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Proof-of-concept on object detection of 7 classes of road traffic signs in Singapore, with pre-trained SSD Mobilenet V2, using Tensorflow 2 Object Detection API. General Assembly (Singapore) Data Science Immersive (DSI 18) Capstone Project.


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Classification and Detection of Singapore Road Traffic Signs

Problem Statement

In the exciting domain of driverless systems, not only is an autonomous vehicle (abbreviated as AV) expected to transport people and goods efficiently and safely from point-to-point, it must also comply with existing road regulations as what is expected of human drivers. One of the primary indicators of road regulations and information would be traffic signs. In Singapore, they range from the green directional signs that tell drivers about upcoming expressway exits, to warning signs that indicate potential elements of danger ahead, such as pedestrian crossings and school zones. This project is focused on the development of both a classification model and an object-detection model as a proof-of-concept to recognise road traffic signs in Singapore, using dash-cam footage frames as a primary source of data for model training.

Presentation slides found here.

Compiled reports can be viewed here: Classification, Object Detection, Colab notebook for OD model training


After getting my feet wet for a fair bit of time in the area of Machine Learning, I gained a strong interest in the concept of enabling visual perception in machines to perform tasks that humans seem to do so effortlessly. This project allowed me to explore the domain of computer vision, as well as the tools and frameworks that make solution implementation possible (after a fair bit of tinkering with environment setup of course). Beyond the scope of this completed project, it would continue to serve as a springboard for me to continuing exploring other areas of ML, such as data curation, image analytics, model deployment and containerisation, etc.

Executive Summary


  • For the traffic sign classification dataset, it had 2895 images, across 32 classes of traffic signs. 32 traffic signs for classification
    Images from Wikipedia

  • Tensorflow 2 Keras framework was used to construct the models here to showcase the capability of Convolutional Neural Networks. The final model was constructed with 4 Conv2D layers with accompanying max-pooling layers to down-sample the feature map outputs from respective convolutional layers. This is followed by 3 more hidden dense layers with accompanying dropout layers as a form of regularisation to mitigate overfitting tendencies of a deep network. Early stop criteria was set to monitor training loss for stagnant over 5 epoch, but was never triggered. This time, train accuracy was 99.9%, validation at 97.3%, and test accuracy at 90%. All 3 accuracy metrics are well within 10% deviation of each other, and progress of validation loss and accuracy optimisation were mostly keeping pace with the training progress throughout the 50 epochs.

  • Inspection of incorrect predictions on test set revealed that model was misclassified MANDATORY_TURN_LEFT sign as MANDATORY_KEEP_LEFT sign, owing to a slight tilt in the test image, as well as close similarities between both signs. This underscores the need to evaluate data augmentations carefully, and avoid using the options that might introduce ambiguity between classes. Misclassifications between WARNING_MERGE with WARNING_ERP and WARNING_RESTRICTED_ZONE_AHEAD indicate that the model might have insufficient training in differentiating between these warning signs, especially when the pre-dominant similarity is the red triangle on white background. Statistics on class distribution indicate that all these 3 signs have under a hundred images, hence the lack of sufficient data likely affected the model's ability to fully learn the differences in their patterns.

Object Detection

  • For the Object Detection dataset, it originally had 2554 annotations performed on 1560 images, across 57 classes of traffic signs. Class annotation was made possible by LabelImg, a lightweight annotation tool created by Tzuta Lin.

  • Due to class imbalance, only 7 traffic signs that have at least 100 obervations were selected for the scope of this project. They are Directional Sign,Mandatory Split Way, Prohibitory No Jaywalking, Prohibitory No Veh Over Height 4.5m, Temp Work Zone Sign, Warning Curve Right Alignment Marker, and Warning Slow Speed, resulting in 767 images remaining for modeling phase. 7 traffic signs for object detection
    Images from Wikipedia

  • Model training was carried out on Google Colab environment aided by GPU-acceleration, using Tensorflow Object Detection API. Training duration was approximately 3 hours, with overall loss reaching 0.093. Trained model was evaluated to have a mAP score of 0.758, based on COCO Detection Metrics. Inference on 76 images from test set was completed with a mean inference time of 45ms per image.

  • The test set inference images revealed that model was able to detect small traffic signs and large directional signs quite accurately. False positives surfaced in the form of untrained traffic signs being identified as at least 1 of the 7 classes the model was trained for. There were a few false negatives for small traffic signs, indicating there was room to improve the recall of the model.

Classification Model Performance Table

Model Train Acc. Validation Acc. Test Acc.
model_1 99.6% 88.0% 60.8%
model_2 99.9% 97.3% 90.6%

Object Detection Model Performance Table

Based on transfer-learning of 7 traffic signs on ssd_mobilenet_v2_fpnlite_640x640_coco17_tpu-8 with pre-trained weights.

Metric Area maxDets Score
Average Precision (AP) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area=all maxDets=100 0.758
Average Precision (AP) @ IoU=0.50 area= all maxDets=100 0.924
Average Precision (AP) @ IoU=0.75 area= all maxDets=100 0.880
Average Precision (AP) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area= small maxDets=100 0.300
Average Precision (AP) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area=medium maxDets=100 0.787
Average Precision (AP) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area= large maxDets=100 0.708
Average Recall (AR) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area= all maxDets= 1 0.717
Average Recall (AR) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area= all maxDets= 10 0.814
Average Recall (AR) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area= all maxDets=100 0.814
Average Recall (AR) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area= small maxDets=100 0.600
Average Recall (AR) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area=medium maxDets=100 0.818
Average Recall (AR) @ IoU=0.50:0.95 area= large maxDets=100 0.867

Object Detection Inference samples on Test Set (Confidence Threshold >= 0.50)

TAKE NOTE: Red bounding box represents ground-truth, and is projected alongside predictions (other colours) for visual comparison. 5th image shows a False Positive on the blue information sign.







Note on Dataset

31st Jan 2020: The 32-class classification dataset has been included as a zipfile in the Dataset sub-folder. Currently withheld the object detection dataset from public release, owing to issues on permission and PDPA compliance (licence plate numbers, pedestrian faces exposed in images) that have not been resolved yet. There is a chance in the near future for the OD dataset to be uploaded to a suitable platform for sharing.

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Proof-of-concept on object detection of 7 classes of road traffic signs in Singapore, with pre-trained SSD Mobilenet V2, using Tensorflow 2 Object Detection API. General Assembly (Singapore) Data Science Immersive (DSI 18) Capstone Project.





