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Registry tutorial


registry is a library offering an alternative to typeclasses for implicitly assembling functionalities in Haskell. For example a typeclass for an Encoder will implicitly retrieve other Encoders and use them to build a new one:

instance (Encoder Int) => Encode Age where
  encode (Age n) = encode n

This can also be written "manually" as a function call:

newtype Encoder a = Encode { encode :: a -> Text }

ageEncoder :: Encoder Int -> Encoder Age
ageEncoder intEncoder = Encoder (\Age n -> encode intEncoder n)

registry automates the call of such functions when it is necessary to build more complex structures like an application or data generators. The benefits are:

  • the construction of instance is still "type-directed" as with typeclasses, you can make an instance by specifying its type only, like Encoder Age
  • the construction can be altered by injecting some hand-crafted values in order to replace normal components with mocks for example
  • it is also possible to inject values in a specific context only, for example a specific Encoder Int used by the Encoder Age but not by the Encoder Year

If you want to get a good mental picture of what a registry is, you can visualize:

  • an ordered list of values and functions
  • an algorithm applying those functions to values in order to obtain other values based on their type
  • some settings to "tweak" the algorithm (more on that later)

The algorithm goes like this:

  1. to get a value of type a check if there already is a value of that type in the registry and take the first available one
  2. otherwise check if there is a function returning the type a (and take the first available one)
  3. if there is one, create all the values required to call the function
  4. then call the function and get a value of type a

This is pretty straightforward and we can see that "taking the first available value" allows us to "override" the registry by adding any value (or function actually) "on top" since this is an ordered list.

Let's see on a few examples what this means for wiring an application and generating data.

Application to components wiring

We are going to build, step by step, a very small application based on components being "records of functions". The purpose is to get comfortable with the registry API:

  • how to create a registry holding our component definitions and values
  • how to make a component with the registry
  • how to "override" a component to replace it with a mock
  • how to deal with components requiring some IO for their creation
  • how to "decorate" an existing component with some additional behavior
  • how to memoize effectful components
  • how to deal with typechecking for large registries

Our first registry

For this tutorial it is advised to create one file per exercise, possibly reusing code from previous exercises by using imports. You can then use the GHCi repl to make sure everything compiles and returns the values you expect.

We start with an application which does not do much, it asks the user if they want to know "the answer to life, the universe and everything" and accepts the following answers:

  • 'Yes' returns the answer by reading it from a file
  • 'No' quits
  • Maybe draws a random boolean and either quits or returns the answer

We use the following components for this application:

data App m = App {
  userInput    :: UserInput m
, secretReader :: SecretReader m
, rng          :: Rng m
, console      :: Console m

startApp :: App IO -> IO ()
startApp app@App{..} = do
  userAnswer <- askQuestion userInput
  quit <- case userAnswer of
            Maybe -> randomBool rng
            No    -> pure True
            Yes   -> pure False
  if quit then
    write console "bye"
  else do
    secret <- readSecret secretReader
    case secret of
      Nothing -> write console "Sorry I actually don't know"
      Just s -> do
        write console ("the answer is " <> s)
        startApp app

data Logger m = Logger {
  info  :: Text -> m ()
, error :: Text -> m ()

data UserAnswer = Yes | No | Maybe deriving (Eq, Show)

data UserInput m = UserInput {
  askQuestion :: m UserAnswer

data Rng m = Rng {
  randomBool :: m Bool

-- Get the secret answer and return Nothing if not found
data SecretReader m = SecretReader {
  readSecret :: m (Maybe Text)

data Console m = Console {
  write :: Text -> m ()
, read  :: m Text

Those components with their implementations are available in test/Test/Tutorial/Application.hs.

Exercise 1

Implement the newApp function to build the App from the individual components by calling their respective constructors: newConsole, newLogger,...

Exercise 2

Import Data.Registry and:

  1. create a registry containing all constructors and configuration values using <:, fun, val
registry =
  <: fun newLogger
  <: fun newRng
  <: val (SecretReaderConfig ...)

Note the order in which you add elements to the registry matters! You will get a compilation error if you are trying to add a function whose inputs have not yet any way to be built by another function in the registry.


You can use the following pragmas to avoid typing the full signature of registry:

{-# LANGUAGE PartialTypeSignatures #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-partial-type-signatures #-}


  1. print the registry in the repl, what do you see?
  2. implement the newApp function by calling make @App registry
  3. startApp newApp in the repl!
  4. comment out one of the constructors in the registry and observe the error you get on recompilation
  5. now use makeUnsafe instead of make and recompile, the code should compile
  6. what happens when you try to execute startApp newApp though?


  • fun is used to add a constructor function

  • val is used to add a configuration value, it must have a Show instance

  • the 2 lists of types l1 and l2 in Registry l1 l2 are:

    1. the list of all the functions inputs
    2. the list of all the function outputs

    They are used to statically check if you can make a value of a given type out of the registry

Exercise 3

Now use the previous registry and modify it to start the App with a silentLogger

silentLogger = Logger (const (pure ())) (const (pure ()))
  1. create a silentRegistry by adding the silentLogger to the registry using fun silentLogger +: ...
  2. run a newSilentApp' using this registry and observe that answering Maybe to the question should not display the random boolean used to determine what to do.
  3. modify to the registry to set an incorrect SecretReaderConfig "missing" value and run the App. When answering Yes you should see an error with this newMisconfiguredApp.
  4. create a newMisconfiguredSilentApp which will be both misconfigured and will not output any logging
  5. modify the registry to be both misconfigured and have a silent logger only for the Rng IO component with specialize @(Rng IO) silentLogger. You should still see error log messages but no info messages when selecting Maybe
  6. go back to Application.hs and add a new Logger dependency to the UserInput component. Observe that the code still compiles, you have done a local dependency modification without having to change any of the global code wiring the application

Exercise 4

Take any registry and output the dot graph for the App component:

putStrLn $ unDot $ makeDot @App registry

Copy the output and paste it at

Exercise 5

Note: this could be extended to the Data.Registry.Rio monad for dealing with resource allocation

Now we are going to introduce another implementation for the SecretReader component. We will now check right away if the secret file is missing or not, and emit an error right away if it does not exist (don't bother trying to reuse code from newSecretReader for now)

newCheckedSecretReader :: SecretReaderConfig -> Logger IO -> IO (SecretReader IO)
newCheckedSecretReader (SecretReaderConfig path) logger = do ...
  1. create a registry, registryIO, with this new constructor. Since it is now in IO you must lift everything, all values and functions, to IO using funTo @IO and valTo @IO instead of fun and val
  2. start the application with startApp =<< newAppIO using the new registryIO to make the App
  3. experiment with this new setup by using an incorrect configuration


  • in this exercise we introduce new combinators funTo, valTo, which makes the registry API a bit more complex
  • however the main algorithm has not changed at all, registry is still applying functions to values regardless of these values being in a monadic context or not
  • this also means that each invocation of a value IO a will execute the effect each time. See Exercise 7 on how to fix this

Exercise 6 (advanced)

It is quite annoying that we could not reuse the previous SecretReader implementation to implement the checked one. Why does this not work?

newCheckedSecretReader :: SecretReaderConfig -> Logger IO -> SecretReader IO -> IO (SecretReader IO)
newCheckedSecretReader config logger original = -- use the original version
  1. use a "tagged" version of the SecretReader in newCheckedSecretReader (unTag will remove the tag from Tag "tag" a to return just a)
newCheckedSecretReader :: SecretReaderConfig -> Logger IO -> Tag "unchecked" SecretReader IO -> IO (SecretReader IO)
  1. add a "tagged" constructor to the registry using the tag function
   funTo @IO (tag "unchecked" newSecretReader)
<: ...

This will allow the registry algorithm to distinguish between an "unchecked" SecretReader from a "checked" one since they have now different types.

  1. experiment with this new setup by using an incorrect configuration

Exercise 7 (advanced)

Another issue related to having effectful components is that effects can be executed several times. This is clearly a problem for resources like connection pools where we don't want to create many times the same pool.

  1. to convince yourself that this is the case add a newInitializedLogger component to the registry
newInitializedLogger :: IO (Logger IO)
newInitializedLogger = do
  print ("start the logger" :: Text)
  pure (Logger putStrLn putStrLn)

Not great, when running the application we print start the logger 3 times because the Logger is used by 3 other components.

  1. use the Rio monad and the cacheAt to implement a newCachedLogger function that will initialize the Logger only once
  2. run the application and observe that the Logger is only initialized once

Exercise 8 (advanced)

By default a registry will collect all the types of values and functions that you register. The type-level lists tracked by a registry can grow quite large.

You can reduce those list by using:

  • eraseTypes to return a registry with type Registry [ERASED_TYPES] [ERASED_TYPES]
  • normalize to de-duplicate types in each list