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skim (fuzzy finder) integration into xonsh (shell)
Sets up keybinds to search various type of data: dirs/files, history of commands/CWDs/dirs, ssh hosts...


To install use pip:

xpip install xontrib-skim
# or: xpip install -U git+


Supported data sources:

  • xonsh history of commands (and their frequency)
  • xonsh history of commands' CWDs (and the frequency of commands started here)
  • zoxide's history of dirs
    CWDs/dirs support multi-selection (with proper escape-quoting) as well as cd-ing to the selected dir in-place
  • files in the current directory and its sub-directories
  • dirs in the current directory and its sub-directories
  • ssh hosts from /etc/ssh/ssh_config, ~/.ssh/config, ~/.ssh/known_hosts

This xontrib requires sk (or sk-tmux) to be in PATH. If it's added to PATH via another xontrib (e.g, you installed it via Homebrew and use xontrib-homebrew), then you should load this xontrib after the one setting PATH

  1. Add the following to your .py xontrib loading config and import it in your xonsh run control file (~/.xonshrc or ~/.config/rc.xsh):
from xonsh.xontribs 	import xontribs_load
from xonsh.built_ins	import XSH
envx = XSH.env

xontribs = [ "skim", # Initializes skim (polyglot asdf-like runtime manager)
 # your other xontribs
# ↓ optional configuration variables (use `False` to disable a keybind)
if 'skim' in xontribs: # Configure skim only if you're actually loading it
  # config var                	  value	 |default|alt_cmd¦ comment
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_HIST"]     	= "⎈s" 	#|c-s|             False¦ Search in history entries and insert the chosen command
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_HIST_CWD→"]	= "⎇s" 	#|['escape','s']|  False¦ Search in history entries' CWD and CD to the selected item (if exists, do nothing otherwise)
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_HIST_CWD"] 	= "⎈⎇s"#|['escape','c-s']|False¦ Search in history entries' CWD and insert the selected item(s)
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_HIST_Z→"]  	= "⎇z"	#|['escape','z']|  False¦ Search in zoxide's history entries and CD to the selected item (if exists, do nothing otherwise)
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_HIST_Z"]   	= "⎈⎇z"#|['escape','c-z']|False¦ Search in zoxide's history entries and insert the selected item(s)
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_FILE"]     	= "⎈f"	#|c-f|             False¦ Find files in the current directory and its sub-directories
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_DIR"]      	= "⎇f"	#|['escape','f']|  False¦ Find dirs  in the current directory and its sub-directories
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_SSH"]      	= "⎈b"	#|c-b|             False¦ Run 'ssh HOST' for hosts in /etc/ssh/ssh_config, ~/.ssh/config, ~/.ssh/known_hosts
  # run to see the allowed list for ↑: from prompt_toolkit.keys import ALL_KEYS; print(ALL_KEYS)
  # Alt is also supported as either of: a- ⎇ ⌥ (converted to a prefix 'escape')
  # Control symbols are also supported as either of: ⎈ ⌃
  # ↓ are key bindings for the skim binary itself, not this xontrib, so use skim rules
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_SORT_TOGGLE"]	= "ctrl-r"	#|ctrl-r|False¦ ⎈R binding for 'toggle-sort'
  envx["X_SKIM_KEY_CUSTOM"]     	= None    	#|None| a dictionary of {'key':'action'}
  envx["X_SKIM_NO_HEIGHT"]      	= True    	#|True|False¦ disable `--height` to fix a skim bug
  envx["X_SKIM_NO_SORT"]        	= True    	#|True|False¦ disable history sorting
  envx["X_SKIM_CMD_FRQ"]        	= True    	#|True|False¦ add ∑command runs for a given command
  envx["X_SKIM_CMD_FRQ_MIN"]    	= 5       	#|5| hide frequency numbers below this
  envx["X_SKIM_CWD_FRQ"]        	= True    	#|True|False¦ add ∑command runs at a given CWD
  envx["X_SKIM_CWD_FRQ_MIN"]    	= 5       	#|5| hide frequency numbers below this
  envx["X_SKIM_CMD_FIND"]       	= "fd -t f -t l" #|None| command used by skim to search for files
  envx["X_SKIM_CMD_FIND_DIR"]   	= "fd -t d     " #|None| command used by skim to search for directories
  envx["X_SKIM_DIR_VIEW"]       	= "ls -F --color=always {2..}" #|None| preview function for Dir lists
  envx["SKIM_DEFAULT_OPTIONS"]  	= "--ansi --preview-window=right:40%:wrap" # |None| other options to pass to skim

xontribs_load(xontribs) # actually load all xontribs in the list
  1. Or just add this to your xonsh run control file
xontrib load skim # Initializes skim (fuzzy finder)
# configure like in the example above, but replace envx['VAR'] with $VAR
$X_SKIM_KEY_HISTORY	= "c-s" # ...


  • cd to a path in-place without losing the command you've already typed in the prompt!

    1. Press s (for command history CWD's) or z (for zoxide's history) to launch fuzzy finder of your favorite dirs
      cd inplace 1

    2. Find the correct dir and insert it
      cd inplace 2

    3. The prompt is updated in the background, reflecting the dir change and preserving the command
      cd inplace 3

  • Find fils/dirs in xonsh-completed paths: type cd ~/Mus; hit F to limit your file search to ~/Music

  • Find files with F and dirs with F

envx["X_SKIM_KEY_FILE"]	= "⎇f"
envx["X_SKIM_KEY_DIR"] 	= "⎈f"
  • Insert multiple paths with home row cursor keys
    J to toggle and ▼
    K to toggle and ▲
    envx["X_SKIM_KEY_CUSTOM"]	= {
      'alt-j':'toggle+down'  	,
      'alt-k':'toggle+up'    	}

Known issues

  • skim doesn't clear the screen properly when --height is set due to a bug. At the moment this flag is disabled via X_SKIM_NO_HEIGHT
  • skim sometimes prints extraneous text symbols, e.g., when searching history, maybe due to this bug or something else
  • skim might bug in tmux on some system/terminals bug1, bug2
  • toggle-sort (and X_SKIM_KEY_SORT_TOGGLE) doesn't seem to be supported in skim, ls | sk --bind=pgdn:toggle-sort also fails
  • to remove extra ?[38;5;26mFOLDER from output, add --ansi to $SKIM_DEFAULT_OPTIONS or disable colors in your $X_SKIM_CMD_FIND/DIR filter (e.g., fd -t d -c never)
  • /f conflict with xontrib-output-search's defaults


This package was created with xontrib template