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API Documentation

wulfraem edited this page Jun 1, 2018 · 2 revisions

Table of Contents

Basic Usage

Usage Examples

See /examples/readFromContract.js for an example for reading a contracts description.

The example in /examples/workWithContract.js uses the DBCP description stored at the contract to load the contracts abi and execute functions on it.

The examples use the default runtime provided with the DBCP module.

For a sample on how to create contracts, that hold descriptions and a small example on to work with them see /examples/writeDescriptionToContract.js, in which the greeter contract /contracts/Greeter.sol is used.


The runtime is an object, that provides helpers for interaction, especially the description, which is used to get or set DBCP descriptions. The runtime itself is basically just an entity, that holds the helpers. To create a default runtime, you need a connected web3.js[+] instance, a connection to the distributed file system (an implementation for IPFS[+] is provided with the DBCP module as Ipfs) and a configuration for Ethereum accounts. These are passed to the createDefaultRuntime function from the DBCP module.

If you want to add/remove modules to/from the runtime, you can create you own runtime. See /examples/customRuntime.js for an example. This runtime is similar to the default runtime provided by the DBCP bundle.

Examples in this document assume, that there is a instantiated runtime named runtime. You can use the createDefaultRuntime function to create such.

// see examples for configs
const runtimeConfig = {...};
// initialize dependencies
const web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.WebsocketProvider(runtimeConfig.web3Provider));
const dfs = new Ipfs({ remoteNode: new IpfsApi(runtimeConfig.ipfs), });

// create runtime
const runtime = await createDefaultRuntime(web3, dfs, { accountMap: runtimeConfig.accountMap, });


The tests are written with mocha and chai and the files (*.spec.js) are located next to the files, they contain tests for. The tests are in between unit tests and integration tests. They each cover a single class but do not mock external dependencies and use the live blockchain for its contract and transaction related components. They act as a living documentation and examples for using the modules can be found in them.

As the modules depend on each other, most tests require some repeating initialization steps. To speed things up a bit, the TestUtils class is used for creating the modules, this class initializes the required modules, but creates multiple instances of the same modules. This pattern can be used for tests, but when writing code intended for productive use, modules should be re-used instead of creating new ones repeatedly. See Runtime about how to organize modules in a runtime.

There are multiple scripts for running tests:

  • npm run test - runs all tests, only recommended when running during CI, takes really long by now
  • npm run testunit ${PATH_TO_SPEC_FILE} - runs a single *.spec.js file, your best friend when writing new modules or upating them
  • npm run testunitbail ${PATH_TO_SPEC_FILE} - runs a single *.spec.js file, breaks on first error without waiting for all tests in this file to finish
  • npm run testunitbrk ${PATH_TO_SPEC_FILE} - runs a single *.spec.js file, steps into breakpoint on first line, can be used when facing startup issues

All tests are run with the --inspect flag for debugging.

Module Initialization

When creating a custom runtime, the modules have to be created and added to a runtime object. The modules take 1 argument in their constructor, that is (in most modules) an interface with the required dependencies, for example in the executor class:

 * options for Executor constructor
export interface ExecutorOptions {
  config?: any,
  eventHub?: EventHub,
  log?: Function,
  signer?: SignerInterface,
  web3?: any,

 * helper for calling contract functions, executing transactions
 * @class      Executor (name)
export class Executor extends Logger {

  constructor(options: ExecutorOptions) {
    this.config = options.config;
    this.signer = options.signer;
    this.web3 = options.web3;


Some of the modules have circular dependencies, as many modules require basic modules like the Executor or the NameResolver and in reverse those two modules need functionalities from their dependents. For example the Executor from the sample above needs the EventHub (which requires the Executor itself) for transactions, that use an event for returning results. These modules need further initialization steps before they can be used, which are described in their constructors comment and can be seen in their tests.

What's in the package?


The Description module is the main entry point for interacting with contract descriptions. It allows you to:

  • get and set descriptions
  • work with contracts and ENS descriptions
  • create web3.js contract instances directly from an Ethereum address and its description

The main use cases for interacting with a contracts descriptin in your application will most probably be reading a contracts description and loading contracts via their description.

The examples folder folder contains some samples for getting started. With consuming or setting contract descriptions.

Contract Descriptions

Reading a contracts description can be done via:

const address = '0x9c0Aaa728Daa085Dfe85D3C72eE1c1AdF425be49';
const description = await runtime.description.getDescription(address);
// Output:
// { public: 
//    { name: 'DBCP sample greeter',
//      description: 'smart contract with a greeting message and a data property',
//      author: 'dbcp test',
//      tags: [ 'example', 'greeter' ],
//      version: '0.1.0',
//      abis: { own: [Array] } } }

And loading a contract can be done via:

const address = '0x9c0Aaa728Daa085Dfe85D3C72eE1c1AdF425be49';
const contract = await runtime.description.loadContract(address);

When you have created a contract, that implements the Described abi, you can set its description with:

const address = '0x...';
const accountId = '0x...';
const description = {
  "public": {
    "name": "DBCP sample contract",
    "description": "DBCP sample contract description",
    "author": "dbcp test",
    "tags": [
    "version": "0.1.0"
await runtime.description.setDescription(address, description, accountId);

ENS Descriptions

Reading a ENS descriptions works the same way as setting contract descriptions:

const address = 'sampledomain.evan';
const description = await runtime.description.getDescription(address);
// Output:
// { public: 
//    { name: 'DBCP sample greeter',
//      description: 'smart contract with a greeting message and a data property',
//      author: 'dbcp test',
//      tags: [ 'example', 'greeter' ],
//      version: '0.1.0',
//      abis: { own: [Array] } } }

ENS addresses are able to hold multiple values at once. So they may be holding a contract address and a description. If this is the case and the contract at the ENS address has another description, the contracts description is preferred over the ENS description. If you explicitly intend to retrieve an ENS endpoints description and want to ignore the contracts description, use the function getDescriptionFromEns.

And loading an ENS addresses contract contract can be done via:

const address = 'sampledomain.evan';
const contract = await runtime.description.loadContract(address);

When you have own an ENS endpoint, you can set its description with:

const address = 'sampledomain.evan';
const accountId = '0x...';
const description = {
  "public": {
    "name": "DBCP sample contract",
    "description": "DBCP sample contract description",
    "author": "dbcp test",
    "tags": [
    "version": "0.1.0"
await runtime.description.setDescriptionToContract(address, description, accountId);

Validating Descriptions

Descriptions are validated when setting them. A list of known DBCP definition schemas is maintained in description.schema.ts. If a description is set, its property dbcpVersion will be used for validating the description, if dbcpVersion is not provided, the latest version known to the API is used.

Descriptions can be checked against the validator before setting them. The functions returns true if the description is valid and an array of issues if description was invalid, e.g.:

const brokenDescription = {
  "public": {
    "name": "DBCP sample contract with way to few properties",
// Output:
// [ { keyword: 'required',
//     dataPath: '',
//     schemaPath: '#/required',
//     params: { missingProperty: 'description' },
//     message: 'should have required property \'description\'' },
//   { keyword: 'required',
//     dataPath: '',
//     schemaPath: '#/required',
//     params: { missingProperty: 'author' },
//     message: 'should have required property \'author\'' },
//   { keyword: 'required',
//     dataPath: '',
//     schemaPath: '#/required',
//     params: { missingProperty: 'version' },
//     message: 'should have required property \'version\'' } ]
const workingDescription = {
  "public": {
    "name": "DBCP sample contract",
    "description": "DBCP sample contract description",
    "author": "dbcp test",
    "tags": [
    "version": "0.1.0"
// Output:
// true

Contract Interaction

Contract Loader

The ContractLoader is used when loading contracts without a DBCP description or when creating new contracts via bytecode. In both cases additional information has to be passed to the ContractLoader constructor.

Loading contracts requires an abi interface as a JSON string and creating new contracts requires the bytecode as hex string. Compiling Ethereum smart contracts with solc[+] provides these.

Abis, that are included by default are:

  • AbstractENS
  • Described
  • EventHub
  • Owned
  • PublicResolver

Bytecode for these contracts is included by default:

  • Described
  • Owned

Following is an example for loading a contract with a custom abi. The contract is a Greeter Contract and a shortened interface containing only the greet function is used here.

They can be side-loaded into an existing contract loader instance, e.g. into a runtime:

runtime.contractLoader.contracts['Greeter'] = {
  "interface": "[{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"greet\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"string\"}],\"payable\":false,\"stateMutability\":\"view\",\"type\":\"function\"}]",

Or they can be passed to the constructor a custom runtime:

const { ContractLoader } = require('');
const Web3 = require('web3');

// web3 instance for ContractLoader
const web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('...'));

// custom log level 'info'
const contractLoader = new ContractLoader({
  contracts: {
    Greeter: {
      "interface": "[{\"constant\":true,\"inputs\":[],\"name\":\"greet\",\"outputs\":[{\"name\":\"\",\"type\":\"string\"}],\"payable\":false,\"stateMutability\":\"view\",\"type\":\"function\"}]",

Then they can be used by their name (in this example 'Greeter'):

const greeter = runtime.contractLoader.loadContract('Greeter', '0x9c0Aaa728Daa085Dfe85D3C72eE1c1AdF425be49');
console.log(await runtime.executor.executeContractCall(greeter, 'greet'));


The executor is used for

  • making contract calls
  • executing contract transactions
  • creating contracts
  • send EVEs to another account or contract

The signer requires you to have a contract instance, either by

  • loading the contract via Description helper (if the contract has an abi at its description)
  • loading the contract via ContractLoader helper (if the contract has not abi at its description)
  • directly via web3.js[+].

Sample usages of the Executor can be found in in the examples examples and in the Executors test file.

Reading from contracts

The sample contract here is a greeter (./contracts/Greeter.sol), which has a constant function called "greet". Using it can be done with:

const greetingMessage = await runtime.executor.executeContractCall(
  contract,                               // web3.js contract instance
  'greet'                                 // function name
Performing contract transactions

The sample contract here is a Greeter Contract, which has a function called setData, that sets its inner data property. Using it can be done with:

const accountId = '0x...';
const greetingMessage = await runtime.executor.executeContractTransaction(
  contract,                               // web3.js contract instance
  'setData',                              // function name
  { from: accountId, },                   // perform transaction with this account
  123,                                    // arguments after the options are passed to the contract

If you're wondering, where the private key for signing the contract went, this is automatically retrieved from the AccountStore and used when creating a singed transaction locally before submitting it, see sendSignedTransaction[+] in the web3.js documentation.

Provided gas is estimated automatically with a fault tolerance of 10% and then used as gas limit in the transaction. For a different behavior, set autoGas in the transaction options:

const greetingMessage = await runtime.executor.executeContractTransaction(
  contract,                               // web3.js contract instance
  'setData',                              // function name
  { from: accountId, autoGas: 1.05, },    // 5% fault tolerance
  123,                                    // arguments after the options are passed to the contract

or set a fixed gas limit:

const greetingMessage = await runtime.executor.executeContractTransaction(
  contract,                               // web3.js contract instance
  'setData',                              // function name
  { from: accountId, gas: 100000, },      // fixed gas limit
  123,                                    // arguments after the options are passed to the contract

Because an estimation is performed, even if a fixed gas cost has been set, failing transactions are rejected before being executed. This protects users from executing transactions, that consume all provided gas and fail, which is usually not intended, especially if a large amount of gas has been provided. To prevent this behavior for any reason, add a force: true to the options, though it is not advised to do so.

Creating Contracts

To be able to create contracts, the abi and the bytecode has to be known to the application. This is done by side-loading / providing own abis/bytecodes to the ContractLoader.

Contracts can be created with:

const newContractAddress = await runtime.executor.createContract(
  'Greeter',                              // contract name
  ['I am a demo greeter! :3'],            // constructor arguments
  { from: '0x...', gas: 100000, },        // gas has to be provided with a fixed value
Transferring EVEs

EVEs can be transferred to another account or contract with:

await runtime.executor.executeSend({
  from: '0x...',                          // send from this account
  to: '0x...',                            // receiving account
  value: 123,                             // amount to send in Wei


The signers are used to create contract transactions and are used internally by the Executor. The default runtime uses the SignerInternal helper to sign transaction.

In most cases, you won't have to use the Signer objects directly yourself, as the Executor is your entry point for performing contract transactions.

Contract Ecosystem

Some contracts are deployed at central locations and can be used by the DBCP bundle.

Name Resolver

The NameResolver is a collection of helper functions, that can be used for ENS interaction. These include:

  • setting and getting ENS addresses
  • setting and getting ENS content flags, which is used when setting data in distributed file system, especially in case of setting a description for an ENS address

Event Hub

The EventHub helper is wrapper for using contract events. These include

  • contract events (e.g. contract factory may trigger an event, announcing the address of the new contract)
  • global events (some contracts in the[+] economy, like the MailBox use such global events)

Distributed File System

The DfsInterface is used to add or get files from the distributed file system. It is the only class, that has to be used before having access to a runtime, when using the createDefaultRuntime.

Internally DBCP helper modules use the DfsInterface to access data as well. As the actual implementation of the file access may vary, an instance of the interface has to be created beforehand and passed to the createDefaultRuntime function. An implementation called Ipfs](./src/dfs/ipfs.ts), that relies on the IPFS[+] framework is included as in the package.

The examples in the examples folder create Ipfs instances and pass them to the createDefaultRuntime, so you can have a look at them for usage examples.

Adding Files

File content is converted to Buffer (in NodeJS) or an equivalent "polyfill" (in browsers)

const fileHash = await runtime.dfs.add(
  Buffer.from('we have a cat called "Maika"', 'utf-8'),
// Output:
// 0x695adc2137f1f069ff697aa287d0eae486521925a23482f180b3ae4e6dbf8d70

The output is a bytes32 hash referencing to the file in DFS.

Adding Multiple Files

Multiple files can be added at once. This way of adding should be preferred for performance reasons, when adding files, as requests are combined.

const fileHashes = await runtime.dfs.addMultiple([{
    path: 'about-maika-1.txt',
    content: Buffer.from('we have a cat called "Maika"', 'utf-8'),
  }, {
    path: 'about-maika-2.txt',
    content: Buffer.from('she can be grumpy from time to time"', 'utf-8'),
// Output:
// [ '0x695adc2137f1f069ff697aa287d0eae486521925a23482f180b3ae4e6dbf8d70',
//   '0x6b85c8b24b59b12a630141143c05bbf40a8adc56a8753af4aa41ebacf108b2e7' ]

Getting Files

Files can be retrieved via:

const fileBuffer = await runtime.dfs.get('0x695adc2137f1f069ff697aa287d0eae486521925a23482f180b3ae4e6dbf8d70');
// Output:
// we have a cat called "Maika"

Stopping the DFS Connection

To stop the running DFS connection and free up resources, call the stop function:

await runtime.dfs.stop();

Hashes in the Ipfs DFS Implementation

Hashes used by the setters and getters are represented as bytes32 hash strings. The default DFS is IPFS[+]. As IPFS file hashes are base58 hashes, these are converted to bytes32 hashes with ipfsHashToBytes32 and restored with bytes32ToIpfsHash.

Continuing the last example:

// Output:
// QmVRusgtUxoFbKvPskEJCmXsnVP2kT2hbW41BzP1NdFxKH

Try to retrieve it directly from an Ipfs server:

# Output:
# we have a cat called "Maika"

Distributed File System Cache

To speed up requests against the distributed file system, especially when retrieving the same files repeatedly, a cache can be added to the DFS. This requires to Ipfs module to be instantiated with the cache object or the cache to be side-loaded into the dfs instance:

runtime.dfs.cache = new InMemoryCache();

Requests against the DFS will then be first checked against the cache before making actual requests against external endpoints.

A reference implementation has been added with InMemoryCache. Please note, that this implementation - while being fully functional - lacks the ability to limit its memory usage and therefor should not be used in productive environment. Own cache implementations can be build by implementing the interface DfsCacheInterface.


To allow extended data security, contents added to DFS can be encrypted before storing them and decrypted before reading them. To allow this encryption support has been added to the library.


Data is encrypted and stored in so called "Envelopes", which act as container for the data itself and contain enough information for the API to determine which key to use for decryption and where to retrieve the key from. If you were wondering why the descriptions had the property public, this is the right section for you.

This is an example envelope:

  "public": {
    "name": "envelope example"
  "private": "...",
  "cryptoInfo": {
    "algorithm": "unencrypted",
    "keyLength": 256,
    "originator": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
    "block": 123

The "public" section contains data, that is visible without any knowledge of the encryption key. The "private" section can only be decrypted if the user that tries to read the data has access to the encryption key. The cryptoInfo part is used to determine which decryption algorithm to use and where to look for it.

When decrypted, the private section takes precedence over the public section. This can lead to the private section overwriting sections of the public part. For example a public title may be replace with a "true" title (only visible for a group of people) from the private section.


Cryptors are used to en- and decrypt data for DFS. The current library implementation only includes a reference "cryptor" called Unencrypted. This cryptor is actually more of a data serializer, as it does not encrypt data, but stringifies it and creates a serialized Buffer from the result.

Crypto Info

The cryptoInfo property in envelopes is something like a business card for a Cryptor. It has to be added to an envelope, when data has to be encrypted (private section). It can be used when decrypting data, to determine, which Cryptor to use for decryption.

Crypto Provider

The CryptoProvider is a container for supported Cryptors and is able to determine, which Cryptor to use for encryption / decryption.

For decryption usually the CryptoInfo is used:

const envelope = {
  "public": {
    "name": "envelope example"
  "private": "...",
  "cryptoInfo": {
    "algorithm": "unencrypted",
    "keyLength": 256,
    "originator": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000001,0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000002",
    "block": 123
const decryptor = runtime.cryptoProvider.getCryptorByCryptoInfo(envelop.cryptoInfo);

For encryption usually a cryptoAlgo (basically a shorthand name of the used cryptography algorithm) is used:

const decryptor = runtime.cryptoProvider.getCryptorByCryptoAlgo('unencrypted');



The Logger class is used throughout the package for logging events, updates and errors. Logs can be written by classes, that inherit from the Logger class, by using the this.log function. A log level can be set by its second parameter:

this.log('hello log', 'debug');

All log messages without a level default to level 'info'. If not configured otherwise, the following behavior is used:

  • drop all log messages but errors
  • log errors to console.error

It can be useful for analyzing issues to increase the log level. You can do this in two ways:

  • Set the environment variable DBCP_LOGLEVEL to a level matching your needs, which increases the log level for all modules and works with the default runtime. For example:
export DBCP_LOGLEVEL=info
  • When creating a custom runtime, set the logLevel property to a value matching your needs, when creating any module instance. This allows you to change log level for single modules, but requires you to create a custom runtime, e.g.:
const { ContractLoader } = require('');
const Web3 = require('web3');

// web3 instance for ContractLoader
const web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('...'));

// custom log level 'info'
const contractLoader = new ContractLoader({ web3, logLevel: 'info', });

Account Store

The AccountStore implements the KeyStoreInterface and is a wrapper for a storage, where account ids are stored. The default AccountStore takes an account --> private key mapping as a pojo as its arguments and uses this to perform lookups, when the getPrivateKey function is called. This lookup needs to be done, when transactions are signed by the InternalSigner (see Signer).

Note that the return value of the getPrivateKey function is a promise. This may not be required in the default AccountStore, but this allows you to implement own implementations of the KeyStoreInterface, which may enforce a more strict security behavior or are able to access other sources for private keys.