAtom;
import etomica.space3d.Space3D;
import etomica.space3d.Tensor3D;
import etomica.space3d.Vector3D;
import etomica.spaceNd.VectorND;
import etomica.util.random.IRandom;
import etomica.util.random.RandomMersenneTwister;
import etomica.util.random.RandomNumberGeneratorUnix;

import java.util.List;

* Evaluates overlap of two identical ellipsoids of revolution at arbitrary separation and orientations.
* Handles oblate or prolate cases, having a single symmetry axis.
public class P2HardEllipsoid implements IPotential2 {

protected final Space space;
protected Vector3D[] a = new Vector3D[4];//these are numbered 1,2,3 because that's how I did it
protected Vector3D[] b = new Vector3D[4];

protected final double R1, R2, R3;//half-axes in x, y, z, directions
protected final double al, be, ga, de, sigmaLarge2, sigmaSmall2;
protected final double[] A = new double[4];
protected final double[] B = new double[4];
protected final Tensor3D Amat = new Tensor3D();
protected final Tensor3D Bmat = new Tensor3D();
protected final Tensor3D diag = new Tensor3D();
protected final Tensor3D Gamma = new Tensor3D();
protected final Tensor3D C = new Tensor3D();
protected double w0b, w0c, w1b;
protected final double w0a, w0d, w1a, w1c, w2a, w2b;
protected final Vector3D wVec = new Vector3D();//work vector

* Constructor with Rperp = 1.0 as default
* @param space
* @param Rsym half-length of symmetry axis
public P2HardEllipsoid(Space space, double Rsym) {
this(space, Rsym, 1.0);

* @param space
* @param Rsym half-length of symmetry axis
* @param Rperp half-length of axes perpendicular to symmetry axis
public P2HardEllipsoid(Space space, double Rsym, double Rperp) { = space;
R1 = Rsym;
R2 = Rperp;
R3 = Rperp;
al = 1 / (R3 * R3);
ga = 1 / (R1 * R1) - al;
be = 1 / (R3 * R3);
de = 1 / (R1 * R1) - be;
A[1] = B[1] = R1 * R1; //A and B are hardcoded to be the same, but this can be revisited if needed for two ellipsoids of different shapes
A[2] = B[2] = R2 * R2;
A[3] = B[3] = R3 * R3;

w0a = B[1] * B[2] * B[3];
w0d = A[1] * A[2] * A[3];
w1a = B[1] * B[2] + B[1] * B[3] + B[2] * B[3];
w1c = A[1] * A[2] + A[1] * A[3] + A[2] * A[3];
w2a = B[1] + B[2] + B[3];
w2b = A[1] + A[2] + A[3];

double x = 2. * Math.max(R1, R2);
sigmaLarge2 = x * x; //squared diameter of circumscribed sphere
x = 2. * Math.min(R1, R2);
sigmaSmall2 = x * x; //squared diameter of inscribed sphere

if(Rsym/Rperp < 0.01 || Rsym/Rperp > 200) {
System.out.println("Overlap may not be reliable for extreme aspect ratios (prolate or oblate)");
System.out.println("Vieillard-Baron is subject to roundoff errors in this case");
System.out.println("If application here is needed, consider implementing a proper maximization algorithm with Perram-Wertheim");
System.out.println("Aspect ratio: "+Rsym/Rperp);
throw new RuntimeException();

public double getRange() {

Perram-Wertheim overlap test function. If this is greater than 1 for any lambda between 0 and 1
then there is NOT an overlap; else there is.
Can call with a single value (e.g., lambda = 0.5) to do a prescreen. Otherwise, it may be
called multiple times as part of a maximization with respect to lambda.
It is necessary to call setupPW once before calling this function for a new configuration.
public double FPW(double lam, Vector dr12) {
double mu = 1 - lam;
double w0 = lam * lam * lam * w0a + lam * lam * mu * w0b + lam * mu * mu * w0c + mu * mu * mu * w0d;
double w1 = lam * lam * w1a + lam * mu * w1b + mu * mu * w1c;
double w2 = lam * w2a + mu * w2b;
Gamma.PEa1Tt1(lam, Amat);
Gamma.PEa1Tt1(mu, Bmat);
C.PEa1Tt1(-w2, Gamma);
C.TE(1. / w0);

return lam * mu *; // lam mu r.C.r

Sets up orientation-dependent parameters in Perram-Wertheim method.
Must be called for new configuration before calling FPW
public void setupPW(Vector3D a1, Vector3D b1) {
makeOrthogonalSet(a1, a);
makeOrthogonalSet(b1, b);

Amat.Ev1v2(a[1], a[1]);
Amat.TE(A[1] - A[3]);

Bmat.Ev1v2(b[1], b[1]);
Bmat.TE(B[1] - B[3]);

w0b = 0.0;
w0c = 0.0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) {
for (int k = 1; k <= 3; k++) {
double dot =[k]);
w0b += B[i] * B[j] * A[k] * dot * dot;

dot =[k]);
w0c += A[i] * A[j] * B[k] * dot * dot;

w0b *= 0.5;
w0c *= 0.5;

w1b = w2a * w2b;
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
for (int j = 1; j <= 3; j++) {
double dot = a[i].dot(b[j]);
w1b -= A[i] * B[j] * dot * dot;


// Used by Perram-Wertheim to make arbitrary axis-orientation vectors that are orthogonal to axis of symmetry
private void makeOrthogonalSet(Vector3D a1, Vector3D[] a) {
a[1] = new Vector3D(a1);
a[2] = new Vector3D(-a1.getX(1), a1.getX(0), 0.0);
a[3] = new Vector3D(a1.getX(0)*a1.getX(2), a1.getX(1)*a1.getX(2), -(1 - a1.getX(2) * a1.getX(2)) );

Very crude implementation of PW method, using a brute-force sweep of lambda values to identify whether F exceed 1 anywhere
This is used just to test the PW and VB implementations
An improved implementation would use an optimization algorithm
private boolean overlapPW(Vector3D dr, Vector3D a1, Vector3D b1) {
setupPW(a1, b1);
double dl = 0.001;
for(double lam = 0; lam <=1.0; lam+=dl) {
if (FPW(lam, dr) > 1.0) return false;
return true;

Vieillard-Baron algorithm
// requires prior call to setupPW
public boolean overlapVB(Vector3D dr, Vector3D a1, Vector3D b1) {
double rsq = dr.squared();
//requires prior call to setupPW for calculation of Amat, Bmat
double DA = 1/Amat.determinant();
double DB = 1/Bmat.determinant();
double aDotb2 =;
aDotb2 *= aDotb2;
double rDota2 =;
rDota2 *= rDota2;
double rDotb2 =;
rDotb2 *= rDotb2;

double PA = -2 * al * be * de - be * ga * de + be * ga * de * aDotb2 -
3 * al * be*be - be*be*ga + al * DB * rsq - DB + ga * DB * rDota2;
double PB = -2 * al * be * ga - al * ga * de + al * ga * de * aDotb2 -
3*al*al*be - al*al*de + be * DA * rsq - DA + de * DA * rDotb2;
double PAB = al * be * ga * de * (rsq - rsq * aDotb2 + 2***
+ al * be*be * ga * rsq + al * be*be * ga * rDota2
- al * DB * rsq + al*al* be* de * rsq + al*al* be * de * rDotb2 - be * DA * rsq + DA + DB
+ 2*al*al*be*be*rsq - ga*DB*rDota2 - de * DA* rDotb2;

double n3 = -PA/DB;
double n2 = -(PA + PB + PAB)/DB;
double n1 = -PB/DB;

if((n1 >= 0) && (n2 >= 0) && (n3 >= 0)) return true;

double n0 = DA/DB;

double c2 = -0.375 * n3*n3 + n2;
if(c2 >= 0) return true;

double c1 = 0.125 * n3*n3*n3 - 0.5*n3*n2 + n1;
double c0 = -(3./256)* n3*n3*n3*n3 + 0.0625*n3*n3*n2 - 0.25 * n3 * n1 + n0;
if(c2*c2 - 4*c0 <= 0) return true;

double term1 = (c2*c2 + 12*c0);
double term2 = (2*c2*c2*c2 - 72*c2*c0 + 27*c1*c1);
double D27 = 4*term1*term1*term1 - term2*term2;

return (D27 < 0);

public double u(Vector dr12, IAtom atom1, IAtom atom2) {
AtomOriented atom1q = (AtomOriented) atom1;
AtomOriented atom2q = (AtomOriented) atom2;

double r2 = dr12.squared();

if (r2 > sigmaLarge2) return 0; // no overlap if further than circumscribed sphere
if (r2 < sigmaSmall2) return Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; //overlap if closer than inscribed sphere

Vector3D aDir = (Vector3D)atom1q.getOrientation().getDirection();
Vector3D bDir = (Vector3D)atom2q.getOrientation().getDirection();

setupPW(aDir, bDir);
if (FPW(0.5, dr12) > 1) return 0; //Perram-Wertheim screening can identify some non-overlaps

return overlapVB((Vector3D)dr12, aDir, bDir) ? Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY : 0.0;


Tests implementation of algorithms by generating random configurations of random ellipsoids and
checking that all methods agree on whether ellipsoids overlap
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] seeds = RandomNumberGeneratorUnix.getRandSeedArray();
IRandom random = new RandomMersenneTwister(seeds);

Vector3D dr = new Vector3D();
Vector3D a = new Vector3D();
Vector3D b = new Vector3D();
boolean agree = true;
int nTot = 100000;
int nOverlap = 0;
for(int i=0; i<nTot; i++) {
double R = 200 * random.nextDouble() + 0.1;
double Rperp = 2*random.nextDouble() + 1.0;
P2HardEllipsoid potential = new P2HardEllipsoid(Space3D.getInstance(),R, Rperp);


AtomOriented atom1 = new AtomOriented(Space3D.getInstance(), null, true);
AtomOriented atom2 = new AtomOriented(Space3D.getInstance(), null, true);

boolean overlapPW = potential.overlapPW(dr, a, b);
boolean overlapVB = potential.overlapVB(dr, a, b);
boolean overlap = potential.u(dr, atom1, atom2) == 0.0 ? false : true;
if(overlap) nOverlap++;
agree = (overlapPW == overlapVB) && (overlapPW == overlap);
if(!agree) {
System.out.println("Failure to agree");
System.out.println("Perram-Wertheim:" + overlapPW);
System.out.println("Vieillard-Baron:" + overlapVB);
System.out.println("Combination:\t" + overlap);
System.out.println("dr: "+dr.toString());
System.out.println("a: "+a.toString());
System.out.println("b: "+b.toString());
System.out.println("R: "+R);
System.out.println("Rperp: "+Rperp);
if(agree) {
System.out.println("Finished without disagreement");
System.out.println("Fraction overlap: "+(double)nOverlap/nTot);



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