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Highlight Build Errors

A plugin for Sublime Text 3 that highlights the lines that caused errors in the build.

Screen capture with the Monokai theme


  • Does only one thing: highlights the erroneous lines after a build
  • Highlights are visible in the mini-map
  • Customizable display (fill, outline, underline, icon...)
  • Works fine with Better Build System


By Package Control

  1. Download & Install Sublime Text 3 (
  2. Go to the menu Tools -> Install Package Control, then, wait few seconds until the installation finishes up
  3. Now, Go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  4. Type Add Channel on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  5. Then, input the following address and press Enter
  6. Go to the menu Tools -> Command Palette... (Ctrl+Shift+P)
  7. Type Preferences: Package Control Settings – User on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  8. Then, find the following setting on your Package Control.sublime-settings file:
  9. And, change it to the following, i.e., put the https://raw.githubusercontent... line as first:
    • The https://raw.githubusercontent... line must to be added before the one, otherwise, you will not install this forked version of the package, but the original available on the Package Control default channel
  10. Now, go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  11. Type Install Package on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  12. Then, search for HighlightBuildErrors and press Enter

See also:

  1. ITE - Integrated Toolset Environment
  2. Package control docs for details.


As many Sublime Text plugins, the configuration can be modified from the menu Preferences / Package Settings / Hightlight Build Errors.

Here is the content of the default settings file:

  // the plugin tests each regex and stops at the first match
  // "scope" is a key in the .tmTheme file
  // "display" can be "fill", "outline", "solid_underline", "stippled_underline" or "squiggly_underline"
  "colors": [
      "regex": "note",
      "icon": "Packages/Highlight Build Errors/information.png"
      "regex": "warning",
      "scope": "invalid",
      "display": "outline",
      "icon": "Packages/Highlight Build Errors/warning.png"
      // default color, when none of the above matches
      "scope": "invalid",
      "display": "fill",
      "icon": "Packages/Highlight Build Errors/error.png"

You can specify a regex on your project settings like this

      // ...
      "path": "."
    "tab_size": 2,
    "highlight_build_errors_result_file_regex": "^(..[^:]*):([0-9]+):?([0-9]+)?:? (.*)$"

The highlight_build_errors_result_file_regex will be used for your project, instead of the standard file_regex.

The highlight_build_errors_result_file_regex an alternate error file regex for you build system, other than the standard file_regex as when it is capturing more things which are not errors.


Build as usual (Ctrl+B or Cmd+B).

Erroneous words or lines will be highlighted in the source files.




See the LICENSE file under this repository.