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Alfresco Search Services Inspector Script

Allows you to check the consistency of your SOLR index comparing it to the data from an ACS database and reindex missing items.


Before running the script make sure you have set the DB and SOLR configurations in this file You will also need to have installed:

  • sqlplus : only if you want to gather the data from oracle directly. As an alternative you can supply a CSV File
  • psql : only if you want to gather the data from postgres directly. As an alternative you can supply a CSV File
  • mysql : only if you want to gather the data from mySQL directly. As an alternative you can supply a CSV File
  • jq : mandatory for parsing the responses from SOLR


The default config file is named .config but you can provide your own. Properties to be configured:


Configure database before running the script if you want the script to run the query

Variable Example Description
DBMS DBMS=pg Database Managenent System. Can be: pg (PostgreSQL), ora (Oracle) or mysql (MySQL)
DBUSER DBUSER=alfresco Database User
DBPASS DBPASS=alfresco Database Password
DBHOST DBHOST=localhost Database Host Address
DBPORT DBPORT=5432 Database Port
DBSID DBSID=PDB1 Database SID (Oracle)

SOLR Basic Configuraion

Variable Example Description
SOLRURL SOLRURL=http://localhost:8083/solr SOLR URL
SOLRSECRET SOLRSECRET=secret SOLR secret to include in request header
BATCH_REQUEST_NUM BATCH_REQUEST_NUM=100 Number of items to query SOLR in a single request


Only uncomment/include these configs if you have SSL enabled on SOLR

Variable Example Description
SSL_ENABLED SSL_ENABLED="true" If SSL is enabled
SSL_CERT SSL_CERT=/myfolder/ca.cert.pem Path to certificate
SSL_CERT_PASSWORD SSL_CERT_PASSWORD="password" Certificate's password
SSL_KEY SSL_KEY=/myfolder/ca.key.pem Path to key


Only uncomment/include these configs if you have sharding

Variable Example Description
SHARD SHARD=shard-0 Set SHARD as any one of the shards that lives in SOLRURL (doesn't impact the results which one you choose)
SHARDLIST SHARDLIST="http://solr6:8983/solr/shard-0,http://solr6:8983/solr/shard-1,http://solr6:8983/solr/shard-2" A list of all shards we need to query

Other configurations

Variable Example Description
BASEFOLDER BASEFOLDER=index_check Folder that will contain the exported and digested files that support the script
DEFAULT_FROM_VALUE DEFAULT_FROM_VALUE=0 When no --from is provided, this is the default value we will query from
DEFAULT_QUERY_STRATEGY DEFAULT_QUERY_STRATEGY="node-id" Default query strategy when no other is provided. Possible query strategies are: node-id (query by node DB ID), transaction-id (query by transaction ID) and transaction-committimems (query by the transaction commit time in milliseconds)
CSV_FILE_NAME CSV_FILE_NAME=output.csv Default query strategy when no other is provided. Possible query strategies are: node-id (query by node DB ID), transaction-id (query by transaction ID) and transaction-committimems (query by the transaction commit time in milliseconds)


How to run:

Command Description
--config path to the configuration file with all the environment settings. By default it uses .config file. If not present, it uses the values configured in the script
--query or -q export the data directly from the postgres database. Will output a CSV
--strategy or -s strategy for obtaining the data. Possible values are node-id (query by node DB ID), transaction-id (query by transaction ID) or transaction-committimems (query by the transaction commit time in milliseconds)
--from or -f inital value to execute the query from - default is $DEFAULT_FROM_VALUE
--to or -t final value to execute the query to - default is none
--max or -m limit the number of results - default no limit
--check or -c Will cross check the DB data from the default CSV or from the one provided as argument with the SOLR index. Outputs to screen the number of missing items in index and you can find the full list of missing items inside folder $BASEFOLDER
--csv Path to the CSV file you want to use to perform the cross check instead of using --query
--fix Reindexes the missing items. Requires that the check was ran previously and it relies on the files in $BASEFOLDER to request a reindex for each item


Will produce a CSV with all the nodes starting from DBID 0 and corresponding txns, acls and acltx:

sh --query

Query strategy will be using between 100000 and 200000, limited to 5000 results:

sh --query --strategy transaction-id --from 100000 --to 200000 --max 5000

Will perform the cross check based on the CSV file generated by --query:

sh --check

Will perform the cross check based on the CSV file provided (~/myownfile.csv):

sh --check --csv ~/myownfile.csv

Reindexes the missing items based on the --check results:

sh --fix

Combines the multiple operations:

sh --query --strategy transaction-id --from 100000 --to 200000 --max 5000 --check --fix

External CSV File (optional)

If you don't want the script to query the DB directly, you can provide a CSV file in the following format with the data to verify:,alf_node.acl_id,alf_node.transaction_id,alf_access_control_list.acl_change_set


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