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Move Tab

Plugin for Sublime Text to move tabs around.


The following commands are accessible via the command palette:

  • Move Tab: To the left
  • Move Tab: To the right
  • Move Tab: To first position
  • Move Tab: To last position

The default shortcuts are:

  • Linux/Windows: CTRL + Shift + (Page up / Page down)
  • MacOS X: Command + Alt + Shift + (Left / Right)

Shortcuts to move to first or last position are disabled by default.


By Package Control

  1. Download & Install Sublime Text 3 (
  2. Go to the menu Tools -> Install Package Control, then, wait few seconds until the installation finishes up
  3. Now, Go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  4. Type Add Channel on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  5. Then, input the following address and press Enter
  6. Go to the menu Tools -> Command Palette... (Ctrl+Shift+P)
  7. Type Preferences: Package Control Settings – User on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  8. Then, find the following setting on your Package Control.sublime-settings file:
  9. And, change it to the following, i.e., put the https://raw.githubusercontent... line as first:
    • The https://raw.githubusercontent... line must to be added before the one, otherwise, you will not install this forked version of the package, but the original available on the Package Control default channel
  10. Now, go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  11. Type Install Package on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  12. Then, search for MoveTab and press Enter

See also:

  1. ITE - Integrated Toolset Environment
  2. Package control docs for details.


Licensed under the MIT License