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JIRA: KOGITO-3272: Consolidate CloudEvent Usages

This demo project shows how to share a common implementation based on Reactive Streams for producing events. The implementation of a single Publisher<CloudEvent> works seamlessly with both Spring and Quarkus.

For the emitting part, a CloudEventEmitter class was instead defined, as the Subscriber<CloudEvent> API may be too cumbersome.


First, recommended to install the parent project

mvn install

Then, run the individual projects.

The project consists of the folowing components

common Shared data objects (Event), CloudEventEmitter interface and utilities (Subscribers)
common-data-generator Shared Publisher<T> for fake generated data
common-logging-emitter Shared CloudEventEmitter for fake generated data
spring-kafka Kafka glue code for Spring
spring-demo Spring demo
quarkus-kafka Kafka glue code for Quarkus
quarkus-demo Quarkus demo

Each demo comes with two profiles:

-Pgenerated uses generated fake data -Pkafka expects a running Kafka broker

Generated Data

The common-data-generator project contains one single class annotated both with Spring and CDI annotations (scope: provided), with an implementation of a Publisher<Event>. Event (common project) is a data class contained in common, that may represent a Cloud Event envelope.

The fake data generator emits 1 event every second. You can customize it as you want. It internally uses SmallRye Mutiny, but you may plug a reactive streams implementation of your choice.

Running Quarkus

Quarkus generated demo

cd quarkus-demo
mvn quarkus:dev
# or mvn quarkus:dev -Pgenerated 

Output lines with EventSubscriber and LoggingEmitter represent generated fake events. Ctrl-C to quit

Running Spring

Spring generated demo

cd spring-demo
mvn spring-boot:run
# or mvn spring-boot:run -Pgenerated 

Output lines with EventSubscriber and LoggingEmitter represent generated fake events. Ctrl-C to quit

Live Kafka Events

This demo uses the native Quarkus and Spring facilities to plug a kafka connector that funnels data into the same Publisher of the generated version


Start a local Kafka+Zookeeper in the root project

docker-compose up 
# or docker-compose -d up (if you want it run in background)

The broker is on localhost:9092. The demos will listen to topic demo-topic and write to topic output-topic.

You may start a kafka client to listen to the topic. We recommend kafkacat:

kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t output-topic -C

We recommend starting a kafka producer too (on a separate terminal):

kafkacat -b localhost:9092 -t demo-topic -P

In this console you may type one message per line.

If everything is working, by typing a line in the producer, the consumer should echo it.

Use Ctrl-C[Enter] to quit.


Quarkus Kafka demo

cd quarkus-demo
mvn quarkus:dev -Pkafka 

When the application starts, type in the console with the producer, and send. Your message will be echoed to another topic

The demo uses SmallRye Reactive Messaging + Kafka Connector. The only thing the kafka addon module does, is pass on the data from the input topic to the output topic


Spring Kafka demo

cd quarkus-demo
mvn spring-boot:run -Pkafka 

When the application starts, type in the console with the producer, and send. The Application will echo your message.

The demo uses:

If you run both demos (Spring+Quarkus) at once you will see them echo the same message together.


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