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Hierarchical Lang

i just had a stupid idea
hacky minecraft mixin that enables "hierarchical lang files"
so instead of

  "item.botania.black_lotus": "Black Lotus",
  "item.botania.blacker_lotus": "Blacker Lotus"

you get something like

  "item": {
    "botania": {
      "black_lotus": "Black Lotus",
      "blacker_lotus": "Blacker Lotus"

This is great, how can I use it?

At runtime

  1. Depend on this as a mod.
  2. Use your beautiful hierarchical lang jsons.

At build/datagen time

blursed: datagenerator that just takes the below and transforms it into the above at build time

that's actually real easy i think

  1. Depend on JsonFlattener at build/datagen time.
    • You can either:
      • Just copy the code, as long as you don't disrespect the license.
      • Use JitPack.
      • Build locally and publish to Maven local, then depend on that.
      • Use any other cursed dependency system you want to use.
  2. Flatten your generated or handwritten Json using the flatten method of JsonFlattener.

Alternatively, use the Gradle plugin:

  1. Apply the plugin:
plugins {
    id("com.github.eutro.hierarchical-lang") version "<version>"
  1. flattenJson any lang files:
  • Kotlin
tasks.processResources {
    filesMatching("**/lang/*.json") {
  • Groovy
tasks.processResources {
    filesMatching("**/lang/*.json") {
} does mean that datapackers don't get the same luxury though


  1. Run flattener-<version>-<expander|flattener>-cli.jar from your own build, or from the releases.
    • Options:
      • -i, -in or -input - Set the input file. Reads from stdin otherwise.
      • -o, -out or -output - Set the output file. Writes to stdout otherwise.
      • -pp or -pretty-print" - Pretty-print the Json output.
      • -lenient - Make the parser more liberal in what it accepts.
      • -non-executable - Generate non-executable Json.
      • -no-html-escapes - Disable escaping of <, >, &, = and '.
      • -cs or -charset - Set the charset. Applies for future -is and -os, or for stdio.