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TFL Challenge: Instructions

  1. Add dependencies
    • Add the necessary dependencies for Retrofit, Gson, Coroutines, Hilt, and Jetpack Compose to your build.gradle files.
  2. Import Data Classes
    • Create data classes that match the JSON structure of the API response. These classes will be used by Retrofit to parse the JSON data.
  3. Create API Service
    • Define an interface for your Retrofit API service with the necessary endpoints.
  4. Set up Retrofit Details
    • Create a Retrofit instance and configure it with the base URL of the API, the Gson converter, and any other necessary settings.
  5. Prepare Hilt for Dependency Injection
    • Set up Hilt by annotating your Application class with @HiltAndroidApp, creating a Hilt module with @Module and @InstallIn, and providing the necessary dependencies.
  6. Create the Repository
    • Create a repository class that uses the Retrofit API service to fetch data from the API.
  7. Implement the ViewModel
    • Create a ViewModel class that uses the repository to fetch data and exposes the data as LiveData for the UI to observe.
  8. Design the UI Components
    • Use Jetpack Compose to create composable functions for the UI components, such as the screen, list, and list items.
  9. Observe the Data in the Main Activity
    • In your MainActivity, observe the LiveData from the ViewModel from the UI.
  10. Run and Test
    • Run the app and Test it to ensure that it fetches and displays the data correctly.


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