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Exploratory Data Analysis, Feature Engineering, and Linear Regression Modeling for prediction of residential estate prices in Ames, Iowa.

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Ames Housing Data Analysis

Compiled reports can be viewed online here:

1 - Data Cleaning & Exploratory Data Analysis
2 - Pre-processing & Feature Engineering
3 - Model Training, Tuning & Benchmarking

Problem Statement

This project aims to build a predictive model to forecast the sale price of properties in Ames, Iowa. A linear regression model would be constructed using feature data from the Ames Housing Dataset, which documents over 70 attributes of property sold in the abovementioned city between 2006 to 2010.

Scope of this project would encompass data cleaning, exploratory analysis of the distributions of the feature values, feature engineering of new attributes that may aid better prediction, followed by model selection, tuning and evaluation. A set of performance metrics would be defined to steer the evaluation of the models built.

The goal of the project is to show that the characteristics of a property (internal ones such as type and quality of construction, and external ones like locality) do exhibit intrinsic influence on its sale price, thus the accurate prediction of a property's market price could facilitate due diligence checks, such as appraisals for mortgage financing.

Executive Summary

This project is focused on the development of a housing price prediction model from the use of feature and price data on properties sold in Ames, Iowa between 2006 to 2010. It is subsequently demonstrated here that sale prices are indeed influenced by internal traits of the property being sold, as well as external factors affecting it. Project phases have been broken down into 3 notebooks.

In Data Cleaning & Exploratory Data Analysis phase, the Ames housing dataset underwent a series of data cleaning procedures to correct minor errors, as well as impute missing data from a number of columns. The dataset was analysed for distribution of values among the many nominal and ordinal columns for the purpose of identifying severely skewed columns that were subsequently dropped. Criteria for dropping columns include sparse population (<10% of all observations), as well as overwhelming presence of modal value (<10% observation coverage for non-modal values). Exploratory data analysis revealed positive relationship between many continuous variables and SalePrice, especially for area-centric features. Boxplot of nominal variables, such as Neighborhood, revealed distinct inter-quartile range variations in price that indicated the effects of locality on property price. Initial heatmap analysis revealed how a area-centric variables, quality scores and condition ratings correlating in a strong positive manner with SalePrice. A total of 2 rows (outliers declared in DataDocumentation.txt) and 14 columns were dropped from the train dataset at this juncture of the project.

In Pre-processing & Feature Engineering phase, one-hot-encoding of nominal features and a 2nd round of heatmap analysis revealed that they do not exhibit strong correlation with SalePrice compared to continuous and ordinal variables. Feature Engineering phase allowed creation of 4 new features, one of which was Neighborhood Score, which not only replaced the 28 one-hot-encoded columns with a single strongly-correlated feature, but also proved 1 of the goals that such an external factor can have significant positive correlation with property price.

In Model Training, Tuning & Benchmarking phase, performance metrics centered around test-set Root Mean-Squared Error (RMSE) and the gap between train-set and test-set RMSEs (termed as RMSE Degradation). Both metrics, as well as inspection of model coefficients, provided a means to compare and steer the development from the 1st model (naive-means) that relied on naïve means projection, to the 7th one (ElasticNet-1) that utilised ElasticNet model with optimised regularization and l1-ratio parameters. Linearing Regression with 101 features (LR-1) resulted in a model with coefficients having overblown scales, and was not neither explainable nor inferable.

ElasticNet-1 was the chosen production model, due to its slightly better performance over the intermediate models, as well as being able to generalize over a final set of 24 predictors. However, test-set RMSE and RMSE Degradation scores fell short of expectation after the final Kaggle submission. In conclusion, while ElasticNet-1 scored a test-set RMSE of 30168.1 on Kaggle, which is 18.8% worse than LR-1, the former model could predict with 4 times lesser features than the latter, was more stable in terms of coefficient analysis, and ultimately able to meet the project goal of demonstrating the influence of internal and external factors on the sale price of a property.

Model Performance Table

Model Name Model Type Number of Features R2 score Train-set RMSE Test-set RMSE RMSE Degradation (%)
naive-means N.A. 0 N.A. 78759.5 81310.7 3.24
LR-1 LinearRegression 101* 0.902524 22076.1 25395.7 15.04
LR-2 LinearRegression 40** 0.887381 25367.6 28217.5 11.23
Ridge-1 Ridge 40** 0.887317 25370.4 28185.5 11.1
Lasso-1 Lasso 40** 0.886918 25417.8 28077 10.46
Lasso-2 Lasso 37 (reduction by Lasso-1) 0.886973 25417.8 28077 10.46
ElasticNet-1 ElasticNet 24 (reduction by OLS backward elimination) 0.888179 25523.6 27976.2 9.61
Production Model ElasticNet 24 0.892675 25971.4 30168.1 (Kaggle) 16.2

* 101 features filtered from correlation score comparison with SalePrice, cutoff at score of 0.10 (see Pre-processing & Feature Engineering notebook)

** 40 features filtered from correlation score comparison with SalePrice, after engineering new features, and cutoff score of 0.20 (see Pre-processing & Feature Engineering notebook)

Data Dictionary

Based on x_train_final.csv feature dataset for selected production model.


OHE: One-Hot Encoded

FE: Feature Engineered

Column Type Origin Description
Total SF float FE Total area of property in square feet
Overall Qual int train.csv Rates the overall material and finish of the house
Interior Qual int FE Sum of interior-centric quality scores and condition ratings of the house
Neighborhood Score float FE Mean of the sum of all quality scores and condition ratings of properties within a neighborhood
Exter Qual int train.csv Evaluates the quality of the material on the exterior
Year Remod/Add int train.csv Remodel date (same as construction date if no remodeling or additions)
Foundation_PConc int OHE from Foundation in train.csv 1 indicates poured concrete foundation, 0 if otherwise
BsmtFin SF 1 float train.csv Rating of basement finished area (if multiple types)
Bsmt Exposure float train.csv Refers to walkout or garden level walls
Mas Vnr Type_None int OHE from Mas Vnr Type in train.csv 1 indicates no masonry veneer, 0 if otherwise
Garage Type_Detchd int OHE from Garage Type in train.csv 1 indicates detached garage, 0 if otherwise
Sale Type_New int OHE from Sale Type in train.csv 1 indicates new sale type, 0 if otherwise
MS SubClass_C060 int OHE from MS SubClass in train.csv 1 indicates 2-story 1946 or new, 0 if otherwise
Foundation_CBlock int OHE from Foundation in train.csv 1 indicates cinder block foundation, 0 if otherwise
Lot Frontage float train.csv Linear feet of street connected to property
Mas Vnr Type_Stone int OHE from Mas Vnr Type in train.csv 1 indicates stone masonry veneer, 0 if otherwise
Lot Area int train.csv Lot size in square feet
Half Bath int train.csv Basement half bathrooms
Roof Style_Hip int OHE from Roof Style in train.csv 1 indicates hip roof type, 0 if otherwise
Mas Vnr Type_BrkFace int OHE from Mas Vnr Type in train.csv 1 indicates brickface masonry veneer, 0 if otherwise
Garage Type_NA int OHE from Garage Type in train.csv 1 indicates no garage, 0 if otherwise
Foundation_BrkTil int OHE from Foundation in train.csv
Garage Type_BuiltIn int OHE from Garage Type in train.csv 1 indicates built-in garage, 0 if otherwise
Land Contour_HLS int OHE from Land Contour in train.csv 1 indicates hillside with significant slope from side to side, 0 if otherwise

For data dictionary on train.csv, please refer to DataDocumention.txt within this project.

Required Libraries

  • pandas 1.1.3
  • numpy 1.19.2
  • matplotlib 3.3.2
  • seaborn 0.11.0
  • statsmodels 0.12.0
  • IPython 7.18.1
  • sklearn 0.23.2


Exploratory Data Analysis, Feature Engineering, and Linear Regression Modeling for prediction of residential estate prices in Ames, Iowa.



