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On-chain Recurring Tranactions

A Recurring Transaction (RTx) is a smart contracts for automatically triggering repetitive tasks on the Ethereum Blockchain. Whenever a Recurring Transaction goes off, it executes a custom task, schedules a new transaction, and then waits for it to trigger.


  • Decentralized alarms provided by Ethereum Alarm Clock
  • Static (ie: every 7 days) or smart intervals (ie: on the first of each month) made possible by bokkypoobah
  • An easy to use RTx Manager for creating and managing Recurring Transactions.
  • Flexible wallet architecture gives dapps plug-n-play access to your wallet funds.

Current Smart Contract Addresses

These are the currently deployed smart contracts for creating and managing Recurring Transactions.

Kovan Contract Address
BokkyPooBahs Date/Time Library 0xB8e2BbeC99f645E4E6861Bd94402B5bf7f53A45B
Gas Price Oracle 0xb861aA7245cd7c05915B72B8682FD0f98bb54856
Payment Delegate 0xA4d7DAbfC0f35F21BA3aF20FA247be7A843E0439
Recurring Transaction Blueprint 0xE9438F699fb89014eD7311D14706048fe26da600
Recurring Transaction Factory 0x62dDD8e77D56c2E7b61E5c4E078fBfDd4fAfA459
Recurring Transaction Deployer 0x112989Fa4B2EC6AA263659F35E3021B30D8C51c9
Live Contract Address
BokkyPooBahs Date/Time Library coming soon
Gas Price Oracle coming soon
Payment Delegate coming soon
Recurring Transaction Blueprint coming soon
Recurring Transaction Factory coming soon
Recurring Transaction Deployer coming soon

Creating a Recurring Transaction Using the Factory

Creating an Recurring Transaction using the Factory requires only two arguments:

function create (
    IDelegatedWallet wallet,
    IPaymentDelegate delegate
) public returns (RecurringTransaction rtx)

The provided Payment Delegate must be a delegate of the provided Wallet in order for the Recurring Transaction to function. A delegate of the Wallet must then also schedule the created Recurring Transaction with the Payment Delegate.

function schedule (IPayment payment) public returns (bool success)

The Payment Delegate is responsible for pulling funds for each alarm created by the recurring transaction.

Creating a Recurring Transaction Using the Recurring Transaction Deployer

The above process is fairly tedious and thus the Recurring Transaction Deployer does all of the heavy lifting by scheduling and/or starting the alarm in one function. It uses as many default options as possible in order to be the most convenient way to deploy an Recurring Transaction:

/// @notice Creates an recurring transaction belonging to the specified wallet
/// @param wallet The funding wallet, change address, and owner of the deployed alarms
/// @return The recurring recurring transaction contract address
function deploy (IDelegatedWallet wallet) public returns (RecurringTransaction rtx)

The Recurring Transaction Deployer also provides a way to deploy and start an Recurring Transaction using the default settings:

function deployAndStart (
    IDelegatedWallet wallet,
    address payable callAddress,
    bytes memory callData,
    uint[7] memory callOptions    // callValue, callGas, startTimestamp, windowSize, intervalValue, intervalUnit, maxIntervals
) public returns (RecurringTransaction rtx)


_callOptions[0] = callValue;        // The amount of ether to send with the contract call
_callOptions[1] = callGas;          // The amount of extra gas to add to the BASE_GAS_COST when scheduling an alarm
_callOptions[2] = alarmStart;       // The start of the execution window for the current alarm
_callOptions[3] = windowSize;       // The number of seconds after the alarm start in which the alarm can be executed
_callOptions[4] = intervalValue;    // The value of the time unit when calculating the next alarm timestamp
_callOptions[5] = intervalUnit;     // The time unit used when calculating the next alarm timestamp: 
                                    // 0 = seconds, 1 = minutes, 2 = hours, 3 = days, 4 = months, 5 = years
_callOptions[6] = maxIntervals;     // The number of times this recurring transaction will go off. 0 = infinite

Starting/Resetting a Recurring Transaction

Once the Recurring Transaction is deployed, it can be started (and reset) by a wallet delegate at any time:

function start (
    address payable _callAddress,   // The address of the contract to call
    bytes memory _callData,         // The data to send with the contract call
    uint[7] memory _callOptions     // The options to use when calling the transaction
) public onlyDelegates


A suite of smart contracts for creating recurring alarms on the Ethereum Network.






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