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Adrián Tóth edited this page Jun 9, 2019 · 9 revisions
MUNI-FI-PA181/ ............................. the repository
  ├── data/ ................................ test suites for application seeder
  |    └── .test/ .......................... test suites for application testing
  ├── diag/ ................................ diagram source files
  |    ├── flow.pdf ........................ flow diagram
  |    └── use_case.pdf .................... use case diagram
  ├── doc/ ................................. documentation source files
  |    └── doc.pdf ......................... project documentation
  ├── img/ ................................. images used in pres/ and doc/
  |    └── application/ .................... images (screenshots) of the application
  ├── pres/ ................................ presentation source files
  |    └── pres.pdf ........................ project presentation
  ├── src/ ................................. cloud foundry application source files
  |    |
  |    └── src/ ............................ .NET project
  |         ├── API/ ....................... application core
  |         |    └── wwwroot/
  │         |         └── UI/ .............. application user interface
  |         ├── Entities/ .................. data source layer
  |         |    └── Contexts/
  |         |         └── AppDbContext.cs .. application seeder
  |         ├── Repositories/ .............. business layer
  |         └── Services/ .................. service layer
  ├── LICENSE .............................. repository license
  ├── ............................ readme file of the repository
  └── ............................ deployment script
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