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euzu edited this page Nov 15, 2023 · 1 revision


  - {name: delimiter, value: '[\s_-]*' }
  - {name: quality, value: '(?i)(?P<quality>HD|LQ|4K|UHD)?'}
  - name: DE_CHAN
    value: value: Group ~ "^.DE.*"
  - name: FR_CHAN
    value: Group ~ "^.FR.*"
  - name: ALL_CHAN
    value: >-
      !DE_CHAN! OR

If you have a lot of repeats in you regexps, you can use templates to make your regexps cleaner. You can reference other templates in templates with !name!.

With this definition you can use delimiter and quality in your regexp's surrounded with ! like.
This will replace all occurrences of !delimiter! and !quality! in the regexp string.

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