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Status Commands

David Hurst edited this page Apr 28, 2017 · 15 revisions

Current Commands and sample responses:


{u'executed_functions': {}, u'job_latencies': {u'05e055bd-f9c2-4271-8d17-1b9162de6c2d': [3295.920759168, u'default'], u'4c4c275e-a7d9-4804-a901-9689435c881c': [3296.368422865, u'default'], u'64e2bfda-53f8-4a08-ae61-062e928635b6': [3295.921162693, u'default'], u'840f958c-da7e-425c-88d3-7891d53028c6': [3295.047327968, u'default'], u'940d5221-1a5b-422e-84bc-f04ee8a5050b': [3295.565693214, u'default'], u'95295dff-f6b5-45bc-bd24-1e2efe19128e': [3290.531664301, u'default'], u'a562e52b-64b6-4c2c-ab36-18cdb3906400': [3295.047780435, u'default'], u'b29d9e9a-a0cc-46e1-9c34-6119a63ae31d': [3295.566303094, u'default'], u'ba267ac6-3304-4aad-ae19-d15a24b83a10': [3296.368808786, u'default']}, u'waiting_message_counts': [u'default: 6']}


{u'connected_queues': {u'default': [[10, u'c137973c-63f2-4826-8d5a-4b61704a5e04']]}, u'connected_workers': {u'c137973c-63f2-4826-8d5a-4b61704a5e04': {u'available_slots': 4, u'hb': 3325.600713889, u'queues': [[10, u'default']]}}}


Proposed Format:

worker_name shall be a valid UUID(containing alphanumeric and '-' charactars only) in string format, or optionally HOSTNAME:UUID in string format

connected_workers (rename to workers?) shall be a dictionary (keyed by worker_name) with the following key/value pairs

'available_slots' (int): # of slots the router reports a connected worker to have available

'maximum_slots' (int): # of maximum slots the worker is configured with

'total_requests_received' (int64): # of total REQUEST messages received since birth

'total_readys_sent' (int64): # of total READY messages sent to broker since birth

'worker_subid_distribution': dictionary of key worker_subid (usually pid) to # of total jobs requested of that worker subprocess

'bytes_received' (string): string representation of KiB/MiB etc. data received over socket

'total_timeouts' (int64): # of REQUESTs that resulted in a TimeoutError

'connected_queues' (rename to queues?) shall be a dictionary (keyed by queue_name) with the following key/value pairs

'workers' (list): (priority, worker_name)

'available_slots' (int): # of slots the router reports a connected queue to have available

'maximum_slots' (int): # of maximum slots the queue is configured with

'total_requests_received' (int64): # of total REQUEST messages received on a queue since birth

'total_readys_sent' (int64): # of total READY messages sent to broker queue since birth

'bytes_received' (string): string representation of KiB/MiB etc. data received over socket per queue

'total_timeouts' (int64): # of REQUESTs that resulted in a TimeoutError per queue