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unwind - A disassembler for Python bytecode

This module provides a universal disassembler that is able to disassemble *.pyc files from both Python 2 and Python 3. Example usage:

import unwind

The disassembler allows one version of Python to unmarshal code compiled by all other versions of Python. This is made possible by scraping information from the official Python repository at In the example below, the code print('Hello, World') is compiled and disassembled from both Python 2.5 and Python 3.1. Notice how Python 2.5 uses the PRINT_ITEM opcode but Python 3.1 uses the CALL_FUNCTION opcode, since the print statement was removed in Python 3.

$ cat >
print('Hello, World')
$ python2.5 -m py_compile
$ python -c 'import unwind; print unwind.disassemble("example.pyc")'
    magic = 168686259,
    timestamp = 1318574250,
    python_version = 'Python 2.6a0',
    body = CodeObject(
        co_argcount = 0,
        co_kwonlyargcount = 0,
        co_nlocals = 0,
        co_stacksize = 1,
        co_flags = 64,
        co_filename = '',
        co_name = '<module>',
        co_firstlineno = 1,
        opcodes = [
            Opcode(offset = 0, opcode = 'LOAD_CONST', argument = 'Hello, World'),
            Opcode(offset = 3, opcode = 'PRINT_ITEM', argument = None),
            Opcode(offset = 4, opcode = 'PRINT_NEWLINE', argument = None),
            Opcode(offset = 5, opcode = 'LOAD_CONST', argument = None),
            Opcode(offset = 8, opcode = 'RETURN_VALUE', argument = None)])))
$ python3.1 -m py_compile
$ python -c 'import unwind; print unwind.disassemble("example.pyc")'
    magic = 168627279,
    timestamp = 1318574250,
    python_version = 'Python 3.2a0',
    body = CodeObject(
        co_argcount = 0,
        co_kwonlyargcount = 0,
        co_nlocals = 0,
        co_stacksize = 2,
        co_flags = 64,
        co_filename = u'',
        co_name = u'<module>',
        co_firstlineno = 1,
        opcodes = [
            Opcode(offset = 0, opcode = 'LOAD_NAME', argument = u'print'),
            Opcode(offset = 3, opcode = 'LOAD_CONST', argument = u'Hello, World'),
            Opcode(offset = 6, opcode = 'CALL_FUNCTION', argument = 1),
            Opcode(offset = 9, opcode = 'POP_TOP', argument = None),
            Opcode(offset = 10, opcode = 'LOAD_CONST', argument = None),
            Opcode(offset = 13, opcode = 'RETURN_VALUE', argument = None)])))