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Sublime Tutor

Sublime Tutor Screenshot

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                                                     FOR SUBLIME TEXT 3

Sublime Text 3 is a powerful and easy to use text editor. An ultra simple user interface beautifully hides all the complexity behind. You can start using the editor without knowing any details, which is great for beginners.

When I started using Sublime Text, I was a migrant from the world of TextMate and Vim. While a lot of keyboard shortcuts and features were similar to TextMate, some looked alien as well. Earlier, when I was learning Vim, I had found vimtutor to be of great help. In my early days with Sublime, I was looking for a similar solution which could interactively teach new shortcuts inside the editor itself.

This tutorial is inspired from classic vimtutor. You will get to learn some handy shortcuts to work with Sublime Text 3. By the end of this tutorial, you would be familiar with ST's most important and frequently used shortcuts and features.

The tutorial uses spaced repetition technique to make sure that your newly acquired skills are well persisted.


You have Sublime Text 3 installed on your system. If not, you can download it from here: In case if you are on version 2, you can clone this GIT repository on your system and follow the instructions in tutorial directory inside. Some shortcuts and features discussed would be ST3 only, but you'd know about it then.

Having said that, there is no reason that you should be using Sublime Text 2. A lot of improvements have been made since the version 2 and the latest version is stable enough to do most of the things. Unless, your life depends on a plugin that is only supported by ST2. I can't help you then.


By Package Control

  1. Download & Install Sublime Text 3 (
  2. Go to the menu Tools -> Install Package Control, then, wait few seconds until the installation finishes up
  3. Now, Go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  4. Type Add Channel on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  5. Then, input the following address and press Enter
  6. Go to the menu Tools -> Command Palette... (Ctrl+Shift+P)
  7. Type Preferences: Package Control Settings – User on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  8. Then, find the following setting on your Package Control.sublime-settings file:
  9. And, change it to the following, i.e., put the https://raw.githubusercontent... line as first:
    • The https://raw.githubusercontent... line must to be added before the one, otherwise, you will not install this forked version of the package, but the original available on the Package Control default channel
  10. Now, go to the menu Preferences -> Package Control
  11. Type Install Package on the opened quick panel and press Enter
  12. Then, search for SublimeTutorial and press Enter
  13. Restart Sublime Text

See also:

  1. ITE - Integrated Toolset Environment
  2. Package control docs for details.

Getting Started

If you haven't already, install Sublime Tutor using the installation steps given above.

Once Sublime Tutor is installed, press Ctrl+Option+K keyboard shortcut to open this file in Sublime Text. Another option is to go to Help > Sublime Tutor menu option to open this.

Via Command Palette:

  1. Cmd+Shift+P to get the command palette in front.
  2. Type Sublime Tutor, select the first command that comes up to start the interactive guide.

Symbols Used in this guide

  • CmdCommand Key
  • Ctrl - Control Key
  • OptionOption Key
  • ShiftShift Key
  • EscEscape Key
  • ReturnReturn Key
  • DeleteDelete / Backspace Key


  1. Give feedback - If you went through the course and think a particular thing can be done in a different way, you want a feature covered, or there was something that you specially liked, please let me know via a tweet or email
  2. Issues - Found an issue? Typo, error or a topic needs more details, please create an issue by going to
  3. Pull request - Are you comfortable with git? If you know solution to any of the issues listed above, fork the repository, make your changes and create a PR with your changes. Refer to the branches section below while making these changes.


All osx platform related changes go in the master branch of this repository while all windows / linux related changes go in win/linux branch.