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Eventuate Examples Spring Authorization Server

This repository publishes a version of the Spring Authorization Server for use by the Eventuate example applications. It has the following features:

  • Extends Spring Authorization Server to support the deprecated but useful password grants

  • Publishes a container image

  • Defines a Testcontainers extension for using the Spring Authorization Server in JUnit tests

Adds support for password grants

This repository adds support for password grants to Spring Authorization Server. Password grants support the following use cases:

  • API Gateway needs to authenticate an API key and secret and generate a JWT that can be passed to downstream services.

  • JUnit tests for a service (whose API requires a JWT) that needs to generate a JWT using a password grant.

One use case for using password grants is shown in the following diagram:

Using Spring Authorization Server

The flow is as follows:

  1. Client makes request to API Gateway using Basic authorization, an API key and secret

  2. API Gateway authenticates the API key and secret using the Spring Authorization Server and obtains a JWT

  3. API Gateway forwards the request to a downstream service, passing the JWT

  4. Downstream service validates the JWT using the public key obtained from the Spring Authorization Server

Container image

This project publishes a container image to Docker Hub:

docker run eventuateio/eventuate-examples-spring-authorization-server:0.1.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT

Test-container extension for using the Spring Authorization Server in JUnit tests

This repository also defines a Testcontainers extension for using the Spring Authorization Server container in service integration, component and end to end tests.

There are two subclasses of GenericContainer:

  • AuthorizationServerContainerForLocalTests - for tests where the Service-Under-Test runs in the JUnit JVM (e.g. an integration test) and the Authorization Server is accessible via localhost. The issuer-uri is http://localhost…​;..

  • AuthorizationServerContainerForServiceContainers - for tests where the Service-Under-Test is running as a container (e.g. component and end to end tests) and the Authorization Server is accessible via authorization-server. The issuer-uri is http://authorization-server…​;..


The password grant code is based on the code sample provided by akuma8 this Stackoverflow post, which references this Gist


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