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Weather App Challenge: Instructions

Initial Setup

Configure Gradle

  • Add necessary dependencies for Jetpack Compose, Retrofit, Coroutines, UnitTesting and Data Storage in the build.gradle files.

App Architecture

Create a Model

  • Define data classes for the information via Postman

Create a Repository

  • Implement a repository class that will use Retrofit to fetch data from the API.

Create a ViewModel

  • Implement a ViewModel that will use the repository to load data and expose it to the UI.

User Interface

Create Composable functions

  • Create UI screens with JetPack Compose

Implement Navigation

  • Use Jetpack Navigation to navigate between different screens.

Location Access

Request Location Permissions

  • Ask the user for location access permissions.

Get the Current Location

  • Use the fused location provider to get the user's current location.

Fetch Data

  • Use the location coordinates to fetch data from the API.

Data Caching

Implement Data Caching

  • Use Jetpack DataStore to cache data.


Write Unit Tests

  • Use JUnit and Mockito to write unit tests.
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