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Maven plugin for running cucumber features in parallel using cucumber's Main class. To use it, add it to your pom file as a build plugin:


Then execute using following command:

mvn cucumber-runner:run

By default, this will run your feature files from src/test/resources in parallel using 1 process per available CPU core. On most modern computers this would be 8. You can control threading by specifying number of threads manual in the plugin configuration (threadCount parameter).

You can also specify other cucumber related configurations, a list of them is below:

Parameter Type Description Default value
outputFolder File Where all the output files are created target/cucumber/threads
features List<String> List of locations to look for feature files, can use relative location and classpath: format src/test/resources
includeTags List<String> List of tags to include, precede with @ symbol none
excludeTags List<String> List of tags to exclude, precede with @ symbol, a common approach is to exclude @wip and possibly @manual none
gluePaths List<String> List of glue paths to use, java packages that contain your step definitions and hooks none
plugins List<String> List of plugins to use, reporters, formatters etc none
scenarioNames List<String> List of scenario regular expressions for matching scenario names none
dryRun boolean Do not actually run scenario, just run plugins false
monochrome boolean Don't colour output true
strict boolean When set to true, it will fail scenarios if undefined steps are found true
threadCount int Number of process to start Number of available CPU cores on the system
enhancedJsonReporting boolean When set to true, reports are generated after each scenario and saved to disk and reports are updated false
jvmArgs String JVM arguments that will be passed to cucumber process empty string
testFailureIgnore boolean When set to true, test failures are ignored when determining if the build succeeded. Use cucumberRunner.test.failure.ignore to pass it in as a system property at runtime. false
combineReports boolean If set to true, cucumber runner will combine junit, json reports and generate HTML reports using true


Maven 3, Java 8

Test execution

During test execution following properties are available for you to use:

  • System property: cucumberRunner.threadNumber, cucumberRunner.threadCount
  • Environment variables: THREAD_NUMBER, THREAD_COUNT

Both of the above indicate 0-based thread number. Typical usage is to set up individual database per thread so that you don't have clashes.


In order to run unit tests, you need to first install local package by executing:

mvn install -DskipTests

This deploys local version of the plugin to your ~/.m2/repository folder, and integration tests use it to validate the plugin. This is already handled during CI builds.


In order to release the plugin, you need to have credentials for ossrh and your settings.xml updated accordingly. Once this is in place, you can execute following commands:

mvn versions:set
mvn clean deploy -Prelease