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Bandung Developer Community Website

🚧 This web app is still in early and active development

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UI Design

Figma link:

Getting Started

  1. Read about Remix and the Remix Docs to understand about Remix.
  2. If new, focus on Remix basics. Read Super Simple Start to Remix.
  3. If experienced, use various integration such as Prisma ORM and database like MySQL. Read Blog Tutorial (short) and App Tutorial (long).

Primary Tech Stack

  1. TypeScript: Typed language
    • Related to JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  2. React: UI library
  3. Remix: Full stack web framework
  4. Tailwind CSS: Styling
  5. Radix UI: Interactive components
  6. Prisma: Database ORM
  7. PlanetScale: MySQL-compatible serverless database platform
    • MySQL: Database management system (DBMS)
  8. Docker: Containerization
  9. Vercel: Web app deployment

Use later:

Don't use:

  • styled-components, @emotion, Stitches, Chakra UI, MUI, etc
  • TanStack/React Query, SWR, Axios, etc
  • Redux, Zustand, Jotai, XState, etc



Use pnpm to improve productivity and replace npm, so make sure pnpm is installed:

npm i -g pnpm

To run the app locally, make sure the project's local dependencies are installed:

pnpm install


Format, lint, and build to check if the setup is fine:

pnpm check
# run: format lint stylelint build typecheck

pnpm check:fix # to fix most cases if there's an issue
# run: format:fix lint:fix stylelint:fix

Note: Ignore non-critical warning about ESLint and TypeScript


Prisma ORM is used to communicate with the database easily. Since this app is primarily using PlanetScale, the migration files are not needed. Therefore, push the schema directly there, then the migration will be handled through the deploy requests.

Also read:

If prefer using Docker and Docker Compose for local development, follow this guide.

Environment Variables

Create the .env file from the example .env file.

cp -i .env.example .env

This .env file is only for local development, not production

Let's configure the required environment variables in the .env file if local, otherwise in the project settings, for:


For the database, either choose to use PlanetScale or local Docker container. If prefer using Docker and Docker Compose for local development, follow this guide.

If not using any local database, create a PlanetScale account to have a MySQL instance for development. After the database has been created, "Get the connection string" and select "Prisma", then copy the full DATABASE_URL.

Keep in mind the free plan only allow for 1 database. So either later keep it, delete it when unused, or upgrade the plan.

Generate a random string for the SESSION_SECRET using openssl rand -base64 32 on the terminal or put any long random text.


Schema to Push

Sync between Prisma schema and the database directly, by making schema changes with prisma db push, which can be done regularly while updating the models:

pnpm db:push
# prisma db push

Even with local development without PlanetScale, pushing the schema directly is still okay when prototyping the schema. After a success push, then it will automatically run prisma generate.

Data for Credentials

Create users.json in prisma/seed-credential folder with the format below. You can focus on certain users who want to be able to sign in in development, so it doesn't have to be everyone. Password is also optional as there is an authentication method with OAuth that is not require a password.

    "fullname": "User One",
    "email": "",
    "username": "username",
    "imageURL": "",
    "tags": ["TEAM", "DEVELOPER"],
    "role": "Fullstack web developer",
    "affiliation": "Google",
    "bio": "Full Stack Web Developer with JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, React"
    "fullname": "User Two",
    "email": "",
    "username": "username2",
    "imageURL": "",
    "tags": ["TEAM", "ADVISOR"],
    "role": "Software engineer",
    "affiliation": "Google",
    "bio": "Software engineer with 5 years experience"
  // ...

Data for Seed

Then seed the initial data when needed:

pnpm db:seed
# prisma db seed


Check if the build is fine. This als be used to build the app for production.

pnpm build
# remix build

This will also run prisma generate too before the build

Then try run the app in production mode:

pnpm start

This repo has been officially deployed to Vercel and hosted at

Develop Locally

If everything works fine, start the Remix development server like so:

pnpm dev
# remix dev

This starts the app in development mode, rebuilding assets on file changes.

Open up http://localhost:3000 and it should be ready to go!

Regularly, either push or generate the schema after changing the Prisma schema or database models.

pnpm db:push
# prisma db push

pnpm db:gen
# prisma generate

Checking Dependencies

To keep the dependencies up to date, use taze.

pnpm dlx taze
# or if installed globally


This repo has been setup to auto deploy to Vercel automatically on Git push. Can also be deployed to other new projects on Vercel.

After having run the create-remix command and selected "Vercel" as a deployment target, import the Git repository into Vercel.

Configure the required environment variables in project settings for:


Then deploy it. There should be the deployed URL like



Remix app setup:


(Ordered by join date)

No Nick Full Name Username Role
1 Haidar M Haidar Hanif @mhaidarhanif Lead, Full Stack Web Developer, UI/UX Designer
2 Hendi Hendi Santika ... Software Developer
3 Didiet Didiet Pambudiono @didietap Infra Engineer
4 Fikri Fikri Alwan @FikriAR19 Frontend Web Developer
5 Abui Abui Muliadi @abuiiam Frontend Web Developer, UI/UX Designer
6 Rizky Rizky Alam @rizkyalamz Backend Web Developer, Infra/System Engineer
7 Raka Raka Pratama @tamagossi Full Stack Web Developer
8 Rijal Muhamad Rijal @MhdRijal Full Stack Web Developer
9 Agus Agus Wesly @aguswesly Full Stack Web Developer
10 Rendi Rendi Bayu Setiawan @straynekoren Full Stack Web Developer
11 Maahir M. Maahir Maulana @maulana48 Backend Web Developer
12 Obi Obi Pranata @obipranata Full Stack Web Developer


BandungDev Community Website






No releases published


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  • TypeScript 89.3%
  • CSS 6.3%
  • JavaScript 4.3%
  • Shell 0.1%