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PtLogger is a simple way to log messages to Pivotal tracker stories.

The main motivation for this is for situations where you may be facing an as-yet unreproduceable bug or issue and you want to collect more specific information, possibly even from production environments.

What you might do is add some special instrumentation and logging. But instead of having to go check the log files every so often, wouldn't it be nice if the information you are collecting gets automatically added to the related Pivotal Tracker story you are working on?

That's what PtLogger is for.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'pt_logger'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install pt_logger


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

How to run tests

Test are implemented using rspec. Run tests with rake or rake spec.

Guard is installed as part of the development dependencies, so to start continuous test execution on file change, start it up with bundle exec guard.

The PtLogger Cookbook

How to configure PtLogger

Configuration is done using a setup block. In a Rails application, you would normally do this in and initializer e.g. config/initializers/pt_logger.rb

PtLogger.setup do |config|
  config.api_key = 'xxxxx'
  config.project_id = 'yyyyy'

The API Key and PT project settings are global in nature. It is explicity assumed that all logging within the project should be done with a single API Key and to the same project.

NB: there currently isn't a generator to make a config file for you

How to log a message with explicit story ID parameter

message_text = "this is whatever you want to log. It must be a string or support a :to_s method"
story_id = "1234"

The log method will return true of logging was successful, else returns false. It supresses any StandardErrors that may occur during logging.

How to log a message with implicit story ID

If the PT story ID is not passed as an explicit parameter to the log method, PtLogger will attempt to find a story ID in the message text itself. The story ID may either be prefixed with "#" or "PT:", for example:

PtLogger.log("logging a message to PT:123456 (i.e. this will be added to Pivotal Tracker story number 123456)")
PtLogger.log("alternatively #78910 (i.e. this will be added to Pivotal Tracker story number 78910)")

How to conditionally log a message

The log_if method can be used to log only if the condition is true.

The message to log can be constructed in a block, which is handy because this will only be called if the condition is true:

condition = log_only_if_this == true
PtLogger.log_if( condition ) do
  "evaluate the message to log here with implicit PT:123456 story id"

The message to log can also be provided as a parameter:

PtLogger.log_if( condition, "the message to log with implicit PT:123456 story id" )

Explicit story IDs can also be provided separately from the message:

story_id = 123456
PtLogger.log_if( condition, "the message to log", story_id )
PtLogger.log_if( condition, story_id ) do
  "the message to log"


A simple way to log messages to Pivotal tracker stories







