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Kotlin mapper for mapping objects

Principles of work

  • based on ksp
  • mapper generate code on annotation processing faze
  • generate code based on kotlin poet


  • add ksp plugin to build.gradle.kts
plugins {
    id("") version "2.0.0-1.0.21"
  • add generated source sets to project
sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
  • and finally add dependencies to mapper
dependencies {


data class SrcDto(
    val id: UUID = UUID.randomUUID(),
    val name: String,
    val surname: String,
    val age2: Int,
    val dto: SrcDto2 = SrcDto2("test dto"),
    val array: MutableList<String> = mutableListOf("1", "2", "3"),
    val wrapper: String = "5",
    val wrapper2: SrcWrapper = SrcWrapper("5"),
    val enum: SrcEnum = SrcEnum.B

enum class SrcEnum {
    A, B, C

data class SrcWrapper(
    val value: String

data class SrcDto2(
    val source: String,
    val source2: String = "src"

data class SrcSourceDto(
    val name2: String,
    val surname: String,
    val enum: SrcEnum = SrcEnum.B,
    val default2: String = "5",
    val dto: SrcDto2 = SrcDto2("test dto"),

data class DstWrapper(
    val value: Int

data class DstDto(
    var id: UUID,
    val age2: String = "3", // `age` from source have Int type + changing name
    var name2: String,
    var surname: String,
    val default: String = "default", // used to check default overriding
    var default2: Int = 3,  // default will be used
    var dto: DstDto2, // subclass 
    val array: List<Int> = listOf(3, 2, 1), // collecting mapping both with type conversion String -> Int
    val wrapper: DstWrapper = DstWrapper(10), // wrapper for src type
    val wrapper2: Int = 10, // unwrapper for src type
    var enum: DstEnum = DstEnum.A // enum case

enum class DstEnum {
    A, B, C

data class DstDto2(
    val source: String,
    val source2: String = "dst"

interface Src2ToDst2Converter: Converter<SrcDto2, DstDto2>

@MapperConverter(dynamicFields = ["name2", "surname", "default"])
interface SrcToDstConverter: Converter<SrcDto, DstDto>

fun SrcDto.toDst(): DstDto = SrcToDstConverterImpl.convert(this) {
    DstDto::name2 from SrcDto::name
    DstDto::surname from { this@toDst.surname + "333555" }
    DstDto::default from { "override default" }

@MapperSetter(ignoreFields = ["name2"])
interface SrcToDstSetter: Setter<SrcSourceDto, DstDto>

fun DstDto.setFrom(from: SrcSourceDto): DstDto = SrcToDstSetterImpl.setFrom(from, this)


Kotlin object mapper based on code generation






