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MongoDB Bootcamp


  1. Install MongoDB
    • Free Community edition
  2. Install VSCode Extension
  3. MongoDB Documentation

What is mongoDB?

  1. It's a database
    • Mongo comes from: 'humongous'
  2. Built to store lots and lots of data
  3. In mongo db we have collections instead of tables
    • inside of a collection you have a document
      • json format (key, value)
    • Inside a collection, you are schemaless
  4. MongoDB converts json to bson format behind the scenes

How does MongoDB differ from SQL DB

  1. MongoDB is a 'nosql' solution
  2. Stores data together in a document
  3. Document data can have multiple structures
    • Can get messy, but developers need to keep it clean
  4. No schema
  5. Use it for apps that may evolve, where data reqs aren't defined
  6. Less 'tables' (collections)
    • You store data together, so app pulls more at once

MongoDB Ecosystem

MongoDB is the name of the company that makes the db MongoDB 'Database'

  1. Atlas (Cloud solution)
  2. Mobile for storing data
  3. Compass (GUI)
  4. BI Connectors (Data Science)
  5. MongoDB Charts (Data Science)
  6. Stitch (serverless back-end solution)
    • Serverless query api
    • Serverless Functions
    • Database Triggers
    • Real-Time sync
      • Syncs w/ database in clould and mobile


MongoDB Bootcamp






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