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SPARQL to SQL with less joins. Most information about sparql2sql can be found on the wiki. This includes a reference for the S2SML language for sparql2sql mappings, benchmarks, implementation of the swappable BGP resolution interface, etc.

Transforming Linked Sensor Data from RDF to RDBMS

To run SRBench on sparql2sql, follow the procedure using the LSD-ETL tool to transform LSD from RDF to RDBMS at


The translated queries using the engine can be found on

Smart Home Benchmark

The translated queries using the engine can be found on

Running the engine for translating benchmark queries

Download the release.

  • Uncompress the release unzip

  • chmod 775

  • chmod 775

  • ./ to run the smart home benchmark

  • ./ to run SRBench

  • Output will contain the time taken to run reach query and after that will do a diff in the directories of all engines (e.g. Jena, Sesame) and a gold standard SQL output

  • Modify or to change parameters of the run

  • The usage of the GenerateQueries class is as follows

      usage: LSDTransform -C <folder path> -E <engine name> -I <folder path> -O
             <folder path>
       -C,--config <folder path>   the config folder path
       -E,--engine <engine name>   the engine to use (e.g. Jena, Sesame)
       -I,--src <folder path>      the source folder path
       -O,--output <folder path>   the output folder path
  • Config files contain a relative path to the mapping from the config path on each line

Running sparql2sql benchmarks

Benchmarking with SRBench and the Smart Home Analytics Benchmark.

Streaming version and benchmarks (sparql2stream)

Benchmarking with SRBench and the Smart Home Analytics Benchmark.

CityBench benchmarking with the new sparql2stream RSP-QL engine.

sparql2sql Server

A Jetty-based server to provide a SPARQL endpoint with an RDBMS backend and using the sparql2sql translation engine can be found at

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