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Use Kafka Connect to transfer data in real-time between a source and sink with an event stream processor that can perform data transformations.

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Kafka Connect with Event Streams

Use Kafka Connect to transfer data in real-time between a source and sink with an event stream processor that can perform data transformations.


  1. Install Docker Desktop.
    • You will need at least 8 GB of available memory.
  2. Open a terminal at the project root and run docker-compose up --build -d.
    • To check the running containers run docker-compose ps.
    • To bring down the containers run docker-compose down.
  3. Open a browser to http://localhost:9021/.
    • Verify the cluster is healthy. (This may take a few minutes.)

Docker Compose

Note: If the mongo-express service exits, simply bring the services down and up again. At times volumes may not be properly unmounted, in which case you need to remove them by running: docker-compose down --volumes.

  1. Inspect the docker-compose.yml file in the solution root directory.

    • This is based on the confluent/cp-all-in-one Github repository, but it has some significant modifications.
    • Services for zookeeper, broker, schema-registry and control-center are unchanged.
    • In the connect service the key and value converters are set to use Protobuf.
      CONNECT_KEY_CONVERTER: io.confluent.connect.protobuf.ProtobufConverter
      CONNECT_VALUE_CONVERTER: io.confluent.connect.protobuf.ProtobufConverter
    • The connect service also has a build directive that uses a Dockerfile at the solution root.
      build: ./
    • The Dockerfile installs the jdbc and mongodb connectors on the confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect-base image.
      FROM confluentinc/cp-kafka-connect-base:5.5.1
      RUN  confluent-hub install --no-prompt confluentinc/kafka-connect-jdbc:5.5.1
      RUN  confluent-hub install --no-prompt mongodb/kafka-connect-mongodb:1.2.0
    • The following services are added for databases and their admin tools: postgres, pgadmin, mongo, mongo-express.
      • Postgres and MongoDB admin tools can be used via a web browser.

    Note: The Postgres docker image used is debezium/postgres, which has the decoderbufs output plugin installed.

Source Connector

  1. Open pgadmin and connect to postgres.

    • Navigate to http://localhost:5050
    • Username:
    • Password: admin
    • Click Add New Server
      • Name: postgres
      • Connection host name: postgres
      • Connection username: postgres
      • Connection password: mypassword
  2. Create person table.

    • Select source-database.
    • Right-click and select Query Tool.
    • Execute script to create table.
    CREATE TABLE public.person
       person_id serial NOT NULL,
       first_name text NOT NULL,
       last_name text NOT NULL,
       favorite_color text NOT NULL,
       age integer NOT NULL,
       row_version timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
       CONSTRAINT person_pkey PRIMARY KEY (person_id)
  3. Register JDBC source connector.

    • JDBC connector features and deep dive.

    • JDBC connector configuration.

    • Option 1: Upload the connector config json file using the Control Center user interface.

      • The register-postgres-source.json file is located in the Connectors folder.
    • Option 2: Run the following curl command to upload the config json file.

    curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H  "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost:8083/connectors/ -d @Connectors/register-postgres-source.json
  4. Add a row to the Postgres public.person database.

    • Open pgAdmin and run the following SQL.
    INSERT INTO public.person(
       first_name, last_name, favorite_color, age, row_version)
       VALUES ('Mickey', 'Mouse', 'Green', 29, now());
  5. Add .proto files in ProtoLibrary based on the topic schema.

    • Open the Control Center, click Topics.
    • Select source-data-person, Schema, Value.
    • Copy the schema contents.
    • Create person.v1.proto file in Protos folder of ProtoLibrary.
    • Paste copied schema into the file.
    • Add option csharp_namespace = "Protos.Source.v1";
    • Build the solution.
    • Locate the PersonV1.cs file in TransferTest, obj, Debug, netcoreapp3.1.
  6. Run the TransferTest app to validate that data is flowing from Postgres to Kafka.

    • Set a breakpoint on the call to PrintConsumeResult in Program.Run_Consumer.
    • Press F5 to start the debugger.
    • Validate that the message is properly deserialized and displayed in the terminal.

Sink Connector

  1. Open Mongo Express and connect to mongo.

    • Navigate to http://localhost:8080
    • Username: mongoadmin
    • Password: admin
    • Click Create Database
      • Name: sink-database
      • Select sink-database to view
    • Click Create Collection
      • Name: person
  2. Register MongoDB sink connector.

    Step 1: Set the topics entry in register-mongo-sink.json to source-data-person, so that data will flow directly to MongoDB from the topic written to by the Postgres connector.

    • Option 1: Upload the connector config json file using the Control Center user interface.
      • The register-mongo-sink.json file is located in the Connectors folder.
    • Option 2: Run the following curl command to upload the config json file.
    curl -i -X POST -H "Accept:application/json" -H  "Content-Type:application/json" http://localhost:8083/connectors/ -d @Connectors/register-mongo-sink.json
  3. In Mongo Express validate that a record was added to the person collection.

    • After validating tht the record was created, you can delete the record.
  4. Write messages to a separate topic for the MongoDB sink database.

    Step 2: Set the topics entry in register-mongo-sink.json back to sink-data-person, so that data will flow to MongoDB through the TransferTest app.

    • Delete the mongo-sink connector in the Control Center.
    • Then re-upload the register-mongo-sink.json file is located in the Connectors folder.
  5. Run the TransferTest app to validate that data is flowing from Postgres to Kafka through an intermediary.

    • Set a breakpoint in Program.Run_Producer.
    • Press F5 to start the debugger.
    • Open pgAdmin and run the following SQL.
    INSERT INTO public.person(
       first_name, last_name, favorite_color, age, row_version)
       VALUES ('Donald', 'Duck', 'Blue', 30, now());
    • Open the Control Center to validate that a message was written to the sink-person-data topic.
    • Open Mongo Express to validate that a record was written to the person collection in sink-database.


Note: See this blog post explaining the design of the event stream processing framework used here.

  1. Create a .NET Core Worker Service.
  2. Add packages required for hosting and event processing with Protobuf.
    • Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting
    • Confluent.Kafka
    • EventStreamProcessing.Kafka
    • Confluent.SchemaRegistry.Serdes.Protobuf
    • Google.Protobuf
    • Grpc.Core
    • Grpc.Tools
  3. Add person-sink.v1.proto to ProtoLibrary/Protos.
    • Merge first_name and last_name into name.
    syntax = "proto3";
    option csharp_namespace = "Protos.Sink.v1";
    import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    message person {
    int32 person_id = 1;
    string name = 2;
    string favorite_color = 3;
    int32 age = 4;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp row_version = 5;
  4. Include Proto files from ProtoLibrary in Worker.csproj.
      <Protobuf Include="../ProtoLibrary/Protos/**/*.proto" />
  5. Add a TransformHandler class to the Handlers folder.
    • Override HandleMessage to transform source Person to sink Person.
      • Merge first_name, last_name into name.
    public override async Task<Message> HandleMessage(Message sourceMessage)
       // Convert message from source to sink format
       var message = (Message<Confluent.Kafka.Ignore, Protos.Source.v1.person>)sourceMessage;
       var key = new Protos.Sink.v1.Key
          PersonId = message.Value.PersonId
       var value = new Protos.Sink.v1.person
          PersonId = message.Value.PersonId,
          Name = $"{message.Value.FirstName} {message.Value.LastName}",
          FavoriteColor = message.Value.FavoriteColor,
          Age = message.Value.Age,
          RowVersion = message.Value.RowVersion
       // Call next handler
       var sinkMessage = new Message<Protos.Sink.v1.Key, Protos.Sink.v1.person>(key, value);
       logger.LogInformation($"Transform handler: {sinkMessage.Key} {sinkMessage.Value}");
       return await base.HandleMessage(sinkMessage);
  6. In Program.Main add async event processor.
    services.AddSingleton<IEventProcessorWithResult<Result>>(sp =>
       // Get logger
       var logger = sp.GetRequiredService<ILogger>();
       // Create consumer, producer
       var kafkaConsumer = KafkaUtils.CreateConsumer<SourcePerson>(
          brokerOptions, consumerOptions.TopicsList, logger);
       var kafkaProducer = KafkaUtils.CreateProducer<SinkKey, SinkPerson>(
          brokerOptions, logger);
       // Return event processor using async producer
       return new KafkaEventProcessorWithResult<Ignore, SourcePerson, SinkKey, SinkPerson>(
          new KafkaEventConsumer<Ignore, SourcePerson>(kafkaConsumer, logger),
          new KafkaEventProducerAsync<SinkKey, SinkPerson>(kafkaProducer, producerOptions.Topic),
          new TransformHandler(logger));
  7. In KafkaWorker.ExecuteAsync call eventProcessor.ProcessWithResult.
    var deliveryResult = await eventProcessor.ProcessWithResult(cancellationToken);
    if (deliveryResult != null)
       logger.LogInformation($"delivered to: {deliveryResult.TopicPartitionOffset}");
  8. Run the worker project in the debugger.
    • Set a breakpoint in both KafkaWorker and TransformHandler.
    • Validate that records from Postgres are written to MongoDB.


Use Kafka Connect to transfer data in real-time between a source and sink with an event stream processor that can perform data transformations.






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