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A simple JavaScript-based blockchain with proof-of-work mechanism.

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JavaScript proof-of-work Blockchain


This project is primarily a demonstration of a simplistic blockchain platform using JavaScript. It serves as a basis to understand the fundamentals of maintaining and growing a decentralised ledger of transactions that is secured by cryptographic principles, as well as the inner workings of the proof-of-work protocol. Actions to be executed on a node are facilitated via HTTP requests, with endpoints built out using Express.

The following capabilities are demonstrated through a set of web API calls:

  • how nodes discover each other within a network.
  • how a transaction is submitted to a node, then subsequently broadcasted to the network.
  • how a block is mined, and subsequently broadcasted to the network, alongside a small reward transaction attributed to the node that mined the block.
  • how a newly-joined node catches up with the rest of the network that already has an existing blockchain and transaction pool of pending records.

Take note that the implementation here is meant for observing and understanding some of the basic concepts of a blockchain, and is by no means a complete one that mirrors (or even comes close to mirroring) the capability and robustness of existing blockchains in production.


The following must be installed in order to run this project:

  • Node.js (LTS version)


  1. Clone this repository:
$ git clone
  1. Navigate into the project folder:
$ cd javascript-proof-of-work-blockchain
  1. Install all the required libraries specified in the package.json:
$ npm install
  1. In current terminal, start up the 1st node:
$ npm run bc_node1
  1. While the above is sufficient for sending transactions and mining blocks to a single node, several nodes can be started up in separate terminals using the same command format as step #4, but with different script names, i.e. bc_node2, bc_node3 and bc_node4. You will see these names defined in the scripts sub-section of the package.json.

API Endpoints

This project was developed to be run locally, hence the endpoints are accessed via http://localhost:{port}, where the port of the node #1 is 5001, up to the last node #4 which is 5004.

Endpoints using the GET method can be accessed via a browser, while endpoints using POST method usually require JSON data to be sent, hence tools like Postman can be used to interact with POST endpoints.

URIs in bold serve as main entry-points for exploring and interacting with the blockchain, while those in italic are mostly secondary API calls that are used internally for broadcast/synchronisation purposes. The full list of URIs are as follows:

Path Method Description
/blockchain GET Retrieves the current state of a node's blockchain.
/transaction/broadcast POST Receives a JSON payload in the request (containing sender,recipient and amount fields), creates a new transaction to be added to the node's transaction pool, then broadcast the new transaction record to all other nodes in the network by calling their /transaction endpoints.
/transaction POST Receives a JSON payload in the request (containing sender,recipient, amount and txnId fields), creates a new transaction to be added to the node's transaction pool. Typically called by the /transaction/broadcast endpoint of a the node that received the original transaction request.
/mine GET Constructs a new block consisting of the current set of transactions from the transaction pool, the hash of the previous block in the chain, a computed nonce value based on the transaction-set and previous block's hash, and hash value based on the previous block's hash, the computed nonce, and current block data (transaction-set and block-index). This new block is added to the chain of the current node, before broadcasting this new block to all other nodes in the network by calling their /add-block endpoints.
/add-block POST Receives a JSON payload in the request that constitutes the data of the new block, validates the new block's previousHash and block-index values before adding the new block to its own chain. Typically called by /mine endpoint of the node that constructed the new block.
/register-and-broadcast POST Receives a JSON payload in the request (containing newNodeUrl field) to register the address of a new node that is added to the network. Subsequently broadcast this new node's address to all other nodes in the network by calling their /register endpoints. Finally, the current node's address book (i.e. the addresses of all other nodes in the network) is sent to the new node by calling its /bulk-register endpoint, so that the new node would be aware of all other nodes present on the network.
/register POST Receives a JSON payload in the request (containing the newNodeUrl field) which holds the address of a node to be registered into the current node's address book.
/bulk-register POST Receives a JSON payload in the request (containing the allNetworkNodes field) which holds the address of multiple nodes to be registered into the current node's address book.
/sync-chain GET Calls the /blockchain endpoint of all other nodes in the network to get a copy of their current chains. Those chains are then validated before used to sync up the current node's blockchain state, as well as pending transactions. This allows a new node that has just joined a network to catch up with all other nodes in terms of blockchain state.

E.g. to inspect the state of the blockchain in bc_node1 hosted locally, use the following url: http://localhost:5001/blockchain.

Proof-of-Work Procedure

In this project, a new block is created with the following sequence of actions:

  1. Retrieve the last block in the blockchain of the current node
  2. Extract the hash of the block retrieved from step #1
  3. Construct a new dictionary containing current list of transactions from the node's transaction pool, as well as the hash of the previous block from step #2.
  4. Using the previous-block-hash (step #2) and the dictionary (step #3), together with an integer nonce value (start at 0), concatenate all 3 components to hash it using SHA-256. For as long as the resultant hash-value does not start with four zeroes ('0000'), increment the nonce and repeat the hashing process in a simplistic brute-force manner. Stop only when a hash value beginning with '0000' is detected, before returning the nonce that produces this proof-of-work hash result.
  5. Hash-value for current block is constructed by hashing the previous block's hash (step #2), data dictionary (step #3), and the computed nonce (step #4). This hash should start with '0000'.
  6. Build the finalised block containing previous block's hash, current block hash, computed nonce, current block index, timestamp and transaction-set.

Execution Flow

The following prescribed execution flow shows how a sequence of API calls can demonstrate the various capabilities of this javascript blockchain:

  1. Open a new terminal window, start the 1st node bc_node1:
$ npm run bc_node1
  1. Open 2 more terminals, start up bc_node2 and bc_node3. At this point, the 3 nodes are not aware of each other yet.
  2. To simulate bc_node2 reaching out to bc_node1, launch Postman and create a new POST request (http://localhost:5001/register-and-broadcast), with the following JSON body:
	"newNodeUrl": "http://localhost:5002"
  1. Repeat POST request for bc_node3. (remember to update port in JSON body)
  2. In browser, query the state of bc_node1 via the url http://localhost:5001/blockchain. You will see the addresses of 2 other nodes registered in bc_node1: blockchain state after registering 2 other nodes
  3. Simulate the adding of a token transaction to bc_node1 via POST request (http://localhost:5001/transaction/broadcast) with the following JSON body:
	"amount": 15.5,
	"sender": "0x33A56E2F",
	"recipient": "0x8C60A2F7"
  1. In browser, query the state of bc_node1 via the url http://localhost:5001/blockchain to observe the presence of a new pending transaction: Transaction from step #6 observed in pendingTxns section
  2. Check b2_node2 (http://localhost:5002/blockchain) too for same observation, as the new transaction has been propagated to all nodes in network.
  3. Simulate mining of new block carried out in bc_node2 via GET request (http://localhost:5002/mine). The response would reveal the details of the new block, observe the 4 zeroes in the hash field, while the previousHash simply reflects the arbitrary '0' value of the genesis block: enter image description here
  4. This time, navigate to http://localhost:5003/blockchain to observe that the new block has also been broadcasted to bc_node3: New block propagated over to bc_node3
  5. In a new terminal, start up bc_node4, register it with the network (similar to step #3), and observe that its blockchain is not in sync with the other 3 nodes: bc_node4 registered with network, but blockchain state has not caught up with network yet
  6. Use the GET request (http://localhost:5004/sync-chain) to enable bc_node4 to catch up with the rest of the nodes in the network: Synchronising the blockchain state for bc_node4
  7. Navigate to http://localhost:5004/blockchain, observe that the blockchain (both chain and pending transactions) in bc_node4 now mirrors the state of all other nodes: Blockchain state in bc_node4 caught up with rest of network

Written with StackEdit.


A simple JavaScript-based blockchain with proof-of-work mechanism.




