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Notes from 42 Silicon Valley's townhall meetings. Not guaranteed to be accurate; please let me know if I missed anything or can make something more clear! Slack: @evan

Previous Townhalls

Most Recent Townhall (2020.01.22)

Editor's note: Although I am currently a member of bocal, these notes are not official communication from bocal. Any errors or inaccuracies are my own.


Upcoming piscines

  • Google Cloud Architect Piscine: Jan 27 - Feb 17
    • Requirements: level 5+, beginner exam validation, speak to Dan
  • Unity/VR/XR Hololens Piscine: Feb 3 - Feb 24
    • Requirements: level 5+, beginner exam validation, speak to Dan
  • PHP Piscine: Feb 24 - Mar 8
    • Requirements: level 3+, no exceptions
  • Interview Piscine: Feb 24 - Mar 8
    • Requirements: level 7+, no exceptions
  • ML Piscine: after


  • Students are not allowed access to the following areas in bocal, effective immediately
    • Restrooms
    • Door to zone 3 (by gaming zone)
    • Coffee/tea/couch area
  • Yoga room has moved to the room at the back of zone 1
  • February 8th: the lab will be closed 6am - noon for construction
    • We're bringing in a crane to fix the AC
    • Keep an eye on Slack for updates
    • Please do not cross caution tape, even if you want to
  • January 28th - February 11th: there will be construction at the "front" (NW) entrance to the school
    • This does not affect the entrance we currently use
    • Please avoid the area while construction is happening
    • Keep an eye on Slack for updates
    • Please do not cross caution tape, even if you want to
  • All of the parking lot is now available for use
    • Tesla no longer leases any part of our parking lot
    • You can now park behind the lab
  • Wallet Points
    • Events no longer give wallet points due to abuse which damaged our relationships with guest speakers
    • Suggest new ways to earn wallet points here:
  • Pick up your mail please
    • Mail piles up quickly. Even if your mail is not urgent, please come get your letters & packages so other students can find their mail more easily
    • Letters are kept for 2 weeks from receipt before being returned to sender


Portal Vacation Updates

  • You can now submit vacation requests retroactively
  • You can submit vacation requests of 1-infinity days
    • Our policies about appropriate lengths of vacations still apply (21 days should be the max)


  • @Kane is the new marvin
  • DM @Kane !factoid commands to get info

Git Creeper

  • Push commits to Vogsphere at least once a week or your project will be closed
  • Consider setting up your environment so you can push to GitHub and Vogsphere simultaneously

Check your email settings

  • Many students appear to have email notifications turned off on Intra - Email is one of only two ways we have to contact you. If you are actively attending 42, please make sure you have email notifications enabled (Intra -> click your profile pic -> Settings -> Notifications)


  • FEB 7 : Lab closed 6am-Noon for construction
  • FEB 16 : New Cadet dorm check-in
  • FEB 18 : New Cadet start date - plz be nice
  • FEB 20 : Hashcode 2020 by Google

Jamie: Not a lot of people are attending events. We put a lot of work into setting up these events for you, and our partners get offended and don't want to come back if no one shows up. Please give us feedback about what events you want, what scheduling works for you, and anything we can do to make these events work better for you.


New Bocalians

  • If you want to take a hands-on approach to shaping the future of 42, we want to meet with you
  • Requirements: level 5+ (soft requirement)
  • [The application period has now ended]

Student Ambassadors

  • If you want to be an ambassador, email
  • Requirements: be at least level 1 and finish libft
  • Responsibilities

Dan Alphabet X intern hiring challenge

  • If you're interested, learn linear algebra and quantum computing
  • 1 month process
  • Pipeline into internship


Impromptu questions


What kind of communication do you have with 42 Paris?


Ulises: We do have open communications with Paris, and it's in a state of flux. There's a desire to make curriculum/academics follow Paris's rules more closely, and to make local decisions about rules and how the individual campuses work. Overall communications are in a good state.

Questions from Google Slides


Why aren't we learning real skills that would be useful working in the modern era (Languages such as Python and Go, Frameworks, Open-source contribution) ?

32 upvotes | 7 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:23:43 PM]


Michael: When you go job hunting, they don't care about what languages you know, but they care about your problem solving skills.

Jamie: It also matters about how you communicate your thoughts when you go into an interview. If you don't verbalize your thought process, you won't get hired.

Meo: We use C because if you know C, you'll have an easy time with higher level languages. What we're teaching here isn't a programming language, the goal is to teach you adaptability and language-agnostic skills.


It was mentioned few town-halls ago that there might be some sort of mentorship. Where some industry software engineers would mentor 42 students. Is it still happening or will it be happening in the future soon?

24 upvotes | 0 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:25:34 PM]


Meo: This is something we are working on, but it's hard to source software engineers willing to participate. Please be patient.

Crystal: You might not have access to software developers, but you have access to senior cadets. Two good resources are the Exam Study Group on Monday nights, and Socrates on Tuesday nights.

Meo: There are also a lot of resources on the internet. Ruby Guides, etc.

Jamie: We had mentors, and then the students no-showed multiple times. Those mentors no longer want to work with us. It's very hard to build those relationships when students don't hold up their end.


Students are afraid of direct dialogue with Bocal as most of them are leaving in dorms and do not want to evicted from there.

Bocal is failing at its essence of providing safe two-way communication between itself and students. Is it in your interest to fix this issue to create a safer environment?

29 upvotes | 7 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:30:07 PM]


Crystal: Yes, this is an issue that we need to address. We can do a better job. If you feel this way, I want you to talk to at least one of us and tell us what's going on. I want to know about it. If I'm making you feel unsafe, I want to know about it so I can fix it.

Evan: We're students. We're learning to be better communicators, but we mess up sometimes. Just like when you write bad code, you need someone to tell you, we need you to tell us when we communicate badly. Hold us accountable. If the person you're talking with doesn't respond, talk to another bocalian. Talk to their boss.

Stephen: If you're in a situation where you're afraid to talk to us about eviction or something, it won't get worse if you talk to us and there's a good chance it will get better. It might be a scary conversation, but we can't help you solve the problem if you don't talk to us.


Why Bocal does nothing to provide students with more partnership programs? The only such program I have seen while I was here (which 2 years) was FileMaker/Claris

20 upvotes | 2 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:31:29 PM]


Jamie: Jamie has been incredibly busy with director stuff. Now that she's back to her regular job, she's picking the threads back up, and things are spinning up a bit.

Cadet: is a good platform,

Cadet: Could we get hours for attending events? Jamie: No. That was abused in Paris, so it's no longer allowed.

Jamie: We've had 90 contracts uploaded in the entire time we've been active. PLEASE SHARE YOUR CONTRACTS when you get an internship or get hired, we're not sharing that information, but we use it to help people get hired.

dysotoma: In the place where you upload your contract it says that 42 retains the right to cancel the contract. This is scary. 42 shouldn't be able to cancel a contract between me and my employer, especially if they don't help me find the internship.

Jamie: This might be a translation error. 42 won't cancel your contract. 42 might cancel your internship project if your employer cancels your contract, but your contract is between your employer and you.


Its possible to have a second exam session every week, maybe on Saturdays, or some evening, for those who cant attend at morning due to work?

21 upvotes | 3 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 6:13:43 PM]


Crystal: We've discussed this in the past; there are limitations in terms bocalian time, but we'll look into it. It would be nice if we could work it out.


Could we please add more projects to the web branch

18 upvotes | 1 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:12:00 PM]



Could you please tell us about temperature in the lab and climate system?Why do we sometimes freeze so much that it is impossible to stay in the lab for more than 30min?But last few days in the lab is so warm that you have to take off your jacket.Outside temp didnt change!Do we have heating budget?

17 upvotes | 3 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:52:20 PM]


The heater has been fixed, and the AC will be fixed soon! This should make the temperature more pleasant going forward.


Why doesn’t anything work properly ? We can’t update or install software. Last Rush lisp didn’t work, docker file for numpy didn’t work, mysql, phpmyadmin for php piscine. Broken ceiling, sinks and many other things. Looks like this school is only oriented toward getting pisciners and nothing else.

17 upvotes | 4 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:52:22 PM]



I am sure that I am not the only one. Thanks

15 upvotes | 2 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 7:00:01 PM]



I was evicted from the dorms for doing a bootcamp as I'd desperately needed a job.

How is it ok for a bocalian to do a bootcamp while enjoying the 42 privileges?

13 upvotes | 3 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 7:23:50 PM]



Why in such an innovative school we have:

  • Leaking ceiling
  • Bad Wi-Fi in the Dorms
  • Half of all computers not working

18 upvotes | 9 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:21:10 PM]



Just want to say "thank you, Sako, for being a great RA!!!" Sako's consistently responsive to requests and always has a good attitude!

10 upvotes | 6 downvotes [Anonymous -- 1:53 AM]




If someone donate a lot of eval points (42 for example or even more) to the pool is any achievement appear for that person? :)

8 upvotes | 4 downvotes [Anonymous -- 10:15 AM]



In a previous Town Hall someone proposed having sick days. Can we have a certain number of sick days be automatically approved?

11 upvotes | 8 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 8:25:20 PM]



Could there be a way to implement a questionnaire that would help with creating a way to encourage collaboration between students?

I feel that there has been attempts to encourage collaboration but failed for one reason or another and it has to do with not understanding what works with students.

6 upvotes | 4 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 7:02:17 PM]



I have noticed that the bathrooms are slowly breaking down and not maintained in the lab area (e.g broken pieces, constantly water getting flushed, unusable sinks, soap dispensers, etc). This concerns me for our guests, pisciners, staff, and students. Will this be prioritized sometime soon?

8 upvotes | 6 downvotes [Zeid Tisnes -- Jan 21, 2020, 11:34:18 PM]



As a longtime students here, I've seen almost everyone eventually say they "hate being in the lab". One of the most common reasons mentioned is the lighting at night. Can somethings be done? Suggestions: dim parts of the lab at night. Add non-ceiling lights to part of zone 3, like some lamps.

9 upvotes | 8 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 7:48:08 PM]



Can you implement a new peer-to-peer system between new and old cadets. For example, an appointment based meeting where one gets knowledge and answers on his questions and the other gets wallet points. It can be a random chosen "ambassador" like in eval slots or someone specific.

5 upvotes | 5 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 11:06:23 PM]



find who broke the table tennis!

8 upvotes | 11 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 7:07:34 PM]



Is there improvement to have water fountains that would work with bottles (the one with sensor)? It will be nice to have for the dorms and the lab.

5 upvotes | 8 downvotes [Zeid Tisnes -- Jan 21, 2020, 11:27:31 PM]



With the addition of the new Bocalians there have been more communication, transparency and timely updates. There are still many things that can and should be improved at 42 Silicon Valley but, Bocalians, your efforts are not (completely) overlooked. Thank you.

5 upvotes | 9 downvotes [Anonymous -- 1:46 AM]



What is the point to be bocalian if you can study and find a job as a SE?

5 upvotes | 12 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 7:04:16 PM]



I understand the benefit and reason for frequent project golit pushes, but it's it possible to set it to a longer period (eg. 14 days) before projects are auto closed?

4 upvotes | 11 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 8:17:09 PM]



For those guys who can't pass CYD. Why don't you block their access to student WIFI. It will force them to show up in the lab more often and study instead of staying in the dorm. And than you can fix WIFI for the rest of us.

3 upvotes | 10 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 10:55:13 PM]



I just think it is extremely important for people to have some knowledge for how the intersection of race and gender influences how they are perceived. Asian women in particular are punished for displaying dominant behaviors that are considered socially acceptable by white men.

0 upvotes | 8 downvotes [Anonymous -- 11:53 AM]



Doesn't make any sense, I dont like C and I want to learn something more modern. C kills all my courage for programming

9 upvotes | 18 downvotes [Anonymous -- Jan 21, 2020, 5:47:39 PM]



You need to change the vote system. Some question goes down ‘cause of not wise counting. If a question have 4 up votes and 4 down votes, it shouldn’t be next to 0:0 question. The first one is controversial question and it attracts attention and the other one - nobody cares.

2 upvotes | 11 downvotes [Anonymous -- 1:35 AM]



Additionally, I think it is important for people to examine their implicit biases against women because there is a huge penalty for not women who do not conform to what is considered traditionally feminine (nurturing and communal).

0 upvotes | 9 downvotes [Anonymous -- 11:58 AM]



Can taking implicit bias tests based upon gender be a requirement for incoming cadets:

0 upvotes | 10 downvotes [Anonymous -- 10:59 AM]



Notes from 42 Silicon Valley's townhall meetings.






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