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An Implementation of the NewType Pattern for Python that works in dynamic contexts.


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An Implementation of the NewType Pattern for Python that works in dynamic contexts.

What is it?

NewerType is a package that provides a semi-transparent wrapper to an existing type that allows it to be used mostly as if it's just the wrapped type, but which allows type checking as if it's a distinct type at runtime.

With the addition to Python of PEP 483, PEP 484, & the typing package, Python added support for type hints. That included an implementation of the Haskell newtype which was cleverly called NewType. As explained in the documentation, Python's NewType is, like most of the typing library, meant for use by static type checkers. This means that, when the code is running, the Newness of the type is erased, leaving just the wrapped type & no way to tell that there was ever a Newtype, either by the code or by Python itself.

NewerType provides the same kind of wrapper as NewType, but allows (& enforces) type checking at runtime. this means, for example, that if you wrap an int in a NewerType, you can do all of the arithmetic & comparison operations on an instance of that type that you could with a normal int with either different instances of that type, or ints. But you will not be able to mix different NewerTypes, even if they all wrap ints.

This allows you to never have to worry if you are adding Miles to Kilometers, or mixing up a UserName with a Password.

Main Features

  • A wrapper that allows dynamic type checking while mostly not getting in the way
  • Carries type information with the object so you can always use isinstace() or type() to know what it is
  • Forwards the magic methods from the wrapped object so things like arithmetic or indexing work
  • Allows you to customize what methods are forwarded
  • No dependencies!


Current stable version:

pip install newertype

Newest thing on GitHub:

pip install git+


Basic usage:

from newertype import NewerType

AType = NewerType("AType", int)  # `AType` is a new type that wraps an int
a_type = AType(14)  # Make an instance of this new type
isinstance(a_type, AType)  # `a_type` is an `AType`
# Returns: True
isinstance(a_type, int)  # `a_type` is _NOT_ an `int`
# Returns: False
str(a_type.__class__.__name__) == "AType"
# Returns: True

You can use the new type as if it's the wrapped type:

AType = NewerType("AType", int)  # Let's make some types!
a_type_1 = AType(7)
a_type_2 = AType(7)  # Two different instances with the same class
a_type_1 == a_type_2  # You can compare them as if they were just `int`s
# Returns: True

EType = NewerType("EType", int)
e_type_1 = EType(7)
e_type_2 = EType(14)
e_type_2 > e_type_1  # All of the `int` operations work
# Returns: True
a_type_1 == e_type_1  # But different types are not equal, even if the wrapped value is
Returns: False

IType = NewerType("IType", int)
JType = NewerType("JType", int)
i_type_1 = IType(7)
i_type_2 = IType(14)
i_type_1 + i_type_2  # Arithmetic works!
# Returns: 21

j_type_1 = JType(7)
i_type_1 + j_type_1  # But not if you try to mix `NewerType`s
# "TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'IType' and 'JType'"
int(i_type_1) < int(i_type_2)  # Conversions that work for the inner type work also
# Returns: True

Accessing the wrapped data directly:

a_type = AType(14)
a_type.inner  # the `inner` property gets the contained value
# Returns: 14
a_type.inner = 27  # `inner` can also be used to modify the value
# Returns: 27

The "truthiness" & string representations are sensible:

SType = NewerType("SType", float)
s_type = SType(2.71828182845904523536028747135266249775724709369995)
# Returns: "SType(2.718281828459045)"
# Returns: "SType(2.718281828459045)"
# Returns: True
bytes(s_type)  # `bytes()` only works if it works with the wrapped type
# "TypeError: cannot convert 'float' object to bytes"

s_type.inner = 0.0
# Returns: False

What about forwarding your own methods on your own classes? NewerType can handle that:

# First, define a class. It can have the standard indexing methods, but also some unique ones:
class Forwardable(UserDict):
    def forwarded(self, value):
        return value

    def also_forwarded(self, key):
        return self[key]

    def __getitem__(self, item):
        return super().__getitem__(item)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        super().__setitem__(key, value)

# The normal behavior is for NewerType to forward the standard methods but ignore the custom ones:
FO1Type = NewerType("FO1Type", Forwardable)
fo1_type_1 = FO1Type(Forwardable())
fo1_type_1["a"] = 5  # `__setitem__` is a standard method, so it's forwarded
fo1_type_1["a"]  # So is `__getitem__`
# Returns: 5
fo1_type_1.forwarded(5)  # But unique methods are not forwarded
# "AttributeError: FO1Type' object has no attribute 'forwarded'"

# We can use "extra_forwards" to specify the additional methods we'd like to forward:
FO2Type = NewerType(
    "FO2Type", Forwardable, extra_forwards=["forwarded", "also_forwarded"]
fo2_type_1 = FO2Type(Forwardable())
fo2_type_1["e"] = 7  # This continues to work
fo2_type_1["e"]  # As does this
# Returns: 7
fo2_type_1.also_forwarded("e")  # But now this works also!
# Returns: 7

# But what if we _don't_ want to forward the standard methods? Use "no_def_forwards":
FO3Type = NewerType(
    "FO3Type", Forwardable, extra_forwards=["also_forwarded"], no_def_forwards=True
fo3_type_1 = FO3Type(Forwardable())
fo3_type_1.inner["g"] = 8
fo3_type_1.also_forwarded("g")  # The extra methods continue to work
# Returns: 8
fo3_type_1["g"]  # But the standard ones don't (unless we specifically mention them in "extra_forwards")
# "TypeError: 'FO3Type' object is not subscriptable"


  • The bytes() built-in currently just forces all wrapped str objects to "utf-8" as an encoding. If you need a different encoding, use bytes() of .inner.
  • There are a bunch more methods that should be in the whitelist for forwarding. That's a work in progress.

Project Resources

  • Documentation - TBD
  • Issue tracker - TBD
  • Source code - TBD
  • Change log - TBD


Licensed under the MIT LICENSE


An Implementation of the NewType Pattern for Python that works in dynamic contexts.







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