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Online social media and social networking distributed service running across multiple Docker containers.

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Meet Up

Test TypeScript

Meet Up is an online social media and social networking service on which users post texts, images and videos known.

Registered users can create, like, comment on post, follow and unfollow users, video call users and direct message (DM), while unregistered users only have the ability to view public posts.

This project is as an inspiration on a simple distributed application running across multiple Docker containers. This solution uses React.js, Node.js, with Redis for cache/messaging, Postgres for relational data and MongoDB for non-relational data like images and videos and Nginx as a reverse proxy.

Live Demo available in the repository about section.

Demo accounts

username: mark;
password: 123456;

username: jane;
password: 123456;

username: tom;
password: 123456;


  • Authentication with OAuth 2.0
    • Facebook Sign-In
    • Google Sign-In
  • Search for users
  • Pagination of posts, messages and notifications
  • Create posts with images, videos or audios
    • Like posts
    • Comment on posts
      • Like comment
      • View all comments on a post
  • Realtime Messaging with images, videos or audios
    • Online and last seen check
    • Delete messages sent
    • Total unread messages visible hint
    • React on message using animated emoji selector
  • Realtime Video call
    • Offline check
  • Profile Page
    • Change profile picture
    • Change bio
    • Follow / Unfollow Users
    • Toggle show / hide notifications
    • Mutual status in relation to a user
    • View posts categorized by liked, created, commented on, or with media
  • Notifications Alert
    • New Followers
    • New Messages
    • Created Posts
    • Liked Posts
    • Bio update
    • Total unseen notifications visible hint
  • Responsive design for mobile, tablet, and desktop
  • Used React context to manage state

Upcoming Features

  • Automating Docker container base image updates using Watchtower
  • Notification sounds
  • Group message
  • Password update


Design Notes

  • Redis in-memory data store for:
    • Managing user sessions
    • Database cache for faster querying
    • Managing unique ids for sending messages or uploading media referencing a post/message
  • An unauthenticated user can only view posts, comments, likes and users
  • An authenticated user can additionally create/like/comment on posts, manage user information, follow/unfollow users, message/video call users...
  • Load balancer using Nginx
  • CI/CD with GitHub Actions
  • Post displays comments with threads
  • Pagination
  • Uploads with progress indicator
  • Video call using WebRTC
  • Password and OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy
  • Data streaming using MongoDB GridFS to deliver partial content
  • Notifications using WebSockets and GraphQL subscriptions
  • Test Driven Development (TDD)
  • User authentication and authorization using cookie session
  • User search optimization using debouncing technique
  • Responsive web design


High-level architecture

This is a high-level view of how the different containers interact with each other.

High-level Architecture

Technologies used


  • WebSocket communications protocol for a persistent, bi-directional, full duplex TCP connection from a user's web browser to a server.
  • Simple-peer simple library to easily transfer files over WebRTC.


  • Passport.js for managing and authenticating users using OAuth 2.0 authentication strategy.
  • Express session middleware HTTP server-side framework used to create and manage a session middleware.


  • PostgreSQL free and open-source relational database management system (RDBMS)
  • MongoDB open source NoSQL database management program that manages document-oriented information.
  • Redis in-memory data structure store, used as a distributed, in-memory key–value database, cache and message broker.


  • GitHub Actions continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform that allows you to automate your build, test, and deployment pipeline.


  • Nginx web server that can also be used as a reverse proxy, load balancer, mail proxy and HTTP cache


  • Docker used to automate the deployment of applications in lightweight containers so that applications can work efficiently in different environments.

Query Language:

  • Apollo GraphQL open source query language that describes how a client should request information through an API.

Forms Validation:

JavaScript library:

  • React.js declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building reusable UI components.
  • Styled-components use component-level styles in your applications by the leverage mixture of JavaScript and CSS using a technique called CSS-in-JS.

GraphQL Resolvers

Resolvers Description
auth Gets user attributes for the current authenticated user.
register Registers and authenticates users.
login Logs in and authenticates users.
logout Logs out the current authenticated user.
getUser Gets a user profile.
getFollowCount Gets a user follow count.
getFollowStatus Gets a user follow status in relation to another user.
getFollowing Gets users following a user.
getFollowers Gets a user followers.
getUserPosts Gets a user posts.
getUserComments Gets a user comments on a post.
getUserMedias Gets a user posts with attachment.
getUserLikes Gets posts the current user liked.
findUser Finds a user by name or handle.
followUser Follow a user.
unFollowUser Unfollow a user.
updateBio Updates a user bio.
toggleNotification Toggle showing notifications.
getPost Gets a post.
getPosts Gets paginated posts.
createPost Creates a post.
likePost Like a post.
unLikePost Unlike a post.
getMessages Gets messages between users.
getConversations Gets conversations between users.
sendMessage Sends a message to a user.
deleteMessage Deletes a sent message.
addReactionMessage Adds a reaction to a message.
removeReactionMessage Removes a reaction from a message.
getNotifications Gets user notifications.
getMimeTypes Gets supported media types for file uploads.

API Routes

Routes Description
Get, Post or Delete an image by category or authentication type and username.
/media/:category/:id Get, Post or Delete a media file by category.
/auth/facebook Authenticate users with Facebook using the OAuth 2.0 API.
/auth/google Authenticate users with Google using the OAuth 2.0 API.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following requirements:

Run The Project

Follow these steps to get your development environment set up:

  1. Clone this repository locally;
# Change to the desired directory
$ cd <desired-directory>

# Clone the repo
$ git clone

# Change to the project directory
$ cd meet-up
  1. Change environmental variables file name in both backend and frontend folder from .env.example to .env

  2. In the backend directory, update the .env file values for the following variables:

# OAuth configurations

  1. At the root directory meet-up, run the following command:
# Create external docker volume for the mongo development database
$ docker volume create meet-up-backend_mongo-db-dev

# Create external docker volume for the postgres development database
$ docker volume create meet-up-backend_postgres-db-dev

# Build and run backend in a development container environment
$ docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -p meet-up-dev-stack  -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/ up --build -d

# Build and run frontend in a development container environment
$ docker-compose --env-file ./frontend/.env -p meet-up-dev-stack -f ./frontend/ up --build -d
  1. The web-app will be running at http://localhost:3000, and the api-server will be at http://localhost:4000.

Useful commands

# Stops backend development containers and removes containers, networks and volumes
$ docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -p meet-up-dev-stack  -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/ down -v --remove-orphans

# Stops frontend development containers and removes containers, networks and volumes
$ docker-compose --env-file ./frontend/.env -p meet-up-dev-stack -f ./frontend/ down -v --remove-orphans

# Create external docker volume for the mongo production database
$ docker volume create meet-up-backend_mongo-db-prod

# Create external docker volume for the postgres production database
$ docker volume create meet-up-backend_postgres-db-prod

# Show production compose configurations
$ docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -p meet-up-prod-stack -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/ -f frontend/ config

# Build and run in a production container environment
$ docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -p meet-up-prod-stack -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/ -f frontend/ up --build -d

# Stops production containers and removes containers, networks and volumes
$ docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -p meet-up-prod-stack -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/ -f frontend/ down -v --remove-orphans

# Build and run backend tests in a container environment
$ docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -p meet-up-test-stack -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/ -f ./backend/docker-compose.test.yml up --build -d

# Stops backend tests containers and removes containers, networks and volumes
$ docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -p meet-up-test-stack -f ./backend/docker-compose.yml -f ./backend/ -f ./backend/docker-compose.test.yml down -v --remove-orphans

# Build and run frontend tests in a container environment
$ docker-compose --env-file ./frontend/.env -p meet-up-test-stack -f ./frontend/ -f ./frontend/docker-compose.test.yml up --build -d

# Stops frontend tests containers and removes containers, networks and volumes
$ docker-compose --env-file ./frontend/.env -p meet-up-test-stack -f ./frontend/ -f ./frontend/docker-compose.test.yml down -v --remove-orphans

# Build and run a backend test (profile.test) in a container environment
$ cd backend
$ sh scripts/ profile.test


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