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algorithm and data structure


Complexity Example
O(1) Fetching the first element from a set of data
O(lg n) Splitting a set of data in half, then splitting the halves in half, etc.
O(n) Traversing a set of data
O(n lg n) Splitting a set of data in half repeatedly and traversing each half
O(n²) Traversing a set of data once for each member of another set of equal size
O(2^n) Generating all possible subsets of a set of data
O(n!) Generating all possible permutations of a set of data

Sample :

n = 1 n = 16 n = 256 n = 4K n = 64K n = 1M
O(1) 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00 1.000E+00
O(lg n) 0.000E+00 4.000E+00 8.000E+00 1.200E+01 1.600E+01 2.000E+01
O(n) 1.000E+00 1.600E+01 2.560E+02 4.096E+03 6.554E+04 1.049E+06
O(n lg n) 0.000E+00 6.400E+01 2.048E+03 4.915E+04 1.049E+06 2.097E+07
O(n²) 1.000E+00 2.560E+02 6.554E+04 1.678E+07 4.295E+09 1.100E+12
O(2^n) 2.000E+00 6.554E+04 1.158E+77
O(n!) 1.000E+00 2.092E+13

Data Structures

.net framework Data structure

Internal Implement- ation Add/insert Add beyond capacity Queue/Push Dequeue/Pop/Peek Remove/ RemoveAt Item[index]/ElementAt(index) GetEnumerator Contains(value)/IndexOf/ContainsValue/Find
List Array O(1) to add, O(n) to insert O(n) - - O(n) O(1) O(1) O(n)
LinkedList Doubly linked list O(1), before/after given node O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1), before/after given node O(n) O(1) O(n)
Stack Array O(1) O(n) O(1) O(1) - - O(1) O(n)
Queue Array O(1) O(n) O(1) O(1) - - O(1) O(n)
Dictionary Hashtable with links to another array index for collision O(1), O(n) if collision O(n) - - O(1), O(n) if collision O(1), O(n) if collision O(1) O(n)
HashSet Hashtable with links to another array index for collision O(1), O(n) if collision O(n) - - O(1), O(n) if collision O(1), O(n) if collision O(1) -
SortedDictionary Red-black tree O(log n) O(log n) - - O(log n) O(log n) O(log n) O(n)
SortedList Array O(n), O(log n) if added to end of list O(n) - - O(n) O(log n) O(1) O(n)
SortedSet Red-black tree O(log n) O(log n) - - O(log n) O(log n) O(log n) -


  • Union Find : ◻️


  • Deque ◻️
  • RandomizedQueue ◻️


DFS Console visualizer


algorithm and data structure in C#







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